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A man's playground
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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
A man's playground X
A man's playground Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He had found someone peculiar for his son. Although he didn't like her history and all that, he would give her a chance to make a deal with him. If she wanted to marry his son, then he would have to set some terms first. She was a widow first, which already gave her a back stand by default. She had no grand name or fortune to call her own and brought little to the table. If anything he could just cast her aside, call her crazy. Because actually thinking of marrying someone so lacking off to a Winter would be unbecoming. But there was one thing that could be of interest to him. A woman that had little to lose could always be moulded into something you wanted. He just wanted to see how far he could push her to arrange this. See what kind of person this was. From what he had gathered, not a good one. But if this little conversation could amuse him, then that would be a win.

So he had invited her in one of the estates he owned. Not the palace, of course, as he didn't need word that a random woman had come. Before he knew it there would be talk all over how he had invited some sort of filth into their home. He sighed at the thought since he actually didn't have the time to even arrange this at all. With the new baron and the whole contract being terminated, he just simply wasn't in a good mood. A promise had been broken and that hadn't landed easily on him. Not that he had lost anything, no, but it was something he had looked forward to. Now he was back at square one with only a bunch of children to do his work for him. What kind of world was this becoming? Laughable.

He let the coin roll between his fingers as a thoughtful frown appeared on his face. Leaning back in the leather chair behind his desk that was filled with paperwork. A small arrangements of freshly picked flowers decorated the sides of his workspace. A single glass of red wine was neatly placed next to his work. It was notable how everything was so nicely stacked and arranged, as if no work had been done yet. But Matthew was the type of man who always made sure that things were clean. He hated filth and chaos. It disgusted him.  
Sun Nov 27, 2022 7:06 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Morgan Montague
Morgan Montague
niet sans
A man's playground OqB89Df
A man's playground WeWTwWl

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Noblewoman

Darlin' darlin'
doesn't have a problem lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf
Morgan wasn't nervous. Not at all, actually. She would ace this-little interview that Matthew had set up for her. And even if she did fail it. She was sure that she would be able to charm the man enough for him to still agree. Convincing men to do whatever she wanted was something that she had become an expert in over the years, after all. She was a little annoyed, however, that he hadn't invited her to the winter palace. But to some house he owned. It was still grand to be sure, much more so than the mansion she was mistress off. But it still felt second best. And Morgan only wanted whatever was frist-rate. Morgan had decided on an ensemble that she actually usually wouldn't wear. The woman to show off when it came to her appearance, wearing clothing with much detail. Lots of jewels adorning her exposed skin. And hair done in intricate styles. However, she thought it's best to tone it down for now. She didn't want to give Matthew the wrong impression. Morgan tried to find a middle ground between the two extremes. Something, that in her opinion, she managed to achieve quite well.

The journey hadn't that long, though it felt like ages passed. But finally she was here. Being led to Matthew winter's office by a servant. Morgan observed her surroundings, The place looked very expensive, but also-museum like. It was a theme that continued when she entered his study. The room was so strictly decorated it look liked an art piece. And his desk, so well organized. So rigid and formal. How very boring. "My lord Winter." She spoke, with a clear voice and a smile plastered on her face. The woman grabbed her hem of her dress when she dropped to a curtsy. She went lower than she perhaps should, but if she did, Morgan had done so deliberately. When she rose, she walked towards the desk the man was sitting behind. And placed on it three small packages. Each containing a small gift for the family. They weren't anything too expensive. She wasn't trying to bride the man. They were just thoughtful little tokens. Well-all expect for one, "For you and your children." Her gaze went to the middle one. The one destined for Maybel. She had heard that she was his favorite child. It was a fact she definitely tried to exploit. "The gift I got for your daughter has to be my favorite though. A little above my budget. But it's so remarkable, that it almost seemed tailor made for her." It wasn't even a lie. The middle box had a necklace in it that had been quite expensive. More than the other gifts. But it was striking. So it had all the features that would appeal to the young woman. And if it appealed to her, it would surely do the same to her father. 

Morgan took a step back. And straightened her posture a little when she did so. Meeting the gaze of the older man before her. "Now let's get down to business, shall we?"


Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:36 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
A man's playground X
A man's playground Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
The sound of footsteps caught his attention. It made him look up from his fidgeting as he slowly put down the coin that he had in his hand. It didn't take long for the doors to be opened and the woman in question appeared before him. Dressed in a color that Matthew best could describe as a washed out sad yellow, an awful attempt at imitating a golden hue. He looked over her attire for a moment as he tilted his head, remaining silent when she greeted him. As his hazel eyes went over her face and the rest of her body, almost as if observing a sort of product. In reality, that was the truth. Women were often sold off like wares in this society. He had heard that she had been no different. And even though he was raised with the same mentality, his own experience had changed that view on the matter a bit. His Cecilia was his due to love, not due to power, wealth, standing or anything else. To be wed off to someone was just part of the job. He was one of the lucky ones who actually managed to break free from it.

She presented him with three gifts for him and his children. The man averted his eyes as to look at the little boxes for a moment, listening to her words as he observed them. It wasn't a secret that Maybel was his favorite, so it never surprised him when people tried to get on his good side by pleasing her. He was a hard man to please anyway, since there was nothing in this world that he really wanted. He already had everything he had ever wished for... The one thing he desired was literally impossible to get. Well, for now, at least. He nodded when she was finished, looking back up at her. "How generous of you," He noted with a smile as he leaned back a bit in his chair. The fact that she clearly stated the budget and all that sounded amusing to him. It already unraveled a bit of what she actually wanted her to him and well... He couldn't blame her. There had been many before her who had tried and he was sure that many more would come after her with the same idea. Funny, really, how they all thought to be different yet oh so the same.

She wanted to get to business and for a moment the man held the silence. As he looked at her he reached his hand out, grabbing the glass of wine and moving it around a bit. It didn't take long before he actually took a sip of his beverage. "Please take a seat first, dear, and relax. We're here to speak about a joyous occasion, are we not?" He said with a smile on his face. As he waited for her to actually sit down, he looked up to one of his butlers who remained stationed at the door. The man noted that his master was looking at him and stepped forward. "May I offer you something to drink?" He said as he gestured at the butler. "Some tea? Or maybe wine? Or perhaps something stronger?" The selection of drinks was wide as Matthew spared no expense on the matter. Especially his wine collection. "Although I do recommend the red wine," He raised his glass somewhat, putting on a smile as he did.
Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:58 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Morgan Montague
Morgan Montague
niet sans
A man's playground OqB89Df
A man's playground WeWTwWl

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Noblewoman

Darlin' darlin'
doesn't have a problem lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf
Perhaps it was a little foolish for her to talk about money so quickly. But then again, she didn't really want to put on an act where in she would pretend not to care about such things. But was only interested in the match. Because she had such good things about Luca. No, because honestly, that pretence would be insulting. For they both knew why there were here. This wasn't about love, no, this was about much more practical reasons. So it was best to not spin the situation into something it wasn't. And to just cut to the chase, albeit in a subtle, delicate, manner. 

He did seem to be pleased by the gifts, though she came to find that Matthew Winter was impossible to read. He may wear a mask with the corners of its mouth turned up. But if the thoughts dwelling into the back of his minds were equally positive-she simply couldn't tell. But in a way, that did lure her to him. In a way she couldn't describe. The man just had such a mystery to him. She would try to decipher him. But that would be too much work. She wasn't that committed to the idea; at least not for the long term. But maybe, when she was married to Luca. She would play around a little, see what makes him tick and what doesn't. Though in the end; she supposed it wouldn't even matter. The man wouldn't have long for this world anyway if he would seal the deal. Morgan didn't intend to wait on the inheritance he would leave behind for long.

The lord didn't seem too keen to "get down to business" At least not at first. Funny, really, Matthew Winter was renowned for the many companies he owned. And the ventures he took with them. But now, when there was a prime opportunity before him. He didn't rush into it. Perhaps he was stalling? Or maybe it was just a sign of dominance. Wanting to make clear that he in fact was the one that led this conversation; not her. Either way, Morgan just stood there silently, waiting for him to speak again. Having an amused demeanor all the while. The man suddenly reached for his glass, playing with it a short while before tasting the wine inside of it. He spoke afterwards; offering her a seat. When the words "joyous occasion" left his mouth. Morgans smile grew wider, and she nodded. Very joyous indeed.

