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I didn't ask for this
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Aurora Laérys
Aurora Laérys
I didn't ask for this 53zL75vk_o
I didn't ask for this TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 24 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Healer

Aurora tried to keep her composure as a lump started to form in her throat. She looked at her father, who was still laying in bed. He was growing paler and paler by the minute. He was currently asleep and as he wasn’t in pain right now, Aurora didn’t have the heart to wake him up for his medicine. There was one specific moon mage who was looking after him and she was currently seated in the room, reading a book. She had told Aurora multiple times that she would stick by her father when Aurora wanted to leave the house, but the woman was so afraid that her father would die without her help that she was rooted to the house. ”Miss Laérys, I really think you need to get some fresh air,” the older woman spoke softly as she saw Aurora’s trembling hands. ”I promise I’ll send someone after you if his condition were to get worse. It’s not healthy to stay inside like this.” Aurora blew out her breath shakingly and nodded over her shoulder at the woman, agreeing to her terms.

And so Aurora went out, although she wasn’t entirely convinced that she should be heading out. She told herself that if she would get some fresh air, she could at least venture out into the woods to extract from plants so she could later on brew a potion. She had multiple potions laying around for her father, but they were only able to cure the pain he had. They didn’t cure whatever he was infected with and she refused to believe that there wasn’t a cure for him. The mages she had let into her home didn’t come to that conclusion yet.. and part of her started to wonder if they had, but just wouldn’t tell her. No. Nobody would be that cruel, right?

As Aurora was drowning in her thoughts, she wasn’t paying much attention to her surroundings. A collision with another person seemed inevitable and Aurora came quickly back to her senses, but only after the collision had already happened. ”I’m so sorry,” she spoke, finally looking up from her feet. She bit her lip as she tried to assess the damage she had done. Couldn’t she do a single thing right in her life?

@Sigma Estrella
Fri Oct 28, 2022 2:36 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sigma Estrella
Sigma Estrella
I didn't ask for this Le8Mpd3
I didn't ask for this PsfuSVq

Character sheet
Age: 19 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Mage Apprentice
Sigma Octantis Estrella
oh, why are we so sad? are we feeling hurt by their evil lies.
and all those empty words?
His mentor had noticed a shift in his demeanor. He was more happy, had a bit more self-esteem and less patience to practice. It was that last thing that was an issue, because it made him use the threat that Sigma liked the lease to hear. "Do you want the same to happen as back then?" The young mage always felt tears whenever he heard those words. No, he didn't want to lose control over his magic again and he knew that it would be even worse if you lose control over dark magic. So he had to be focust, and have patience. The young man shivered while he looked at the tips of his fingers who had turned black, as if someone spilled ink over them. Quickly he wrapped them in fresh bandages and pulled the sleeves of his robes over his arms. "I'm going out, do you need anything?" A snort was the only answer, which Sigma took as a no and shrugged. He closed the door behind him and tucked himself deeper in his scarf. He placed his foot on the floor and wanted to step outside when someone crashed in his side. Instinctively he raised his arms while walking backwards and landed with his back against the front door. "What?" He looked around and noticed a woman standing there. Her hair as bright red as the sun or fire. He felt his heart rate go up and his breathing quickened. The feeling like he was dying overwhelmed him and he fell on the ground in front of his door, looking with pure panic in his eyes to the woman standing in front of him.
Tags: Aurora Laérys
Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:28 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Aurora Laérys
Aurora Laérys
I didn't ask for this 53zL75vk_o
I didn't ask for this TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 24 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Healer

The next thing that happened baffled Aurora so much that she unsure of what to do next. She looked on, blinking rapidly with her eyes as the man seemed to panic in front of her. It was clear to her that whatever scared him had something to do with her, but for the life of her she couldn’t guess why that would be. She was pretty sure that he had never seen him around and she was even contemplating if he was from Ravaryn at all. Was it something about her eyes that haunted him? She knew she hadn’t slept well over the course of the previous days, but she would never guess that she would look that ugly with a couple of bags under her eyes.

She scolded herself. Instead of wandering about what the cause of his fear could be, she was standing around and wondering to herself as if that would be the solution to her problem. Other people were stopping and casted weird looks to Aurora and the man. She would have to be quick before people would start accusing her of something. It worked to her advantage that she was a well known druid around Ishgard and that multiple people had relied on either hers or her father’s magic. Aurora crouched down in front of him, laying a hand on his knee in a soothing gesture. ”Are you alright, sir?” Well, clearly he was not, but she needed to start somewhere, right?

”My name’s Aurora Laérys and I’m a healer from around here. You have no reason to be afraid of me. I mean you no harm,” she told him gently, but with a firm tone to her voice. This problem needed to be solved right now if they were to not attract anymore attention. Most of the people were passing them without even giving them a glance, but a few were standing around, loudly wandering to themselves what was going on. They weren’t making this any easier for Aurora, but she had no choice but to ignore them for now.

Averting her attention to the frantic man in front of her was the best course of action. The rest would come later.

Sun Oct 30, 2022 11:10 am
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