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Xaila Royal Family
Alemayehu Daetrys
Alemayehu Daetrys
Heb je dat gezien? Untitled
Heb je dat gezien? 51432ee3424b19ecca4569cd479ff4ac

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Legally blind prince

❝ However far we wander, we bring a piece of each other ❞
It had been some time since he left the castle. His mother had told him he couldn't leave with a guard or at least an assistant. The busy streets of Al-Qahil were no place for a blind prince like himself. He only chuckled at that sentiment. He wasn't some helpless child. He was a full grown man, a well trained ex-general. He could handle himself perfectly. He had many years under his belt where he had taken down people who had done wrong to his nation, to his city. And even though he missed those days, he wouldn't grief for it. This was just a new chapter in his life, something he had to live by. He would soon find a new calling. And even though he didn't need to, since he was a prince after all, he still felt like he should. He would never get the crown. He also didn't care for, really. He usually didn't understand the complex problems that came with leading a country. All those boring get togethers and fancy dinner parties were also nothing for him. In a way he was blessed that he never had to fear for that fate. Although some might see it as unlucky, he was fine with how it was. Besides, his sisters were way more capable then he would ever be. He would love to stand by and help them where need be. That was his true calling, his dream.

As he walked through the streets of Al-Qahil, he could feel how two guards flanked him at each side. He had to admit that the chaos of the streets left him a bit disoriented. He had tried to channel some of his light to get at least some shapes in his mind, but the sound of people all around was too distracting... And he didn't manage to get it done. He sighed chuckling. Well... Now he was holding onto the guard next to him due to this. "You don't mind right?" He said, tilting his head. He could hear a sigh. "Of course not... your Royal Highness," Yehu sighed and rolled his useless eyes. "I already told you," He tugged at the mans arm. "Just call me Yehu," Another mumble could be heard. "I can't do that... Sir," Damn stick up his butt much. He shook his head slowly, smiling as he did. "Alright, suit yourself. Lead the way!" He pointed forward, almost as if he was his steed and he was about to be taken away by him. "Onwards!" He was sure it would attract some attention, which would annoy the royal guard greatly. Something he chuckled for. Oh, he loved to tease the man that had been his personal guard through all of this. He had many, of course, as people did worry for him. And well... He loved to tease each and every one of them.

After a walk in the scorching heat of Xaila, the guard had told him they were near the temple. Yehu tilted his head a bit in confusion, but have the command to take him there. While he was in the area he might as well give his respects to Xeion. So, it didn't take long until they were at the temple and eventually inside. He could feel the slight shift in temperature. How the loud noises of the street subsided in the background, becoming more dimmed as they went on further. It seemed as if the temple was pretty empty today. But his personal guard instructed him that was not the case. "It's rather busy today, sir," said the man with a nod. "Perhaps we should return to the castle and return another day?" That could be a good idea... He didn't want to disturb anyone.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 10:53 pm
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High Priest of Xaila
Asmodai Zinyra
Asmodai Zinyra
Heb je dat gezien? Z4vTQk6
Heb je dat gezien? P2vd7oz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: High priest
Have faith
What was it with royalty and just-barging into his sacred temple? Asmodai didnt mind the common folk coming in, they weren't really worth his attention. He rarely came down to meet them. Leaving his underlings to handle them. And any petty problems they might have. The high priest really focused on the rich, influenced people. Really using their faith as a way to get closer to them. For while Asmodai considered himself to be well up in the social ladder. He was of the opinion of could always improve. And one way to do that was to have important friends. And the royal family, certainly belonged to that group. So he would really appreciate it. If they would announce the presence first. So he had time to prepare. 