After the woman had decided on a chair. Lord Winter went on. Speaking about drinks. Recommending the red wine, in particular. It made Morgan want to make a joke. Something along the lines of, "Oh no, it seems too early in the day for such a strong drink." But the fact of the matter was; that wasn't at all the case. At least not for Morgan. She was quite used to drinking alcohol at all times of the day. "Well if you recommend it my lord." She began "Then I'll take the red wine." The woman spoke with a smile. Noting the irony, in her head, that Matthew had chosen that specific drink. Not white wine, but red. Red, like most things in his office, seemed to be. It made Morgan rethink her ensemble. Perhaps she should've gone for a red dress. Instead of the one with the more muted colors, she wore now. Hmm, she'd put a pin in that for now.


Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:59 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
A man's playground X
A man's playground Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He kept that charming smile on his lips as he looked at her, observing her. Taking small notes of her every action and word she spoke. It's not that he cared that much about her. If he was completely honest, she didn't interest him. She wasn't his taste. Not good enough to put it bluntly. He had chosen the better option with Victoria really. But the other did have some maturity with her that he could see some beauty in. It could mix well.... Or not. He wouldn't be pleased if it didn't, as he simply wouldn't have it. Like, imagine having ugly grandchildren. No... That was just a big no from him. Over his dead body.

She took the offer, red wine to be specific. The butler nodded and left the room. Matthew looked at the door for a moment before averting his hazel gaze back to the woman, smiling brightly at her as he leaned back in his chair. As he placed the glass back down on the desk he mulled over what would be the best starting point of this conversation. All points would lead him to what he eventually wanted. It was just a matter of what he wanted to bring up first... or how far he wanted to push her before he finally dropped it on her. "I heard you have a daughter," He tilted his head, leaning somewhat against his arm, his smile widening and softening up somewhat. "What's her name? If you don't mind me asking of course..." He said as he looked at her, his voice smooth and soft as he spoke. Children. They really were something peculiar. But if you really found that parental spark it was just.. impossible to get rid of it. For him, Maybel had found that spark. He would do anything for her.

The butler walked back in the room, a single glass of red wine was presented to his guest. Matthew smiled at his servant, nodding politely as he offered her the drink. "This wine is a product of my own winery in Dawnmire," He said as he picked up his glass, raising it somewhat as he spoke. "Please enjoy," He noted, looking at his own glass before taking another sip. The wine was somewhat dry but had some finer flavors as well. It wasn't particularly strong, but it had character to it. And that was what he liked so much about the beverage.
Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:47 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Morgan Montague
Morgan Montague
niet sans
A man's playground OqB89Df
A man's playground WeWTwWl

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Noblewoman

Darlin' darlin'
doesn't have a problem lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf
He was a very charming man to be sure, and so confident in everything he did. Were is brothers like that too? Was his son? She would find out soon enough. When she agreed to the red wine, Matthew signaled to a butler standing by the door. And soon enough the man went out of the room to fetch a bottle. Morgan watched for a moment, observing the servant leaving the room. In quite a haste, it seemed like he didn't like to keep his master waiting. When Morgan turned her gaze back to Matthew. He smiled at her, very vividly. And she just returned it. Though she didn't shine as brightly as he did. That seemed to be impossible, his smile like was the sun. But what else did you expect from probably decades of training. He brought up the subject of her daughter, inquiring about her name. Even softening his voice just a tad when he did. Morgan simply nodded before she spoke. "Indeed I do." She said, trying her best to sound proud. Though in reality, her daughter brought her little pride; or joy for that matter. The raven haired woman simply saw her as a tool. As were all children, in her opinion. "Her name is Lauren, just turned one year old just a few weeks ago." She began calmly. As, she had already mapped out what to follow that sentence up with. "A true milestone for any child, I'm sure you can agree, though really; there was no question of her not reaching it, she is very healthy after all. Not to mention pretty, with her jet black hair and her clear blue eyes. Though, I suppose all parents say that about their children, no?" She laughed, in an attempt to keep the atmosphere light. But the meaning of her words were very clear. And carefully chosen. She didn't say those things about her child because she thought Matthew was really interested in them. This wasn't even really about Lauren. It was more about Morgan, and her ability to produce healthy, and fine looking children. "I can show her to you one day if you like?" For if her word wasn't enough.

