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And I tell you all about it when I see you again
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Aurora Laérys
Aurora Laérys
And I tell you all about it when I see you again 53zL75vk_o
And I tell you all about it when I see you again TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 24 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Healer

Aurora bit down hard on her bottom lip as she saw how her father was almost too late to vomit in the bucket that was situated next to his bed. The mage she had addressed with a letter from Lemuria reacted faster than Aurora; she held the bucket in a quick movement in front of Aurora’s father as he emptied his stomach’s content in the bucket. Aurora wanted to cover her ears with her hands to prevent herself from listening to his suffering, but she didn’t want him to see her like that. So she endured it, trying to look mildly concerned as her father suffered in front of her eyes. He fell back with a groan, closing his eyes. Sweat was rolling down his cheeks, as if he was crying out of misery. Maybe he was. Aurora couldn’t tell; her own gaze became cloudy and it took all her strength not to break down there and then. The mage gave her a look filled with sympathy and gently told her that she should go outside to take a breather. Aurora felt too numb to protest.

The wind felt harsher today as tears rolled down her cheeks. Aurora had stopped a long time ago with holding back her emotions in public. She was fairly certain that most of the people who knew her around Ishgard knew that her father wasn’t well and while she received multiple looks that were filled with pity, none of them tried to comfort her. And it may have sounded weird, but Aurora was happy that they didn’t. She didn’t want to talk about it, didn’t want to face reality that it could be all over in a few moments. There seemed to be no cure for her father and Aurora was growing more desperate by every passing day.

Although she wasn’t feeling like herself, she was still mildly aware of her surroundings. And thus also to the face of someone familiar to her. She quickly wiped away her tears, although she was pretty sure that her eyes would still be red. Oh well, that couldn’t be helped. ”Lyall?” she spoke up, her voice cracking, sounding almost hopefully. If she was right and the healer was here, then maybe she could find the cure to her father’s disease after all. Maybe there still was a chance. Deep down she knew it wouldn’t be that easy. If a mage all the way from Lemuria couldn’t cure her father, how could an old friend be able to do so?

@Lyall Skygge
Mon Nov 14, 2022 12:49 am
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