He almost ran down to the "ground floor" when one of his priestesses came to him with news that the prince was here. They were able to spot him from amongst the crowd because of his guards. Something that the other members didn't bring with them usually. Because, well, the house of Xeion was probably the safest part of the city. No one would dare to shed blood in this sacred place. But Asmodai supposed that the prince was a special case. Him being blind and all. The high priest had seen the man before, on a handful of occasions. He was handsome despite his disability. And had a good sort of character. Something Asmodai knew for certian, he had observed him thoroughly whenever he had the chance. And Alemayehu didn't strike him as someone who was just acting a certain way because of this rank. No, it had to be genuine. 

Something that was perfect for Asdmodai. He preyed on people with such personalities. They were the easiest to manipulate. When he came closer to the prince, the high priest slowed his step. Until he was walking as gracefully as a ballet dancer. "Dearest prince, I fear, you have chosen the very worst time to visit the house of Xeion." He said as he looked around. It was terribly busy at this time. Something that was usual. And even welcomed. For it gave him an excuse to move them to a more private setting. "But if it pleases you, we could always make use of my own private chapel?" He had one, of course he did. It wasn't even really a chapel. Well there was a place to pray naturally. But it also housed several other rooms. Reserved for other things. Asmodai usually took his friends, or soon to be friends, there. For it simply was the most exquisite part of his temple. 
"The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent, and easy is the way: but, to return, and view the cheerful skies; in this, the task and mighty labor lies"
Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:06 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Royal Family
Alemayehu Daetrys
Alemayehu Daetrys
Heb je dat gezien? Untitled
Heb je dat gezien? 51432ee3424b19ecca4569cd479ff4ac

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Legally blind prince

❝ However far we wander, we bring a piece of each other ❞
His personal guards seemed to tense up a bit. Usually, they just had to stand guard at his chambers, accompany him to wherever he wanted to go in the castle. But he was an adventurous spirit and an active one at that. So, if he was being completely honest, they should have seen this one coming. He was always talking about going out, spending time in public or with other people. He was a social butterfly, a true extrovert that needed interaction with others to stay energized and positive. So really, they shouldn't complain. They should have known what they signed up for. He smiled at that thought, since it did amuse him a little whenever they sighed, or he could feel their muscles tense up. Oh, how he wanted to see their faces right about now, he was sure that they were priceless.

A new voice could be heard, one that was clearly heard above all the silent noises that were present in the temple. He didn't recognize the voice at first, but it was clearly directed at him as well.... There was no other prince in Xaila. It was a mans voice, peculiar and soft. The way he spoke was as if he had some power here. When he went on to say that they could go to the man’s private chapel, he was sure that this must be some sort of priest. Perhaps even the high priest himself...? He wasn't sure. A smile appeared on the blind man's face as he nodded. "That is very kind of you sir..." He paused for a moment as a humming sound left his lips, clearly thinking as he started to frown. It only took a few more seconds before he smiled again, shaking his head as he did. "My apologies, but what is your name?" He could hear his personal guards exchange some words with each other, concerned in some regards, but the other didn't seem as tense. They just simply did their job.

