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Xaila Citizen
Caden Slynt
Caden Slynt
I am watching 53zL75vk_o
I am watching TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 20 y/o
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Drug dealer/(future) dojo owner
With a swift kick to his left Caden was able to hit his student in the belly, kicking him backwards and preventing the student from reaching him. Caden couldn’t help himself as he was looking at her; he gave her a playful wink, which distracted her enough for him to sweep her left leg from under her body. She hit the mat with a soft thud and an exasperated groan. Caden helped her back up, turned towards his students and informed them that they should always keep their eye on their opponent and that they shouldn’t underestimate each other. He saw his father approaching from the corner of his eye and quickly turned away, but his father was standing in front of him before he knew it, informing him that distracting female students by flirting with them wasn’t a very clean way to go. Caden just rolled his eyes and continued with what he was doing.

The boy sighed as he left the dojo, feeling the heat of the day seeping through his kimono. The days within Xaila could become hot within a few hours after nighttime was over, but Caden’s skin was adjusted to it, so he barely suffered from burns because of the sun. If he suffered from burns, it would be because of practicing his magic. Now that he had more control over it, it didn’t happen as much anymore, but it would still occur from time to time. Caden wanted to just get home already so that he could get changed. He still had the other half of the day ahead of him and he needed to make the delivery for tonight ready. A costumer had approached him after the lessons were over and Caden wanted to take his time with preparing the delivery.

As he turned around the corner, heading into a deserted alley, he frowned when he saw someone walking ahead. He could see from the clothes that the person in front of him was wearing that he wasn’t exactly poor. Caden hoped that he was smart enough not to buy a lot of money with him; the deserted ally’s in Al-Qahil could be unforgivable if approached on the wrong time of day. Caden lit a cigarette with his fire magic and decided to just mind his own business. For now.

@Alemayehu Daetrys
Tue Nov 08, 2022 11:32 am
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