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The Mora, the merrier
Time will tell
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IC Posts
High Priest of Xaila
Asmodai Zinyra
Asmodai Zinyra
The Mora, the merrier Z4vTQk6
The Mora, the merrier P2vd7oz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: High priest
Have faith
Asmodai was preparing a feast for tonight, something he seemed to be doing more and more. But it was just a phase, something that had happened One time he couldn't get enough of the event and seemed to host one right after another. And then there were periods that it wasn't on his schedule for months. Of course, such a night wouldn't just revolve around pleasure. No it would be used for worship too, in fact the feast came after a great ritual. One that was actually pretty serious, and time-consuming. So a little levity after was needed. He had to balance the two things, but luckily for him. He was quite good at it. He was pulled out of thoughts however when one of his servants came to him, and pointed to a quite unique looking woman. She was a merchant, apparently. One who sold spices. Asmodai had scoffed when he heard that. "So what, I can get any condiment I want at the market." But no, the underling cried. She sold things that most vendors didn't. And well, that was enough to convince him to at the very least approach her about it. "My associate told me that you're a merchant." The high priest began with a silky smooth voice. "One that offers a large array of spices, even those who are generally hard to get your hands on." He moved in a little closer to the woman. Since he didn't really believe that she got those herbs through legal means. "If that is indeed the case, then I must say I'm very interested." Since, he wouldn't be against tasting some new flavors at the feast. And to see how they would pair together with his favorite wine brands.
"The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent, and easy is the way: but, to return, and view the cheerful skies; in this, the task and mighty labor lies"
Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:18 pm
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