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Snoep of je leven
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Ashmoor Citizen
Morgan Montague
Morgan Montague
niet sans
Snoep of je leven OqB89Df
Snoep of je leven WeWTwWl

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Noblewoman

Darlin' darlin'
doesn't have a problem lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf
Morgan was hanging over the body of her lover. The baron Fredrick Eckhart. He had been in town for some time now. To affirm his families loyalties to the Edward Winter. "You should proclaim your loyalty to me, not the duke." She laughed. Somewhat intoxicated. Though she did mean her words. She had been trying to persuade the lord into entering a marriage agreement with her for some time now. But he always refused. (And is very smart for doing so.) It infuriated her. Wasn't she good enough for him? She had come from a well-bred family. Owned a large mansion. And even proved her fertility by having a child so early in her life. Not to mention her other qualities. Her beauty, grace, and intelligence were surely better than another lady he could ever find. Morgan had her hand tangled in his hair. Pulling it ever so slightly. But not hard enough to cause pain. With her other hand, she reached for a nearby table. On it were all types of curious items. Her hand hovering over each one before she finally settled on a small container. It almost looked like a jewel box. And perhaps that wasn't an entirely wrong comparison to make. Because it did contain something that at least Morgan considered to be of the same value. She moved it closer, making sure that Fredrick got a good look at it. Though it wasn't so much the box itself that she wanted to see. But more what she was going to fish out of it. 

It was filled to the brim with, things that looked like sugar cubes. And, an untrained eye could easily mistake it for some. But Morgan knew better. They were drugs, hardcore drugs. "Wanna get really fucked up?" She asked him. Though, before he could answer, she popped one of the things in her mouth. It took effect almost immediately. She stood up. Though with great difficulty. The room seemed to spin around her. Not only that, it became unrecognizable. It felt as if she wasn't in her home anymore. But in an entirely different world. But despite it all; her lover remained clear. Like he wasn't at all effected. "If your not gonna marry me. I'll move on to someone else."  She said. Slurring a little. As she tried to keep her balance. "Though we can still keep seeing one another if you like." She was smiling now. Although it probably looked like a devious grin than anything else.

Sun Nov 27, 2022 12:44 am
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
Snoep of je leven EmesTWTfredHeader
Snoep of je leven EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
'Cause I got issues, but you got 'em too
Morgan had invited him. Most likely for dinner... or maybe for lunch? Perhaps it was breakfast? Frederick didn't remember. Not that it mattered, since she never actually served him any food in her lavish dining hall. No, Morgan liked to serve Frederick's dinner in the bedroom only. He never complained, and she was very good at entertaining the baron. Satisfying and satiating any need he had. Though he wouldn't be able to tell you how talented her cook was.
Frederick was lying down, eyes closed, enjoying the weight of his addiction, named Morgan Montague, on his chest. And she was truly an addiction to Frederick. He knew how bad she was for him. And he, too, to her. How bad they were for each other. Still, he couldn't end it with her. It didn't matter how many of his friends warned him. Or how many red flags he saw in it all. He had no control when it came to Morgan and his physical relationship with her. It was just so damn enjoyable.
"I feel like I exclaim my loyalty to you every time I'm with you in this room. Multiple times. Do I really need to proclaim it too?" He grinned with a cheeky smile as she held onto his hair. He let her, since it felt kind of nice. His one hand rested around her waist and back, holding her against him. While the other gently stroked the soft skin of her bare forearm. From her elbow to her wrist, up and down, softly and slowly. He opened his eyes and looked up when she reached for something. As she was distracted with all the peculiar things she had on the table, he saw his chance to playfully attack her exposed neck with his lips. Once she had moved the jewelry box closer, he took a good look at it. Morgan always had interesting and very naughty collections of things. Many of which he had gifted to her. He hadn't seen this box in particular before. Perhaps it contained some type of special jewelry or Odirian delicacies from the black market. Oh god, it wasn't some kind of engagement ring, right!?
No, thankfully, it was just good old-fashioned hard drugs. "Fucked up?! Morgan, that's enough to bring down a whole damn herd of bison. How on earth did you get your hands on this amount?" Before he could stop her she took one, making him fall back with a deep sigh. This woman...
When he looked up at her again, however, he had an amused smirk on his face. He rolled his eyes at her comment. Frederick had become tired of this conversation. She knew where he stood on the matter. As much as he cared for her, they were just too wrong for each other. Too many shared issues. And especially after his conversation with the Duchess... he wasn't even allowed to. He just couldn't. "I'm not planning on taking any." As he closed the lid on her drugbox, he said. "I'd rather not be fucked up if you want to have this conversation, again. I might say things I regret." A smile had crept on his face. Though he did feel a little stab of jealousy at the thought of her moving on with someone else. He grabbed his cane and got up as well, also with difficulty but not due to drugs. Frederick put his arm around the very intoxicated woman, so she could lean against him and his cane if she wanted. He may have been having difficulty walking lately, but he was still strong enough to support Morgan. In response to her last remark, he kissed her devious little smile. She didn't need to offer it twice. "And who is this someone else if I may ask?"
(C) Ross
Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:27 pm
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