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Plan failed
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IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
Plan failed 1XNHQ6yO_o
Plan failed Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith
When you're living in your mind, and nostalgia holds you in dark places
Almost a little impatiently, Remy was waiting by the door for her parents to prepare themselves for going to the race that was happening that day. It wasn’t at all because she liked racing that much, even though she certainly had made them believe that that was the case. But she simply knew she would be able to see Arthur there, and that one little thing made her always want to go there. A smile was growing when they finally made a gesture that they were ready to leave, and Remiël quickly opened the door for them.

Her adoptive mother was, like always, dressed at her best. Because she had been from the upperring and she knew how to present herself. She had also tried to dress Remy up, many times, but somehow she was always able to mess up any outfit her mother put on her. So, eventually, she had just given up trying to get Remy to dress more properly, because either way, her clothes would always get dirt on them.

When father had eventually made the wagon ready, they all stepped on it, and drove down towards the racetracks. The reason why they were able to attend the race was mainly due to her mother still having a lot of friends who were from the upperring, and even though they now lived in the middlering, they were able to blend in perfectly. Or, at least her adoptive parents did. Remy always quickly sneaked away the moment they got there, making her way towards the stables, where she knew Arthur would be.

When she eventually found him, she smiled. But she didn’t want to casually walk up to him this time. He seemed rather busy with some horses, so she took a step back, hiding herself in the tackroom. Well, this would only be some kind of payback for him always joking around with her as well, even though they never seemed to get even. Quietly she waited, only every now and then sneaking her head around to the corner to see what he was doing. But somehow she had missed him leaving the stable, heading towards the tack room. So, when she wanted to look around the corner again, he was suddenly already coming around the corner, scaring her instead. She squealed for a moment, taking a step back and looking at him with big eyes, before she softly began to laugh while leaning against the wall. Her plan had failed so miserably. ”Boo!” She said, even though it was a bit late now.

Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:27 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Arthur Jacobs
Arthur Jacobs
Plan failed 4dcbb3878d56c7acf52c19dc31b76163
Plan failed Medium_bc4f3e85699008fbe43eb2b32ced1c1a-MV5BMjE0MzNmMGEtMDAwZS00YWI0LWFlZTctM2FkZDMwMDk2ZTc3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDY1NDQ3OTU_._V1_

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Family business help

"Yes, she's a beauty." the blond boy said with an easy smile. He softly patted the dark mare's back as he spoke. "Probably a year of coursing left before she'll be a fulltime mom." It was one of his favourites. Feisty, but so fast. Mares like these were often sold before they could grant them with a successor. They always planned on keeping them, but for a high enough bid, everything was for sale. Business was business, after all.

As expected, the clients wanted to see her for a quick trot under saddle before she joined the races and so off Arthur went to the tack room. He could send a page boy for that and say chatting with the clients himself, but he wanted everything to go perfectly. This was his job, after all, and therefore he took it very seriously. In addition to that, he didn't feel like he was better than the page boys or anything. They all shared the same passion and that was what counted.

He couldn't help but notice a familiar dark-haired figure as he made his way over to the tack room. She didn't seem to have spotted him yet, though, which was perfect. A joyful grin on his face revealed that he was in quite the goofy mood, which wasn't all that rare. He got what he needed, then made his way back. This time, he made sure to quiet down his footsteps, so that his rounding the corner would be a surprise. It had the desired effect. Remiël jumped as she spotted him, hilariously squealing as she did so. He couldn't help but laugh, especially when she cutely tried to mend it with a little boo! "Remy!" he laughed. "I didn't know you were coming today!" He took off his hat and placed it on her head, pulling down just far enough so that she couldn't quite see. A wide grin was visible on his face as he ruffled through his blonde curls.

zo'n ding

Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:20 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
Plan failed 1XNHQ6yO_o
Plan failed Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith
When you're living in your mind, and nostalgia holds you in dark places
Patience. Patience was not a word Remy was often familiar with, even though many people did actually find her energy to be very calming to be around. Besides, it did really matter in what kind of situation she found herself, but what showed to the outside, was certainly not always mirrored on the inside. And so, this became her downfall when she planned her surprise attack on Arthur. Not just that, but he had probably also spotted her before she went into the tack room to hide, because she had not been able to hear him coming.

