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[M] Hate the game, not the player - Page 2
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Ravaryn Citizen
Deirdre Seraphin
Deirdre Seraphin
[M] Hate the game, not the player - Page 2 Pasted10
[M] Hate the game, not the player - Page 2 Single10

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Tanner
He gingerly pushes her away after the kiss. It's not rough or necessarily a rejection of her advances... but a moment to give him room to communicate with her.

Please do... But I'd also like to know what you DO enjoy, too. It's better if we're both enjoying it, no?

He could ramble on a bit more, but he doesn't, sensing that he wouldn't have the time to and that she might not necessarily have the patience for it. Deirdre's theory is quickly confirmed when her hands hook under his shirt. He blushes a bit as she takes the lead, but doesn't resist nor assert any real force of his own. Instead, he holds her and gently reciprocates every touch she gives him, peppering her neck with little kisses once he got the chance.

This general pattern of gentleness continues throughout the night. No matter what she does or how she riles and flusters him. He never crosses any established or common-sense made boundaries, nor simply takes what he wants without asking for permission.
Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:45 am
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