He nodded once more as he stepped forward, not really seeing the distance between anyone. He could quickly feel a hand wrap around his upper arm. The guard had taken a step forward, holding onto the prince with a stern look on his face. Yehu sighed but started to smile once more. "It's fine, we are in a temple," he said with clear annoyance in his voice.
Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:47 am
IC Posts
High Priest of Xaila
Asmodai Zinyra
Asmodai Zinyra
Heb je dat gezien? Z4vTQk6
Heb je dat gezien? P2vd7oz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: High priest
Have faith
Asmodai almost wanted to scoff when the princes asked him his name. What a ridiculous question. He knew the poor man was blind, but surely he would recognize someone like the high priest? Especially when they had in fact met before; granted, the introductions had been brief and fleeting. But still. The prince should know who he was. Perhaps he did; and was just playing a dirty little game here. The thought of that made Asmodai narrow his eyes-perhaps he had misjudged the prince after all. Perhaps he wasn't the kind, oblivious young man Asmodai had mistaken him for. Hmm, we will just have to see then- won't we? When the priest saw the guards talking to each other in hushed tones, he frowned at them. He wanted to berate them for the disrespect they were showing. But just then the prince stepped forward. Closing the distance between them. So much so that they were only inches apart. The closeness even made Asmodai a little nervous. One of the guards noticed it too, and wrapped an around his master. Trying to pull him back. But the prince just shrugged it off.  "It's fine, we are in a temple," He said. Asmodai cleared his throat as he stepped back a little. "Yes indeed we are," He mumbled, glancing at those who duty it was to keep the royal safe. "This is a sacred place, no one would dare to shed blood here. So your master is quite safe." The high priest was insulted that guards dares to suggest otherwise. "In fact; no one is now allowed to bring weapons of any kind in this most holy of houses; so I suggest you hand them over for safe-keeping." He went on, his voice sounding very stern. And eyes full of disapproval.
"The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent, and easy is the way: but, to return, and view the cheerful skies; in this, the task and mighty labor lies"
Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:16 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Royal Family
Alemayehu Daetrys
Alemayehu Daetrys
Heb je dat gezien? Untitled
Heb je dat gezien? 51432ee3424b19ecca4569cd479ff4ac

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Legally blind prince

❝ However far we wander, we bring a piece of each other ❞
How long had it been since he had the accident? A couple of months by now. One would think that people adjusted quick to their handicap, but Yehu was still struggling with so many basic tasks. The only people that he could tell apart was his family. All his sisters had a distinct tone in their voice that he could pin down... And mother, well, she was just one of a kind. No-one could be like her. Everything about her screamed royalty, it was something he had realized after going blind. A bit of a shame, as he had never truly appreciated her greatness before. The queen of the scorching lands really deserved all respect one could give. But... Here he was once more, not really knowing who was in front of him. He had always been bad with names, but now that he had all this going on, it wasn't rare for him to actually ask a genuine question. It didn't seem to be much appreciated, as he didn't get a response. His guards didn't seem pleased that the prince didn't get an answer, as he could feel the tense up, but Yehu couldn't care less. If one didn't want to respond or felt a bit awkward, so be it. He was sure that there was a good reason the other didn't speak up. Perhaps he didn't hear him properly, or maybe he thought he was joking. One could never know what someone was thinking. Maybe some sorcerers could, but he was still a sun elf. Their magic didn't expand to those grounds.

The way his guards acted made him a bit pissed off. Always so quick to act and shield him from anything, even when there was no danger. What kind of things had his mother even asked of them? Was he not an adult man? One that had once guided one of the most powerful organizations in the country. He shook his head somewhat, the charming smile remaining on his lips. In his mind he just thought it to be funny, a bit annoying yes, but harmless in the long run. Once they would return to the palace he would ask them to go easier on him, go easier on themselves. The two were so tense, as he could tell by the way they acted. That kind of behaviour wasn't really healthy. Not for him, nor for them. The other spoke and stated that they were indeed in a temple, eventually adding more to it. The prince slowly nodded, but felt a bit bad when he started to speak about the fact that weapons weren't allowed. Oh well... He had never really thought about that. "Oh... My apologies," spoke the sun elf, bowing his head somewhat as he placed his hand on his chest. A gesture to show his respect as well as truly show the other that he meant it. "You heard the man," He said with a nod, turning his head a bit as he awaited the actions of his guards.

It didn't take long for the guards to place their weapons in front of themselves, reaching them out to the other. Yehu remained silent for a bit, before showing a charming smile once more. "You have to excuse them," he said with a soft chuckle. "They are new to this," But weren't they all? He had never been blind before, nor have they ever been a guard for a handicapped person. They were all learning to do things for the first time. And all that went with falling and getting back up. The prince nodded, but remained where he was. The two were already agitated enough, so no sudden movements. "Anything I can do to make up for... This?" It was the least he could do. It wasn't even that he was scared of the judgement his mother would give. Nah. He was more concerned for the others feelings then anything else.
Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:52 am
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