The fact that she squealed a bit was a bit embarrassing, and therefore, she kept her hands in front of her mouth. Not only to hide the fact that squeal came from her mouth - though that was already pretty obvious - but also to hide the soft blush on her cheeks. However, like always, it didn’t take her too long to recover, and it actually made her laugh from the moment the shock left her body. Even adding a little ‘boo’ afterwards to show what her actual intention had been. Feeling a rush of excitement going through her when he laughed as well. He possibly never quite knew what it did to her, because she had always been so good at hiding it.

Her eyesight was very quickly taken away by the hat placed upon her head, pulled down far enough to cover almost her entire face. Taking a step back because of it, she placed herself against a wall before lifting back up the cap to see, softly laughing. ”My parents weren’t going to miss the race.” She explained, but they both knew Remiël’s parents were not that much into races. Her mother would only go to see Arthur’s mother, but she did not need to attend the races to do that, and her father always felt extremely uncomfortable surrounded by the upperclass people. ”And neither would I.” She continued, but even with this, they both knew she mostly came to see him. Remy never actually watched the races, after all. These were all lies. ”What were you doing?” She asked him, because she was more interested in that. And for a moment, she realized that she was still wearing his hat. Quickly she took it from her own head, holding it out in front of her skirt, maybe she was going to wait for an counter attack with it.

Tue Dec 27, 2022 4:19 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Arthur Jacobs
Arthur Jacobs
Plan failed 4dcbb3878d56c7acf52c19dc31b76163
Plan failed Medium_bc4f3e85699008fbe43eb2b32ced1c1a-MV5BMjE0MzNmMGEtMDAwZS00YWI0LWFlZTctM2FkZDMwMDk2ZTc3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDY1NDQ3OTU_._V1_

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Family business help

The races were always exciting, with people coming to visit his home from all over the place, placing bets and testing their luck. It was a popular pastime between members of the upperclass, and so by now he knew almost all of them by name and more. He therefore never had to be bored; even if he wasn't working, he always ran into people he knew. That didn't mean he wasn't particularly happy to see Remy. She wasn't always able to come, so her being here was that more special. Luckily their mothers were such good friends, so he could still see her semi-often even though she didn't live as close-by as his other friends.

"Well, I'm glad you all are here." he answered, his apple green eyes sparkling with joy. He liked Remy's family, they were all good people. Not so stuck up as some of the other visitors that came here. "Have your parents already made their way up to the stands?" They still had a little while before the races would actually start, but the period before that might be even more important. Not only for placing bets, but also for mingling, to see and be seen and hear all the latest hot gossip. Truly, it was more of a social gathering with horses in the background than anything else, or at least for the general public, that was. To him, of course, the horses were the main attraction, although he didn't mind that it gave him an excuse to talk to Remy. She was one of his dearest friends, after all.

"I was just talking to a potential client." he answered. His gaze followed her movements as she took off his hat and did not give it back right away, one corner of his mouth pulled up in a curious half-smirk. He pretended not to notice the naughty glint in her eyes as he went on. "They're interested in Missy. Come on, I'll introduce you!" he said, grabbing her hand before waiting for an answer.
Sat Jan 07, 2023 10:39 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
Plan failed 1XNHQ6yO_o
Plan failed Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith
When you're living in your mind, and nostalgia holds you in dark places
Remiël took every single opportunity to go out into the upper ring, but mainly to see Arthur. For other reasons, she wouldn’t really go there. After all, she had work to do in the middle ring, where she worked for her father. And besides, she wasn’t able to get further up all by herself because of where she lived. She could only go there with her mother when she was with Arthur’s mother. Which also meant that she was rarely ever alone with Arthur, except for when they were at the races and she sneaked away from her parents to see him. Like now.

Hearing that he was glad she was here always brought a smile onto her face, but she wasn’t entirely able to hide the soft hue on her cheeks. ”I think so, yes.” She told him, glad for the distraction as she shortly looked away into the direction of the door, to where the races were being held. Before she looked back at him into those beautiful green apple eyes. To her, his face was the most handsome she had ever seen. And if only he knew how much he was capable of sweeping her off her feet just by looking at her. She often needed to remind herself to say something, or otherwise, he might notice. So, she asked him what he was doing, while holding out his hat in front of her dress with a cheeky smile, already telling him with her eyes that she was planning to get back at him. But she didn’t think he minded that.

