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"He's a really cool guy" - 1985
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Lyall Skygge
Lyall Skygge
"He's a really cool guy" - 1985 QZrZStW
"He's a really cool guy" - 1985 7RDyRsz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Soldier
Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows @Arianna Ylindar He had seen the palace countless times before. But it had been from afar. As it loomed over the city. The seat of the Ylindar family. Rulers of all of Ravaryn. As a northerner, it still felt somewhat strange to have people like that as superiors. They didn't exactly give the strong, ferocious impression he was so used to leaders having. But then again, Lyall had learned that strength didn't always have to be physical, it could come in many shapes and forms. Something that wasn't always recognized in Norwyn. But the crown seemed to. It would explain why they were still in power after all these years. Keeping the realm in relative peace, and perhaps even more impressive together. 

He and his fellow officer were stationed in some long hall to wait up-on Rán. Lyall never really thought about politics and alike. He preferred to focus on himself and his own well-being. But when he looked across these walls, filled with paintings and tapestries. With scenes of won battles, royal portraits and other events. His mind automatically moved to those topics. The black haired man's attention was caught when a fellow officer spoke. Talking about how he'd like to be a royal prince. For it would be an easy life to lead. "Everyone has their own struggles." Lyall mused as he brushed his hand over one of the tapestries. It was a large one, showing a joust. He suspected it to be old. Judging from the manner of dress the characters worn, and the material. It felt brittle. Not to mention the faded colors. His partner once again made a comment. This time about Rán, and how long she was planning to stay in the capital for. Lyall moved away from the wall and turned to the younger man. They had come here to accompany their governess. Though, she hardly needed an escort. She had some business in the castle. What, he knew not. She didn't say. "Trust me, I think Rán wants to be here even less than you." That much was clear. He had heard from his brother that her time in Ishgard was-well not what she thought it would be. Just then, the doors opened And non-other but the Arianna Ylindar stepped through them "Crown princess." Lyall bowed to her, and gestured for his fellow soldier to do the same. 
Sat Nov 12, 2022 7:22 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
"He's a really cool guy" - 1985 9s9opHd
"He's a really cool guy" - 1985 Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
In just over a moon, the Festival of Frostcrown would commence in the capital. Preparations were in full swing, even though they had already started moons ago. All of Ravaryn was known to come to Ishgard at the end of the year, to celebrate the new year together. Arianna's calendar was normally quite full, but this time of year especially. Because of course, the Crown Princess was attending all sorts of meetings to make sure the festival would go well. It was what was expected of her.

The Princess had just finished another meeting filled with discussion on trivial matters —such as which fabric would decorate the ballroom. As she walked through the door, into another hallway, her ears picked up on a conversation that was taking place near a tapestry. Her eyes found two men she had never seen before. They looked as if they were from the northern city of Norwyn, an assumption that was confirmed as one spoke of the Governess as if they were on a first name basis. She offered the men a nod with her head as she approached them. "Sirs," she greeted them, deciding not to address what she had them say about Rán Trygg. "What do you think of the artwork?" She asked the dark-haired man. Perhaps he could offer her an insightful perspective.

Mon Dec 12, 2022 12:33 am
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