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Jesper Ferne
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Xaila Citizen
Jesper Ferne
Jesper Ferne
chay <3
Jesper Ferne Photo-1561034645-20e05b0452b3?ixlib=rb-4.0
Jesper Ferne 450d6692a0519864a95ed8b9ba042918

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: Bouncer, criminal :')

Jesper Ferne
My face has character
Gender male
Age 27
Species sun mage
Magic sun magic
Religion Xeion
Occupation criminal, bouncer
P.O.B Village, close to Zahriyah
Residence Ishgard
Height 190cm
Build slim, lanky
Hair color black
Hair texture frizzy, short
Eye Color brown
Skin Tone black


Jesper is tall, dark, and loud. Which all adds up to the fact that he’s not someone who’s very good at not being noticed. He stands out in a room, either with his appearance or his attitude. He always carries his bow and a set amount of arrows with him, and had pretty bold fashion choices. Not that he can afford it, but he likes to wear anything colourful.
Constellation The Black Widow
Alignment Chaotic neutral

Happy, friendly, little hot headed, impulsive, consequences? don’t know her. Cannot stay focused to safe his life. Unless he’s in a fight. He’s fully in his element when he’s dying.
Family Tree


father Kyan Ferne
mother  Kaiya Ferne


Brother xxx
Sister xxx


Aunts & Uncles xxx
Cousins xxx
Magic type sun magic
Expertise weapon enchantment

Jesper’s bow is an ancient weapon. One that he got from his mother, and that has been running in their family for generations. It’s extremely valuable, and Jesper’s most priced possession. Besides the fact that Jesper knows how to handle the weapon, and is very skilled in shooting with it, he also enchants the weapon to help him in battles. Jesper enchanted both the bow and his arrows through a ritual from his mothers spellbook. Through the power the sun gives, the bow not only aims more true than an ordinary weapon, the arrows are also shot with more force, creating more impact when they hit their target. To make sure that the magic on the weapon and its arrows stays, Jesper has to perform the enchantment weekly. The more of the ritual he can complete, the better the enchantment would perform.

Jesper used to do much more with his magic than briefly enchanting his weapons. When he was younger he used to perform all kinds of ancient enchantments and rituals with his mother, who encouraged him to explore as many types of magic possible to make sure he would find something that suited him. Using his power unlocked a restlessness in him, and ever since he hasn’t been able to sit still because of it. Not using the full potential of his magic powers makes him incredibly hyperactive. As if the power of the sun is waiting to be released.

Because he has no training whatsoever however, using his powers in any other way means that he completely loses control over it. Summoning even the smallest amounts of fire takes him an incredibly amount of concentration, and once something has started he doesn’t know how to make it stop. So he sticks only to the enchantment of his bow and arrows. Never daring to go beyond the usual enchantment.

- happy farmboi life. His mom taught him how to shoot, and how to use her spellbook.
- Right before he was supposed to fight in the proving, his mother died. Jesper used to train with her, practicing spells that could help him. One day this training got out of hand, and Jesper injured his mother so badly that it killed her.
- His dad forbid him to use his magic again. Finding it entirely too dangerous.
- Because of all of this, he lost the proving. Because he was too afraid to use his magic, and therefore he didn’t compete at his full strength, and because he was too conflicted about what had happened.
- Before they could send him anywhere, Jesper fled Xaila. He travelled for a while, discovering that he felt best when he was in a good fight, or at a gambling table.
- He settled down in Ravaryn, because it was furthest away from his magic source, and therefore he felt most comfortable. besides, the change that he’d find someone from his past in the north was considerably stronger.
- Due to his gambling addiction, Jesper has build up a pretty big line of creditors who he owes money to. Both in Ravaryn and beyond. Basically, a lot of people want him dead ((((:
- Jesper joined Kaz’ crime ring The Syndicate. Because ‘be gay do crime’ seemed to be the best lifestyle for him.
- Jesper hasn’t fully used his magic in ten years.
- Just in case it wasn't clear; Jesper has a gambling addication, because his dumb ass cannot walk away from a wager
- Despite that he’s settled in Ravaryn, and he knows its best for him to stay there. He likes Ashmoor the most. He thinks that the technical advancements have a bright future, and he’s very interested in the weapons the people of Ashmoor make.
Tue Oct 25, 2022 11:46 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Jesper Ferne XuTWurPc_o
Jesper Ferne MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:49 pm
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