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Stars are crying
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IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Caden Slynt
Caden Slynt
Stars are crying 53zL75vk_o
Stars are crying TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 20 y/o
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Drug dealer/(future) dojo owner
Caden sighed as he signed out of the dojo. He wasn’t going to be very thrilled if he had to take over this place. He hoped his father would live for a long time so that he wouldn’t have to fulfill his duties. They had a massive argument about his other work, the drug dealing he did at night. That argument had turned into a huge fight, which Caden had won. They finally had come to the agreement that as long as Caden would fulfill his duties to the dojo that his father would turn a blind eye to Caden’s activities. Caden had met several gang members through the students in his dojo, which had he befriended and eventually started a business with. It was tough work and it required his full attention, but at least the money had make him able to buy a small house for himself so that he wasn’t tied to his parents anymore.

Caden had put on light sportswear so that he at least was wearing something classic as he walked out of the dojo. He wasted enough time as it was at that place, he didn’t want people to recognize him out of the dojo as well. He was contemplating whether he should practice his fire bending some more. As long as he had complete control over his emotions then he would be able to have control over his fire. He had several burns because he couldn’t always control his anger, especially when it came to his father. But his gang members had learned him how to get more control over his emotions and thus Caden had learned to properly control his magic.

As Caden walked through the busy streets of Al-Qahil he wasn’t really paying attention to his environment and thus couldn’t prevent a collision with one of the citizens from happening. ”Sorry,” was the only thing he said as he lit up a cigarette by using his fire magic. He wasn’t in the mood to deal properly with the people around him, so he just kept on walking.

@Phaedra Daetrys
Tue Nov 08, 2022 11:19 am
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