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ik wil je handen als een ketting om me nek dragen
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Ashmoor Citizen
Morgan Montague
Morgan Montague
niet sans
ik wil je handen als een ketting om me nek dragen OqB89Df
ik wil je handen als een ketting om me nek dragen WeWTwWl

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Noblewoman

Darlin' darlin'
doesn't have a problem lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf
Morgan needed someone to guide her, it was something she craved since childhood. But her father never was that person for her. And she still felt the effects of it. Especially in her choice of lovers. The women tended to go for older men. Perhaps that's why she favored Alphard so much. Since he was exactly what Morgan was looking for. He had self-control, when she didn't. He was calm when she would fly into a rage. He had steady hands (hele knappe handjes xoxo) So Morgan always looked forward to her meetings with Alphard. Her little gangster. No- little wasn't right. He certainly wasn't that-at least not where it mattered, anyway. Though she really didn't want him to use his sword on her this time. Or for him to get rid of someone for her today. With two of the three main reasons she often called on him squared away; there was really only one thing she could ever need. Money, and lots of it. Since she had gambled away almost the last bit she had.

However, knowing Alphard, he wouldn't just straight up give her the cash without her doing something for him in return. And Morgan wasn't really in the mood to help him in one of his many business enterprises. Since they almost always required her to get down and dirty. Though she would if she had too; she really had no choice. She needed the funds to fiancé her lavish lifestyle, one way or another; otherwise she'll go mad. It was dark out. The woman could barely see the vast grounds of her estate when she looked out the window. But she always met up with her partner in crime in dark hours. She didn't want anyone to see them together. But she did see him; making his way through the darkness, blending in so seamlessly. Morgan narrowed her eyes before she moved her body away from the window. She gestured to a by standing maid. "Wake up Lauren and bring her to me." 

With the small child in her arms, Morgan made her way down the stairs. And to the back entryway of the house, one that the servants used. It was much more inconspicuous. When the man came into the house, all on his own. Like he owned the place, though perhaps in a way he did. Morgan greeted him with a smile. "My dear." She said, her voice like honey. Sweet and dripping. "How nice of you to visit." The woman walked over to him. Holding her daughter close. "I thought you'd like to see little Laurie." She mused as she turned her attention away from the man to look at the young girl. "She is yours after all." Well, maybe she was, it was hard to tell. Even for Morgan. It could certainly be possible. But then again, her father could also have been one of the many other loves she had at the time. The fact that the child looked almost identical to her mother also didn't really help. However, that didn't deter Morgan from using the "you're the father card." anyway. She hoped she could soften his heart just enough with it, for him to give her some coins without her having to do anything to earn them. 

Sun Nov 27, 2022 6:37 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alphard Ambrose
Alphard Ambrose
ik wil je handen als een ketting om me nek dragen 21eabcf0f03e6e685c0eacbb129fb8f6db80ef1a
ik wil je handen als een ketting om me nek dragen 3e74098e3620c6a403320625b70356bb936aa7ac

Character sheet
Age: 42 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: een boefje

he wiped the blood from his face

as he slowly came to his knees

I'll be back when you least expect it and hell's coming with me. There is a hill at the bottom of the valley where all the poor souls go when they die and if you listen real close you can hear em' like a ghost, saying you're never gonna make it out alive.
Some days Alphard truely questioned his own sanity. When he walked up to the house he knew that today would be one of those days. The collar of his blouse was speckled with blood, but the dark of the night hid that pretty well for him. Not that the woman cared about any of that, she just saw him as a bag of money that she could use whenever she wanted. He had worked hard for the money and the buiness he owned and he wouldn't let a woman like Morgan ruin it all for him because she felt like all the money was hers to spend.

He had his hands in his pockets and waited outside as the front door opened, revealing the woman he had agreed to meet up with and a child on her arm. "I thought you'd like to see little Laurie." His lip pulled up slightly in disgust at her words and redirected his attention to the maid that had opened the door. If he squinted and maybe crossed his eyes as well she was alright looking. "She is yours after all." Alphard was a proud man, always had been and always would be and so the idea of him having a bastard with Morgan Montague. "I don't care who's it is. You're not getting any money." He replied with a cigarette between his lips, using a match to light it.
Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:52 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Morgan Montague
Morgan Montague
niet sans
ik wil je handen als een ketting om me nek dragen OqB89Df
ik wil je handen als een ketting om me nek dragen WeWTwWl

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Noblewoman

Darlin' darlin'
doesn't have a problem lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf
How dare he, how dare he refuse her to lend the money she so desperately needed. And to do it in such a manner; so indifferent. It made her blood boil. It made her want to throw him out her house like the lowly dog he was. But by some miracle she was able to keep her composure, mostly because of the infant in her arms. If it had been anything else; she would have surely thrown it his way. Morgan sighed a clearly annoyed, breaking character for just a moment. While her brain worked overtime, thinking of ways she could change his mind. After a few seconds, a smile appeared on her face again, yet her gaze was locked in on him. Like he was nothing more but prey to her. Morgan walked over to the nearest servant, and handed her daughter off. Giving instructions that the child should be taken back to bed at once. After which, she slowly made her way over to Alphard, who by now had a cloud of smoke hanging around him. "Oh come on, dearest, don't say that now." She mused while she closed the distance between them even more. Until they were only barely separated from each other. Morgan moved her hands over his chest, guiding them all the way up to his shoulders. Only to gently grab a hold of them. "You know I'll do anything you want for it." Whispered softly while she fluttered her eyes up at him.  

Fri Jan 27, 2023 10:22 pm
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