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All the things I did
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
All the things I did 3UOvOIY
All the things I did 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
He had been so tired as of late. And he had no-one to share his pains with. His parents had left for the festival in Lemuria. And at first he had peace with the fact that they went. But as the days turned into a week he felt quite lonely. Even though he was an introvert, he still felt loneliness when he was kept indoors for such a long time. Was it because of the fact that he had no-one to talk to? He sighed at the thought, putting his hand through his hair. He hated this so much. Because he wanted to go out, he wanted to see if he could meet new people. But he didn't know where to start or with whom. Maybe go to the local library... BUt that wouldn't be much help. Anyone that had a bit of brain knew that a library was where mages, scholars and students resided. These people didn't seek after social interaction. Although he was certain that he would get along fine with those people, it wouldn't work. And well... That was the end of his grand list of ideas. He shook his head a bit as he realized that. Dammiy Zu. You were able to write entire stories of love and friendship, but you yourself can't even play out those parts? What was wrong with him? Why was he so damn scared of something so simple? Something that everyone did, everyday. Why was he the way that he was? Why couldn't he be different?

He took a deep breath as he shook his head. He shouldn't get so worked up over this. It wasn't even that bad, right? He averted his eyes to the inner garden of his house. Training was a good distraction. He hadn't worked with his axe in quite some time, so it would be good for him to get some practice in. He nodded to himself, taking his shirt off in a fluent motion. As evening was already nearing, he could feel the air cool off. But he knew that with the heat that was ever present in Xaila, he would preform better with a bit less clothing. He stepped out in the small garden, grabbing the training dummy with a fast motion. He looked at the wooden thing, placing it down and spinning around. His axe was standing in the corner of the closed in garden. He looked over the weapon, that was clearly rusting a bit. He felt guilt wash over him. The last time he used it was to injure a girl during the proving. He didn't mean to sever his leg, but he knew it was destiny and faith for her. She died by his hands, a couple of days latter. He shook his head, grabbing the great weapon and moving it around a bit. He was still as strong as ever, wielding the item with ease. It came naturally to him, as it always had been. He sighed as he realized this.

Moving back and forth, he had started to chop and swing away at the dummy. Moving the big axe in his hands required him to put his entire body to work. To use the motions with swift grace and power. He let a soft grunt be heard every time he did the motions. He was zoned out, slashing away. Feeling the dummy crumble apart with ever new hit. Was he even training... Or was this just chopping away at his hearts content? He groaned when that realization hit him, spinning on his heels and slashing upwards. This caused a part of the wooden dummy to be severed from the whole. The power of the attack launching it in the air. Zuhayr blinked in surprise when he saw this, dropping the axe as his dark eyes shot up to follow the thing. It spun around in the air, climbing in height, before dropping down again. As it moved past his sight, he could hear it drop on something right outside his house. Shit!

Without much thought that he wasn't even wearing a shirt, he sprinted out of the house. His dark eyes looking around for where the wood had impacted. Oh dear god he hoped it didn't hit a person.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 12:54 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Dwyer Embershadow
Dwyer Embershadow
All the things I did K3eTc9m
All the things I did JFFi2EZ

Character sheet
Age: 27y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Illegal cage fighter
dwyer embershadow

The last match was a heavy one, his head still spinning from that one last punch he caught with it. Yet, somehow, he had won the fight by only giving in slightly to the higher power within him. He always tried to tame the beast as much as possible, because it felt like cheating to use its power to win the matches. Yet, sometimes it was needed. He stretched his arms above his head and moved his head from left to right, hoping that it would stop the light spinning. Maybe tomorrow, if it was still there, he would let it check out. But knowing that he healed faster than most people, he was certain that it would be gone in a few hours.
The sun was going down, which meant that cooler air filled the sky, it soothed his headache and he smiled softly. He had won enough money with today’s fights that he didn’t necessarily need to go back to the ring for a couple of days. It was probably for the best, as the full moon was creeping closer. Only a few more nights before the beast would come out, before he had to let go of his human instincts.
Deep in thoughts he walked past one of the houses, not noticing his surroundings. Big mistake, when something flew through the air and hit his head. His already spinning and aching head. Dwyer growled for a moment, before he noticed that it was something from what looked like a training dummy. His blue eyes looked around, not finding a culprit of this ordeal. It made, however, his headache worse. Fuck.
tag - Zuhayr Rizal
Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:25 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
All the things I did 3UOvOIY
All the things I did 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
Nerves rose to his head as his eyes scanned the area just outside of his door. He took a deep breath, feeling an almost choking sensation in his throat as he tilted his head a bit forward. Oh dear Xeion where had he launched the damn thing to? The broad man stepped away from the front door with a somewhat hastened pace. As he kept his eyes wide open to look for the piece of the training dummy. He just hoped it hit a cart or house, preferably nothing mind you... But anything would be better than a person. His mind started spinning as soon as he thought about it. A piece like that could injure someone, even knock them out if it just hit the right spot. He clenched his jaw in discomfort. Why did this always have to happen to him? Why couldn't he simply be normal for once in his life?

And when he turned the corner, his questions were answered. One gaze upon the scene and one could already tell what had happened. Zuhayrs eyes widened as he quickly stepped to the man. Luckily for them, it would appear that they were the only people on the streets. "Oh Xeion I am so sorry," he said with big, round eyes. Shock could be read all over his face as he lowered his head a bit. "Are you okay?" A concerned frown appeared on his face as he tried to get a better of the others head. At first sight he didn't see any red, meaning that there was no blood. That was good right...? Yea... He hoped so.
Thu Dec 29, 2022 10:42 am
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