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We don't know where it goes
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
We don't know where it goes 3UOvOIY
We don't know where it goes 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
His mother had told him that he was always welcome to come to the Zinyra's estate. Because at the end of the day, he was just as much a Zinyra as he was a Rizal. Even though he had the magic of his family in Ravaryn, he had always wished that perhaps it was mistake. To divine the future was a curse more then a blessing if you asked him. And it didn't matter how powerful his magic was, it wouldn't make him feel any better. Before his last name was changed, he had carried the last name of his mother, as tradition in Xaila fortold. To take the name of the mother. He had always tried to get that name back, as he felt closer to his family in Xaila. He cared more deeply about them, because he was born here, he grew up here. He was a xailan, through and through. It didn't matter if he had Ravaryn blood in his veins. If he had the magic of the Rizals in the palm of his hand. Right...? Damn traditions.

With his parents leaving for the luna moth festival, he had been feeling a bit lonely. Zuhayr had always been a more isolated person, even from family and friends. He usually wasn't the one to take the first steps to find a connection or try and organize a get together. He wouldn't even know how. It was all to complex if you asked him. His mind would get festered with everything that go wrong, filling him with anxiety once more. No, he much rather let things come to him. Slowly, preferably, as he then had time to actually plan it out and prepare himself. He didn't like unexpected things, since he couldn't know what followed on something he hadn't thought over. Yet here he was once more. As of late he had visited the Zinyra estate quite a lot. He knew his mother would be happy when she would return. But he didn't do it to make her happy, he did it for himself. This had become a safe haven, only second to his house. The way here was always filled with chaos and so many almost incidents... It always heightened his heartbeat and anxiety... BUt he was here without getting into an incident, so it was fine.

He was let inside by a maid and was asked if he wanted a drink. He nodded slowly. "That would be nice," He said. She smiled as she went to get him a beverage. For a moment he slowly blinked, realizing that he was now here... But for what reason? He hadn't asked if his aunty would be free for a talk.... Or any other family member. He got flustered as he realized he might be intruding. That wasn't- He didn't mean to. He just wanted to see how people were doing, get out and all that. Oh dear Xeion... Dammit.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:09 pm
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