He explained what he had been doing, and she softly nodded, as she was making sure that he knew she was listening. Even though, in the meantime, she was still showing him that same mischievous smile, as if she was waiting for the right moment. But then, he managed to startle her again, by telling her he would introduce her to those clients. ”What? Me?” She asked, because she didn’t think they would even be interested in meeting her. It wasn’t like she was anyone special, as she kept reminding herself in many of such situations. ”I.. I don’t think they would..” Remy started blurting out, without actually being able to explain it further. Showing a little bit of fear. But her knowing him, she would know he would drag her along still. Because her fears didn’t make any sense. There was probably nothing they wouldn’t like about her.

Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:26 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Arthur Jacobs
Arthur Jacobs
Plan failed 4dcbb3878d56c7acf52c19dc31b76163
Plan failed Medium_bc4f3e85699008fbe43eb2b32ced1c1a-MV5BMjE0MzNmMGEtMDAwZS00YWI0LWFlZTctM2FkZDMwMDk2ZTc3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDY1NDQ3OTU_._V1_

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Family business help

He barely heard her protests, as he had already taken her hand and started leading her towards his clients. This was all part of business, wasn't it? It wasn't just money talk, it was also social. Having a drink before closing on a deal, enforcing a bond of trust. Making sure that people would come back in the future. His parents were both so good at that; making others feel at ease without losing the upper hand. Of course, clients had no reason not to trust them. They only had quality horses and never scammed people.

He had been balancing the saddle on his right arm which was starting to feel a bit heavy, so once they reached the clients again he put it down on the stand. "Everyone, please allow me to introduce Remy...el Darleston. A dear friend of mine." A boyish sparkle appeared in his eyes as he realised his slip-up, showcasing the fact that she was indeed a dear friend. He couldn't remember the last time he had called her by her full name. He glanced over at her. Even though she didn't come from the same social circles as he and his clients did, he felt proud to introduce her as his friend.
Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:30 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
Plan failed 1XNHQ6yO_o
Plan failed Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith
I summoned you,
Please come to me
Like always, Arthur didn’t seem to pay much attention to her little protests as he quickly took her hand while carrying the saddle over his other arm, so Remy had very little choice but to follow him toward his clients. Being social wasn’t really that much of a problem here, because she could certainly be quite social, but somehow, the young woman always managed to stumble over her words when Arthur was around in social situations. In those moments she often found it hard to hide the fact that she only had eyes for him, feeling like everyone would be able to see right through her.

When they finally reached the clients and Arthur placed the saddle over the stand, Remy took this chance to release herself from his grip and take a step back, folding her hands over each other in front of her dress. Watching the men as they started to notice her standing there - slightly shyish - behind the enthusiastic young man who started to introduce her to them. Her dark eyes flickered a few times between them and Arthur before she gave them a soft bow through her knees, something she usually did when she was meeting new people and had no idea what else to do. Yet, when she finally managed to replay his words inside her own head, she gave him a soft smile, because he called her a dear friend. Remy had to suppress a chuckle from his almost slip-up and it actually took her a lot of strength to suppress of color rising to her cheek as well, but when her eyes went back to the other people in the room she felt like she needed to say at least something, or else they might notice.

”I.. I, well.. “ She started, and just like she expected, she began to stumble over her words. Luckily enough though, she was saved when they started talking back to her. ”Nice to meet you,” One of the men said, to which she nodded and quickly responded. ”Likewise.” She said before he continued. ”Darleston.. I think I may have heard that name before.. Doesn’t your father own a smithy in- give me a moment to think.. The middle ring, right?” He began asking, after which she nodded again. ”Oh yes sir, that’s right.” She added before flickering her eyes back to Arthur, almost begging him to save her from this excruciating conversation. Not that these men seemed to look down on her that much, but they were most certainly staring at her.
Don't bury thoughts that you really want
I fill you up, drink from my cup
Within me lies what you really want

Sun Jun 04, 2023 10:02 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Arthur Jacobs
Arthur Jacobs
Plan failed 4dcbb3878d56c7acf52c19dc31b76163
Plan failed Medium_bc4f3e85699008fbe43eb2b32ced1c1a-MV5BMjE0MzNmMGEtMDAwZS00YWI0LWFlZTctM2FkZDMwMDk2ZTc3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDY1NDQ3OTU_._V1_

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Family business help

Arthur had always had a positive outlook on life. He wasn't naive, but he didn't like spending his time worrying about things that were out of his control. His mother had told him many times: worrying means you suffer twice. His life had been relatively easy-going so far, so there hadn't been that much to worry about.

