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Ophelia Melinoë
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Lemuria Citizen
Ophelia Melinoë
Ophelia Melinoë
Ophelia Melinoë  BYoUESc
Ophelia Melinoë  1sEHHGD

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Traveling musician

Ophelia Melinoë
To all the earthly remains
Gender Female
Age 22
Species Moon Elf
Magic Moon magic
Religion The Odirian Deities
OccupationTraveling musician
P.O.B Lemuria {Silvercrest}
Residence Xaila {Al-Qahil}
Height 1.70
Build Slender
Hair color White
Hair texture Straight
Eye Color Blue
Skin Tone Fair


Ophelia is known for wearing her white hair extensively long. Since it is traditional in her family to do so. And therefor it is rarely cut. To show off the hair, Ophelia doesn't style it often. And when she does, it's mostly only the top part. Leaving the locks at the back of her head loose. Ophelia possess very strong features. High cheekbones, petite nose. Round lips. But the most striking, are her eyes. They are large-doe like. And her irises despite being described as "blue" are known to change in tint. They can be dark one minute, and light the next. Depending on how the light falls on them. They are however never obscured by her large eyelashes. As a musician, and thanks to her being from a noble house. The elf is often dressed very nicely. Though, she changes her style frequently. Especially when she is visiting a foreign land. Since she wants to fit in as best she can there, and wearing the garments part of their culture often helps with that. Though, she does always try to add a bit of her own homeland to any outfit she wears. Mostly in the form of accessories. Necklases, circlets and even tiaras here and there. All endowed with Lemuria's signature stones. Ophelia has a noble air to her, even though she tries to carry herself in a manner, that is gentle and approachable.
Constellation The Stag
AlignmentNeutral good

Ophelia is a whimsical woman. Who loves nothing more but to have fun, and therefore often chases the sensation. Yet, not in a debauched manner. She is very innocent. Teasing others, even pulling pranks. But never in a way that could be considered to be done out of malice. One could say she has the mind of a child, and in a way that would be correct. But not quite; while, she certainly is in touch with her inner child. She can also be very serious when the situation calls for it. Thanks to her being a people person , she can easily read up on social cues. And thus know how to adjust herself quickly when the situation calls for it. Though, she has trouble standing up for herself at times. She wants to please others, and because of that she is known to put her own wants and desires at one side. Ophelia is a giver, she loves to be generous. With money, but also with her time and energy. She isn't stupid, however, and despite her passive personalty. Cant be taken advantage of by everyone, though she can be absolutely played if one is willing to put in the work to do so. And suck her dry while they are at it. The elf is very humble, and can even be seen performing in the lower rings of society. Or even for free. Since, really, she loves making music. It's one of the things in life she is very passionate about. And would never give up, not for anything or anyone. It actually made her a rather disciplined woman. For one can have a gift for something, but that doesn't mean that you're automatically a master at it. You need to study and practice, and that Ophelia certainly has done.  She learned how to be patient when it came to mastering a certain instrument, or how to achieve a different range in her voice. Sometimes these things could take months, years even. All this made her a very patient woman indeed.
Family Tree


father Pentheus Melinoë
mother Seldanna Prestoris


Sister Callisto Melinoë
Sister Ino Melinoë
Brother Actaeon Melinoë
Sister Agave Melinoë


Nephew Atreus Melinoë
Sister-in-law Elora Torjor
Magic type Moon magic
Expertise Waterbending

Ophelia discovered that her magic leaned heavily towards water bending from an early age. She seemed to have a natural talent for it. And so it became her main focus. The elf tried dabbling in other forms too, such as illusions or even the power of ice. But she never proved to be any good at those. So she primarily stuck to manipulating water. Which she is quite good at. She can use it for combat, and even more practical uses. Though, she was never able to unlock the art of healing. Ophelia mostly uses her magic during her performances. To dazzle her audience.


-Was born in a noble house.
-Youngest child.
-Grew up in a loving home.
-Formed an especially close bond with her two elder sisters (Agave & Ino)
-Her gift for music quickly became apparent. 
-Her studies mostly focused in developing her talent.
-Grew fascinated with the musical traditional to her kind.
-Started playing private shows for her parents and their friends at the age of 10. 

Teenage years

-Started to get into dancing as well.
-Her brother got married.
-Ophelia and his new wife grew close.
-She taught her how to sing songs from Avalon, her homeland.
-This sparked something in the young girl.
-She started to read up on the arts of other cultures as well.
-Started to experiment with different elements of different cultures, hoping to bring them together.
-Never seemed to get things quite right.
-She begged her parents to take her to far off places. So she might learn their dances, play on their instruments and sing their songs.
They made a deal with her.


-As an adult, Ophelia became a rather famous musician in Lemuria
-Her mastery of the elves folk music became her trademark
-She had worked hard to garner this reputation. 
-For it was a part of the agreement she made with her parents.
-If she were to become an acclaimed, she could form her own troupe and travel the word
-Her parents were hesitated about this
-For they never thought she would follow through
-But seeing how much this meant to her, and how true her love for music was
-They relented. 
-And soon the woman assembled a group of people together
-Elves, humans-anyone that had talent.


-Ophelia and her band have been touring Odiria for a few years now
-With great success
-They've preformed in the houses of grand and important people
-And even in (Royal) courts
-The band still specializes in elven music
-But also experiments, something that is now much easier since they know more about the different styles of the other cultures they use.
-Is invited by the royal family of Xaila (Sandland) to perform in their court for a time
-They accepted of course
-Now after a long journey, Ophelia and her troupe finally find themselves in the dry and fast desertland
-Hoping to find the same success they have earned everywhere else
-And maybe something more.

-Composes her own songs, sometimes
-Has a tendency to get homesick
Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:20 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Ophelia Melinoë  XuTWurPc_o
Ophelia Melinoë  MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:35 pm
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