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Still a fighter
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Xaila Royal Family
Alemayehu Daetrys
Alemayehu Daetrys
Still a fighter Untitled
Still a fighter 51432ee3424b19ecca4569cd479ff4ac

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Legally blind prince

❝ However far we wander, we bring a piece of each other ❞
Ever since his little accident he had noted how training and sparring was just a lot more difficult. And that wasn't because he was weaker or he wasn't as trained anymore. No. It was simply because he had too much power and no control over it. It was as if a bull had gone blind. It was dangerous to leave something with that much power unattended to swing away. So was Alemayehu as well. He had almost injured his soldiers back when he was still part of the Crimson Dawn. It had been then that he decided that he could no longer be apart of the elite group. It would only result in injury if he did. And he would never forgive himself if he hurt any of them. He would never know how to live with himself knowing he hurt a comrade. No. It was better this way. Safer. He would find his way through life with his new faith. Blind or not, he was still the same old Yehu. And he would always be there to support the guards as much as he could. He was just no longer a soldier. But he was still a prince. He hadn't lost all.

And even though he wasn't part of Crimson Dawn anymore, he still took some time out of his day to wield his axe. Just like he did now. He had taken the weapon out and had started to wield it like it was a toy. He had used the thing for as long as he could remember. And even though he was stripped of his vision, he could still wield it with as much as ease as before. There was something about the way the body remembered when it did certain things that were so hammered in. So as well did he preform his moves. Swinging the thing as if it was a mere stick, it looked like it didn't have a heavy piece of metal to it. But it wasn't that weird to see that. The sun elf was quit muscular and broad. And even though he wasn't the tallest around, he had power in his body. And he knew how to use it all to well. Going back and forth, swinging the thing around while letting out groans and shouts, he let it all out. He knew guards would keep the area around him free so he didn't have to worry about hitting anyone. He could do this at his hearts content without much worry.

He took a last swing, before coming to a halt. Heavily breathing he put his hand in his face. He was sweating heavily, but that wasn't rare. It was a hot day, like any other in the land of the sun, and he had been doing some intensive training through the use of his axe. As he put the weapon down he moved his hand. "Guards, take my axe," Before he knew it, someone had taken over his weapon, taking it away. As he stepped forward he was guided to a chair and he sat down with a sigh. Getting a glass of water as soon as he did, he chugged it down in one gulp.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:22 pm
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