Sometimes he forgot that that wasn't the case for everyone. That his life wasn't normal by any means. It certainly seemed so, with the way the people from the Upper Ring all seemed to stay close to each other like moths to a flame. In reality, it wasn't normal to be selling horses for as much as a servant earned in a month, or more. But it was his reality.

He hadn't considered that this might be uncomfortably for Remy, had just wanted to involve her in his reality. But one look into her eyes was enough to make him realise. Without missing a beat, he jumped right in to save her. “May I be so bold, sir, as to add that her father is the best in the city. We get all of our equipment from him.” He said with a charming, half-crooked smile. It was the truth, after all.

In that moment, he felt a familiar hand on his shoulder, followed by a deep "That's right. Hello, gentlemen." Arthur didn't have to turn around to see who it was. He didn't take after the one-armed man that much, with his blond hair and all, but anyone who saw the two of them standing next to each other could figure out that they were related. They had the same easy-going nature, the same open approach. He could see it reflected in the way the men's faces lit up as his father had come into sight. For some reason he had that effect on people; a certain charisma that Arthur hoped would come with age.

"Arthur, will you please go and see if everything is ready for the race to start? I will take this from here." The young man nodded and said his goodbyes, after which he and Remy started heading towards the course. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" he asked her, his tone once again lighthearted.
Fri Jun 09, 2023 10:38 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
Plan failed 1XNHQ6yO_o
Plan failed Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith
I summoned you,
Please come to me
Remy did not quite mind her position in life, and living inside the middle ring with her adoptive parents wasn’t such a bad thing either. They often managed to visit certain places within the upper ring, mainly because her mother had such a close friendship with Arthur’s mother. She was very well aware that they still lived a relatively comfortable life compared to other people living within the same ring, but she also tried her best to help those other people as much as she could. Did she like the system they had within the city? No, certainly not, but she was still rather good at hiding it, far better than she was at hiding her feelings for Arthur.

When Arthur stepped in to save her, she showed him a little smile to let him know she certainly appreciated his words, telling those men that her father was the best in the whole city, and that they all got their equipment from him, which wasn’t a lie. What she didn’t realize, however, was that she was once again staring at him a little longer than she originally intended. But that stare eventually got interrupted by a hand on his shoulder, and quickly, Remiël looked away at his father standing behind him, reaffirming his son’s words. He even added a little wink in her direction, which made it more difficult for her to hide the color on her cheeks, mainly because she felt like he had seen the way she looked at his son. Though, maybe it was simply because he liked having her around, given that she was almost a regular guest at their house.

Either way, Remy tried to move her attention away as quickly as she could, so she could hopefully get rid of the color flushing her cheeks. And when Frederick told Arthur to go and see if everything was ready for the race to start, she followed him. Only looking back when she heard one of the clients say her name. ”It was certainly nice meeting you, Remiël.” He said, with a strange smile on his face, to which she gave him a quick smile in return before she focused her attention back on Arthur, slightly quickening the pace until he said something, folding her hands behind her back as she found out that she had been holding his hat this entire time.

”No, it wasn’t.” She admitted, shortly looking back over her shoulder, finding out that the man was still smiling at her before they turned the corner. ”But did you notice that one man who kept staring at me?” Remy continued, speaking her mind before she even realized the question. In a way, that man had been staring at her in the same way she wanted Arthur to look at her. However, when she finally realized what she had asked him, she quickly tried to find a way to distract him from answering, taking his hat and pulling the same prank he pulled on her. Blinding his vision while she spun around behind his back, running away from him towards one of the rooms where they were keeping the saddles, seeing one of the closets standing wide open. Swiftly she climbed in it and closed the door behind her, using the slight crack as a way to spy on him while he would try to find her.
Don't bury thoughts that you really want
I fill you up, drink from my cup
Within me lies what you really want

Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:00 am
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