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Princess you're shorter than I expected
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Ravaryn Citizen
Zain Altahar
Zain Altahar
Princess you're shorter than I expected KncEaiD
Princess you're shorter than I expected 8tYv4vD

Character sheet
Age: 25 Y.O.
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal Princess Guard
Umbra Mortis
— “Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant…”

A royal order, this had been what he had worked so hard for. Kneeling in front of his king, his head lowered, breathing heavily through the mask that obscured his face. This should be the happiest day of his life. A reward for everything he had done so far.

Then why wasn't he happy.

Protecting the Crown Princess, the heir to the kingdom he helped build and protect, he should be glad that he could do such an important task, that he who came from nothing, was trusted with everything.

But he had trained and bled for this country, had done everything to become a captain, to become a leader of the mightiest force this world would ever know. Had he done something to show that he would -not- want command? That he was better off as the assistent to some spoiled brat.

Thanking his mask a thousand times over he gritted his teeth together and moved himself to a standing position, laying his hand on his chest and nodding slow. "She will be protected your majesty." His voice was a few octaves lower than normal, his mask making him all the more imposing. Umbra Mortis he was dubbed, the shadow of death. And now, a teens handmaiden.

Leaving the throne room he stalked through the hallways of the castle, his dark leather cape billowing behind him in a menacing way and once again thanking his mask he grinned at the thought of the sight of him.

He looked cool.

But cool wasn't what got him through it all, cool maybe even got him into this position. Okay, he needed to rethink his image. Couldn't be known as Umbra Mortis the handbag carrier of her majesty. Nope. He needed to make a definite first impression on the princess, to make sure that she also understood who he was, what he could do.

What he might do if she made him wear her handbag.

Nodding to the guards positioned outside of her room he knocked on the grand door before stepping into the quarters of her royal majesty Arianna Ylindar, heir to the crown of Ravaryn and his personal slavedriver. As of today.

Making the same bowing gesture as to her father just moments before he introduced himself to her.

"Your majesty, Umbra Mortis, general Zain Altahar, I'm at your service from this day on. As per command of your father his majesty lord Ylindar."

His eyes scanned her though he kept his head low.
Thank the freaking gods for this awesome mask.
Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:10 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Princess you're shorter than I expected 9s9opHd
Princess you're shorter than I expected Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
Could he truly be gone? Many had given up on Regulus ever returning. In their minds, the Crown Prince was long lost and her current title as acting Crown Princess was as good as fully instated. She didn't even want to think about the implications of that, how her life would change if that was true, but of course she had. Arianna thought about everything. She remembered every book she had read, every picture she had seen. She remembered the look on the face of the single guard that returned from the hunting party. Or maybe he was returned to the Ylindars on purpose..

Her thougts were becoming increasingly darker by the minute. She clutched her hands on her balcony that overlooked the city until her knuckles had turned white. When that realisation came, she wiftly relaxed her hands. She wouldn't be herself if she didn't think about every single possibility, but it wasn't ever unpainful to think about. She missed her brother, incredibly much. She feared for him, more than anything, she feared for his life.

*One knock, then another*. She slowly turned around and from the other end of her royal quarters, she saw the door open. A man appeared, or she assumed it was a man, in full armour. Her feet started moving when the mysterious stranger knelt to the ground. Quietly, she observed what sounded like a man with her hazel eyes. He must be. He was tall, taller than most. And apparently he was here for her. He'd become her personal guard, on orders of her father. Yet he didn't even greet her properly. She wasn't a majesty, only the King was. She wasn't even Crown Princess, or well, she shouldn't be.

"I wasn't aware I needed another guard." She said, narrowing her eyes to try and see behind the mask. Which was utterly impssible. "Please do remove your mask, General." She then mentioned. That way, she could at least see her apparently needed guard. Perhaps her father thought her to be too unprotected. But the two guards that followed her around everywhere she went in the palace told her another story. Maybe this man would ensure her safety. He certainly looked the part.

Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:11 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Zain Altahar
Zain Altahar
Princess you're shorter than I expected KncEaiD
Princess you're shorter than I expected 8tYv4vD

Character sheet
Age: 25 Y.O.
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal Princess Guard
Umbra Mortis
— “Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant…”

Yes. he knew her, if just from a distance. When he trained and she lazily strolled around. A name to the pretty face. Nothing about him betrayed the soft smirk turning over his lips. The expression on his helmet never changing. How could it after all.