Then the retainer Matthew held came back into the room. With a tray, and on it stood a glass with the aforementioned red wine. She could hear the much older man speak about the beverage. Apparently it came from some winery he owned in Dawnmire. Very interesting, the wine industry was a lucrative business-that Morgan knew all too well. "Please enjoy," And so she did. Though it was dry as fuck. And the flavors, it had, were so refined that Morgan could barely taste them. Still; it was free alcohol. So she would drink it. "It's delicious, my lord, you truly have impeccable taste."


Thu Dec 01, 2022 11:20 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
A man's playground X
A man's playground Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
Matthew had already carefully planned out how this conversation would go. In a way a test, he wanted the woman to just relax so he could get the most purest response possible when he eventually got to his point. And even when he did, it wouldn't even be the main focus of this meeting. If anything, he didn't care for the outcome of this conversation. It would simply display to him what he could do with her and what he could expect of her.... Or even what he could ask of her in the future. Funnily enough he had heard plenty of her before from some... of his friends. It was the whole reason why he had actually decided to give it a chance. After all, if all went south he still knew how to treat the problem. Not by treating the symptoms, but by grabbing the issue by its core.

She started to talk about her daughter, something he was honestly not so interested in, but it did lead him fluently into the next part of their conversation. The girls name was Lauren and she was just one year old. Good. She eventually went on and on as to praise her own offspring. Healthy, pretty and all that. He simply smiled at her and nodded when she went on, taking a sip of his wine as to pretend he was actually listening to her. Man, she could ramble on. "A parent's love is boundless after all," He said with a slight nod. And despite her whole rambling, it did bring up something peculiar. This woman did manage to produce a healthy child. A girl, though, which wasn't so desired in this world, but maybe she could manage to do better with Luca. A grandson would be the best thing after all. To set on the family's name and all that. Although, the WInters would always give their name to their children regardless of parents. The name carried weight to it after all. It was the most powerful weapon one could have in Ashmoor and many knew it.

She asked another question, offering to show the little girl to him. He chuckled for a moment, a warm gesture as he tilted his head. "Oh that sound lovely. She sounds like a delightful child, but sadly I am very busy... With my own upcoming wedding and all that..." He took a deep breath as he shook his head somewhat. "Thank you, though, I appreciate the gesture. Perhaps when things settle down," He nodded slowly. He was rarely even in Alderrath as of late. And with the whole situation with the baron of Glimmerhollow... It only brought more work to him. He really wasn't looking forward to travelling to Odiria once more, all because of that stupid boy. Troublesome brat. He quickly shook that thought, however, as those plans for the future. His frustration and hate regarding the man could be fuelled into something else, so he shoved it back into the corners of his mind. Today was a day for more joyful talk and thoughts after all.

"I'll be straight forward, my dear," He said with a bright smile. "I'm truly looking forward to having grandchildren," He said, actually shining when he spoke of it. "I've always been kind of a family man, you see, and I think it would be lovely to have grandchildren," Well, it's not that he cared. But his brothers did. To have offspring, put the bloodline on and all that. He didn't want to put that task on Maybel. She had to live her best life and if she didn't want to have children, then so be it. Although, he would melt away at the thought of his girl actually becoming a mother. For some reason he did look forward to seeing her go into that stage of her life. He so hoped that he could see it all and be by her side for it all. To protect and shelter her and give her the best life possible. It was all he wanted. "But... I think Luca... He is..." He took a deep breath, letting out a sigh before he went on. "I have a feeling he is not too keen on the idea," He said, clearly somewhat disappointed. "So I do have to apologize on his behalf, since that all... Might be an issue," It was clear that Matthew was a bit displeased by it... And as he let the words sink in for a moment, he slowly put a small smile back on his lips. "I hope that you could persuade him and change his mind," He averted his eyes, looking at his glass for a moment. "It's a lot to ask of now, but I rather be honest then let this be a problem for the future," He was being honest, his intentions, however, were not. Not that she had to know that.
Tue Dec 06, 2022 11:29 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Morgan Montague
Morgan Montague
niet sans
A man's playground OqB89Df
A man's playground WeWTwWl

