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The Blue Moon Tribe
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Chief of the Blue Moon Tribe
Percival Willow
Percival Willow
The Blue Moon Tribe H7Jvhsh
The Blue Moon Tribe TSK5Tf7

Character sheet
Age: 33 y/o
Race: Druid
Occupation: Blue Moon Chief

The Blue Moon Tribe
The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety
Allegiance Avalon
Residence Traveling across Avalon

The Blue Moon tribe, named after the rare event of a thirteenth full moon, is a tribe that consists mostly of druids living life within animal forms. Most of them shapeshift into leopards or panthers: predators that thrive in the rainforest. Beside these types of druids, lycanthrope from all over the realm that have fled from society are accepted into this pack, that is, if they pledge to protect Avalon and its ruins. Another must is that they're banished from the tribe's territory each full moon, to prevent accidents from happening. The Blue Moon tribe lives sheltered away from the other tribes, traveling through all of Avalon. The only forms of contact they have with the other tribes is switching the guards within Falerien and the occasional emergency meetings between Chiefs.

When creating your character you do not need OOC permission to join the tribe, unless you want to play a specific rank. To have your name added within the list send a DM to Quinty, preferably on discord.
Chief Percival Willow
Right Hand HERE
Priest/Priestess HERE
Scout HERE
Scout HERE
Elder HERE
Member HERE
Member HERE
Member HERE
Member HERE
The Blue Moon Tribe is the only tribe in Avalon who has no place to stay. They travel across Avalon to protect it and its ruins. This means that they make camp at the end of the day and leave that camp at sunrise. The camp is made out of tents made from vegetation from the jungle. The tribe members always have the choice to sleep within their shapeshifted form, if they are strong enough to do so.


Because the Blue Moon Tribe travels around, they sleep in tents. These are made from vines, wood, leaves and other organic material found at the place they are staying at that moment.


The Blue Moon Tribe has no real border, as they do not have a place to stay. They have however people circling around the tribe at any given moment, so that the tribe is protected. This is their border.



Each member of the tribe gets a small sigil when they either are born within the tribe, or want to join at a later age. This sigil is especially important for the Lycantropes who join, as it is the symbol that represent their willingness to protect Avalon. The sigil represents a waxing moon and has to be hidden under clothes.


The Blue Moon Tribes has a bit more ranks than the other tribes, this is because of them living together with the Lycantropes. The ranks are granted by the chief and have nothing to do with family names or status. If a person is suited for a rank, they can get it. These are the ranks within the tribe:

CHIEF: The Chief leads the tribe and is the point of contact for each member seeking advice or instructions. Chiefdom within the tribe is not inheritable and does not run within a certain line of rulers. The chief will be inherited by the right hand, but instead will be chosen by the Elders.

RIGHT HAND: The right hand is the second in command. Whenever the Chief is absent or when they need a second opinion on an important decision, the right hand stands right by their side. Someone can be right hand for all their life, but if the Elders think the right hand suited as a chief, they can inherit that rank.

PRIEST: Unlike the other kingdoms, Avalon does not have a High Priest anymore. The Blue Moon Priest or Priestess is the rank to fulfill this role for the tribe only. They host weddings, rituals and sometimes claim to receive prophecies from Adelia.

SCOUTS: Scouts are an important aspect of the Blue Moon Tribe. They are the members with the strongest gift for shapeshifting. They circle around the tribe when they travel and they find back the Lycantropes after the full moon and bring them back to the Tribe.

ELDER: The Elders are the voice of reason within the tribe. These are the oldest members of the tribe and the ones with the most wisdom. The chief speaks with them about what the tribe does on a regular base and they also chose the new Chief when the old one is incapacitated.

MEMBERS: The members are the biggest group within the tribe. They are the hunters, the fisherman and the gatherers. Most of the time the members get a task at the start of the day, unless they are specialized in something. Within this group are also the Lycantropes, they function the same as the other members, but will get banished the day of the full moon, and will be found back by the scouts the day after the full moon. Fighting the Lycantropes is forbidden and punishable with exile.

Hunting, gathering & cultivation

The druids of the Blue Moon Tribe are good at taking care of themselves. They hunt in small groups, either in their animal forms or their druidic forms. Everything that has been hunted or caught while fishing is treated with respect and thanked for to Adelia. The tribe will also gather herbs, berries and other eatable things while on the road.


Marriage is not as important within the tribe as in the other tribes. This is because the Blue Moon Tribe also accepts druids from outside the tribe within their ranks, so there is less chance of marriage within the same family. It is even possible to arrange a marriage between druids and Lycantropes, however note that humans born within the tribe will be asked to leave as the tribe is primarily druids.


Everyone is allowed to marry whoever they want within the tribe. However, there are some arrangements before marriage that have to take place first. These arrangements are determined by who are getting married. If it's a druid couple, they will get the New and Full Moon Arrangements, while if a Lycantrope wants to get married, they get the Waning and Waxing Moon Arrangements. Druids will light a fire on the night of a New Moon, and they have to keep the fire till they can get married in the light of the Full Moon, as at that point their love will be fully illuminated. Lycantropes couples do the same in the Waning Moon, and keep the fire burning untill the next Waxing Moon, so they don't have to face the Full Moon alone.


Wedding ceremonies are held in the moonlight, either the Full Moon for a druid couple or the Waxing Moon for a Lycantrope couple. The couples will bath in the moonlight in private, before going back to the camp, where they will be presented with a flower crown for the bride and a floral armband for the groom. The couple will present the fire that they had lit on either the New Moon or the Waning Moon, before the Elders will bless the now married couple in the name of Adelia. Even though there is no ceremonial attire necessary some couples chose to make their own attire for this special moment, they will be clad in this after their bath in the moonlight.

  • As the old Chief fell ill and eventually died, Percival Willow has been chosen by the Elder to be the new Chief of the Blue Moon Tribe.
  • As of now, the Blue Moon Tribe has a neutral relationship towards the other two tribes.

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