He slowly moved himself up, towering over her and heard her speak, the command clear no matter how soft she spoke. Ah, a true future queen then. But future, that was the part that made him keep silent for a moment longer, staring down at her.

She was not supposed to be in this situation, if things had been different, had been right, they both would not be here. Had she been living a simple, spoiled little life before? Before reality settled in and she was thrusted into her own destiny. Against her will?

Zain remembered his own youth, thinking so clearly that he had a set destiny. That his life, his path was laid out before him by the man he used to call father. Ah how wrong he had been back then. He was the only one that could take his destiny into his own hands. And he had done so. Betrayal and anger coursing through his body as he did so. But it had taken him here. It had led him to this path. To this future.

The future he chose for himself.

But he was a simple commoner after all. This princess had no such control of her own life. They deemed themselves better than the common man. Higher than anyone but in the end. Who was more trapped? Him or her.

He knew the answer.

"My command is to protect you, not befriend you."

He narrowed his eyes behind the mask of his helmet laying a hand on his gigantic sword taking a relaxed step back. "Removing my helmet would not benefit your protection."

He explained pointedly pulling up an eyebrow for no one to see.
Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:34 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Princess you're shorter than I expected 9s9opHd
Princess you're shorter than I expected Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
Apparently, her father had decided that a new personal guard was just what Arianna needed. As if she didn't have guards following her around every single minute of the day, stationed outside her quarters' doors or whichever room she chose to frequent. Another guard would only make her feel more trapped, she figured. Yet she wouldn't go against her father's orders on this, because she knew the reasoning behind his demands. He was afraid to lose another child.

So, the princess was stuck with a tall man who spoke from behind his mask. He didn't want to remove it, as he was here to 'protect her, not befriend her'. How could she possibly trust a man if she didn't even know his face? She wasn't used to being told 'no', of course not, but she wasn't known for making outrageous demands. "I don't recall asking a question." She said. Her words had been a demand, not an inquiry about why he wouldn't remove his mask. "Besides, how am I supposed to trust you'll protect me if I can't even see the truth on your face, ser?" She then asked. Now that was a question. See the difference? Perhaps she oughtn't be so hard on him, perhaps the stress of her missing brother was weighing her down, but that wasn't his concern.

Fri Jul 29, 2022 10:10 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Zain Altahar
Zain Altahar
Princess you're shorter than I expected KncEaiD
Princess you're shorter than I expected 8tYv4vD

Character sheet
Age: 25 Y.O.
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal Princess Guard
Zain Altahar
— “Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi's life. So you might say that we are encouraged to love.”

Oh this princess had bite. He smirked under his helmet watching her as she reinforced her command. Of course she would not have him speak up to her. Who of royalty would.

Slowly he removed the helmet, thick dark curls spilling over his shoulders in the semi mullet he had been harboring. Laying the helmet on his elbow he pulled a gloved hand through his hair blinking a few times before focussing back on the princess in front of him. "As you wish, my princess." His voice softer than he had to speak with behind the mask. The same semi smirk crept on his lips as he watched her a curious expression in his eyes. Waiting to hear why she so desperatly needed to see his face, he had to admit to himself that he was handsome, but that surely couldn't be her only reason.
Thu Aug 25, 2022 8:10 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Princess you're shorter than I expected 9s9opHd
Princess you're shorter than I expected Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
The last thing the Princess needed was a rogueish guard who thought his own judgement to be best above all else. It was exactly the kind of behaviour that got her irritated. How was she supposed to trust this man to save her life one day if she couldn't even see his face? It felt utterly ludicrous to her.

Thankfully, the General decided to listen to her demand. The helmet was removed and she got to see his face. And a handsome one at that. While her expression remained neutral, deep down she was surprised to see someone so young. Was he truly a General? Or had that just been him stretching the truth? He certainly seemed very confident in himself, the smirk on his face told her that much. "That's better." She finally said, still remaining her perfectly composed self. "I assume you've been in service of the Ylindar army for quite a while if you were named General?" She asked him as she briefly raised a brow. "Wouldn't you have rather stayed there instead of serving as a guard here?" She went on. She couldn't imagine a man like him being happy serving as a glorified guarddog.

Fri Sep 09, 2022 12:28 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Zain Altahar
Zain Altahar
Princess you're shorter than I expected KncEaiD
Princess you're shorter than I expected 8tYv4vD

Character sheet
Age: 25 Y.O.
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal Princess Guard
Zain Altahar
— “Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi's life. So you might say that we are encouraged to love.”