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Noblewoman

Darlin' darlin'
doesn't have a problem lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf
Morgan listened quietly to whatever the man had to say, Not daring to interrupt him. But also because she lost in deep thought herself. The problem, Matthew Winter presented her with, could potentially be bigger than he's leading on. It all depended on how stubborn the boy was. "Of course, I shall try to persuade him." She said after she forced a little more of his gross, disgusting wine through her throat. She thought about her next words for a second. And about Matthew. Mostly about how contradicting his words were, just a moment ago he spoke about the endless love a parent had for their child. And now, well; if she didn't know better, he would force his son in a marriage against his will. It made her think of her own father a little bit, always talking about the gods had blessed him with such offspring just to abuse them whenever he could. Not that Morgan was much different in that regard, she supposed. Her daughter was too young to do anything with. But she'd grow, and when she did. Morgan would almost certainly force certain things upon her too. The apple doesn't far that far from the tree after all. "But I would like to have the guarantee that the wedding will go through, no matter the outcome." She wasn't going to waste her time on something just to be sent away when it didn't yield the results Matthew Winter was looking for. The show must go on. No matter what. "He might not like it at first. But I'm sure, that when we will be married for a while. He will come around, especially when we will start to have children." Something she was actually looking forward too, not because she wanted to give the Winter family more decadents necessarily. But because they were such good bargaining tools. She could use against him if he still hadn't yielded to her by then. But those techniques were a little lower down on the list. A last resort, really; if everything else failed.


Mon Dec 12, 2022 4:27 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
A man's playground Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
A man's playground Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Shit, she was late. But it was not like that was new for her. But she had promised her father that she would be there, and she had promised Luca that she would help pick out a proper girl for him. So when the opportunity arose that she could literally meet the girl to inquire if she was a good match for her brother, she had to. Maybel fiddled her pocket watch back inside a small purse she carried and walked up the stairs to the door of one of her father's estates.

Maybel threw of the small cape and handed her bags to the doorman. She walked past a mirror and quickly fixed her hair. She had it done up half, with long blonde curls draping down her back. Well, at least she looked presentable. She always did, of course. The purple of her dress was fitted for an aristocrat like her. And it would surely please her father, wouldn't it? Anyway, it was just about confidence. And Maybel radiated it.

‘‘My apologies, I forgot the time,’’ she said a bit theatrical as she entered the room. Immediately her eyes were drown towards the woman when she picked up the latter of their conversation. She had expected some pristine little girl, just of age, as Luca was. But her mouth fell slightly open as she knew the woman sitting across from her father. ‘‘Miss Montague,’’ she greeted her with an pleased smile on her lips. ‘‘How nice to see you again.’’ Her eyes went back to her father and as she passed Morgan and her back was turned towards her, she raised her eyebrows amused to her father. Morgan was fun. And bold. She liked the raw emancipation she radiated. The woman made quite an impression on her.

Maybel went behind his desk to greet her father with a small peck on his cheek. ‘‘Good afternoon, father,’’ she said happily. Maybel turned back around to Miss Montague and daintily took place on the armrest of his chair. ‘‘What might he not like?’’ she then asked cheekily, remembering the last words of the conservation when she had barged in. That "he" she supposed was Luca and what he did not like, she assumed was marrying this girl. But well, girl. Morgan Montague was a woman, already widowed. Maybe a bit old for him? Maybel tilted her head to the side a bit and for a moment tried to place herself in Luca's shoes. What would he think of her? For sure he would like a strong-minded woman. He had told her he did not want "just some pretty face their father picked out". Well, at least Morgan was definitely more than that.

Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:57 pm
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