Princess Arianna, jewel of the royal family. Just as hard and unforgiving as an actual jewel it seemed. Yeah, he liked her attitude but let nothing show but his slightly cocky grin, letting his eyes roam over her just as she took her time taking him in. ”That and my skill speaks for itself princess. As is the reason I am stationed here, to watch over you.”

He chose his words with little extra thought, wanting to rile her up some more perhaps. He liked pushing till he couldn’t go any further. His charisma would make up for any loss of face later. So why not poke the bear to see what would come from it.

”i am blessed to be in the position to protect and serve you, I would not willingly choose another path.” He actually winked at that one before starting to place his helmet back on again. She had seen his face and all, no need to keep the helmet off for longer than needed, he was still on duty after all.
Mon Sep 12, 2022 11:01 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Princess you're shorter than I expected 9s9opHd
Princess you're shorter than I expected Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
His skill spoke for itself. By any means his words were merely a way to boost his own ego, nothing more. She had never heard of Zain Alathar before yet he found himself famed enough to protect her. Or perhaps he felt as if she was worthy of his protection. "I have not seen any of your skill, nor have I heard of it. It will speak for itself once I have, General." She said calmly. She would never judge a book by its cover, certainly not one that spread infamous tales about itself on that very cover.

When General Alathar spoke of it being an honour to serve her, as if he was assigned by the Gods themselves, it sounded a little hard to believe. Perhaps that was because of the wink he shot her. Thusfar, there had only been one guard bold enough to taunt her like that. She did not know if she needed another one making eyes with her. Especially not one that looked the way he did. "Not even a path with more glory? One where you'd win battles, wars?" She questioned eventually, deciding that not responding to his gesture was the best course of action. "Pardon me, General, I have not told you to put your helmet back on." She then said. "I wish to get to know you better, that can't be done with you hiding behind a mask." She continued. It would be as if she was talking to a stone wall, which wasn't something she preferred.

Tue Sep 13, 2022 12:36 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Zain Altahar
Zain Altahar
Princess you're shorter than I expected KncEaiD
Princess you're shorter than I expected 8tYv4vD

Character sheet
Age: 25 Y.O.
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal Princess Guard
Zain Altahar
— “Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi's life. So you might say that we are encouraged to love.”

Gods, he really needed to get out there more. If she had actually not heard of his skill in battle. It nearly bruised his heart but then again, the reason she probably hadn’t heard much was.. Octavian hmm. Was he really out to sabotage him? The thought nearly made him smile.


Instead he held his hand up to his chestplate and feigned shock. ”My princess, have they kept you locked up here in a dungeon of comforters and jewels? You surely need to go out more. To hear word around the barracks.”

He pulled up an eyebrow in silent invitation the smooth near smolder returning to his face, letting his helmet slide on the nearby dresser. ”I long for a fight that’s worth fighting for Princess. Currently we are in no real war to speak off. No front line to defend, I’ll gladly wait in the comforts of the castle till such time is near. But when it is, you can bet your pretty ass I’ll be there.” The smolder turned full smirk but his eyes stayed determined, darkened. This was where he belonged, no matter his history, no matter the teachings he had once followed. He belonged here. At her side, for now, but he belonged in this kingdom fighting for what was right.
Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:25 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Princess you're shorter than I expected 9s9opHd
Princess you're shorter than I expected Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
His prowess was famed. At least, that was what the General seemed to be convinced of. Yet she hadn't once heard of him. According to him, this must be because her family had locked her up in a castle of comfort where no mention of knights would ever reach her. "To the contrary of what you may believe I meet quite a lot of knights, none have told me tales about your accomplishments." She said as she looked at the feigned shock on his face. "But perhaps I should go to the barracks, to hear stories about truly great knights." She wasn't sure if those would be stories about him.

There currently was no war, so this was the best place for him to be. It was a most honourable task: defending the royal family. For a moment, a slight smile seemed to make its way onto her delicate face. Yet it disappeared as it had arrived. And where her lovely smile vanished, his self-assured smirk only seemed to grow larger. Slowly, she took a few steps towards him. Her face still looked composed, as someone from her status was expected to be, yet her eyes had darkened in a matter that would make many cower. "Are you, mayhaps, under the impression that frivolous words, such as the ones that just left your mouth, are in any way appropriate to address me," she started calmly. "General?" She finished her sentence. She was looking up at him, her dark eyes firmly stuck on his.    

Fri Oct 14, 2022 1:27 pm
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