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IC Posts
High Priest of Xaila
Asmodai Zinyra
Asmodai Zinyra
crucified  Z4vTQk6
crucified  P2vd7oz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: High priest
Have faith
Asmodai didn't spend much of his time on "the ground floor" as he called it. It was the quarter of the temple that was open to everyone. And so it was mostly frequented by tourists. And more casual followers of the Odirian deities. The high priest didn't like to waste his time with those sorts of people. No, he preferred to focus more on the permeant residents of his temple. So he usually had underlings managing that section. But sometimes he would come down himself. If he really had nothing else to do. But even then he would only approach someone who was able to catch his eye. And he already had someone in his vision. The man seemed somewhat distracted, so in order to get the stranger to notice him. So the priest waved his staff around. It was a thing Asmodai never thought he'd end up owning. But the former high priest wanted him to have it. It was beautifully made, with a golden base and jewels adorning the sides. It did make the object extremely heavy, though. So the tinted man had sold it for a hefty price. And used the earnings to redecorate his temple. He also commissioned a new staff. Made out of less expensive and lighter materials. "Hello there friend." He said with a smile as he now stood in front of the other man. "Are able to find all that you desire on your own? If not, do not hesitate to let me know. For I shall be glad to be at your service." After he was done speaking, he made a bowed his head and looked at the person in front of him with sparkle in his eyes.
"The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent, and easy is the way: but, to return, and view the cheerful skies; in this, the task and mighty labor lies"
Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:32 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
crucified  3UOvOIY
crucified  4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
He gasped for air as he entered the temple, his hands still trembling as his breathing was heightened. Oh dear Xeion. He didn't plan to go to the temple today... And yet here he was. Why? Quite simple... The streets of Al-Qahil were just so busy. And why did he decide to go out? Well, for simple groceries actually... But before he could even get to a market or any shop he got overwhelmed by his anxiety once more. The crowd had frightened him a lot, especially after he bumped into several people, triggering multiple visions at once. He knew that tonight would be a rough one... And it made him o so... Scared. He shook his head, placing his hands in his face as he slowly pulled some of the cloth down. His pale skin becoming more visible as he did. The cloth that had protected him for the sun wasn't necessary indoors anyway.

He gasped for air slowly as his dark eyes shot up. It didn't look that busy in the temple today. The man let his eyes wander around some of the statues and decorations, feelings his heart race ever faster as he felt like eyes were focused on him. He lowered his shoulders and quickly stepped further in the temple. His gaze hastily trying to find somewhere more peaceful, perhaps some place he could be alone so he could calm down. He had never visited the temple before. And even though he did believe in the deities and prayed to Xeion a lot... He never really felt the need to go to her holy house. His mother asked him almost every week to join her, but he refused every time. It always felt like it wasn't the right time... or if he would go while a ceremony was being hold he would just be stuck in a crowd. He hated that. The thought alone made him even more anxious than he already was.

A voice spoke to him and before he knew it the man stood in front of him. Dressed in a way that you most likely couldn't mistake him for anything else; like a main character in a book. He was the center of attention at this place for sure... Was he the high priest he had read about? He had seen portraits of the man, as he did get a lot of documentation from time to time. Asmodai... A Zinyra if he wasn't mistaken. But his mother had never really spoken of him so he wasn't quite sure how far off family he truly was. He had never heard from the man from the other Zinyra's... So maybe he was a bit like him in that regard.... Well not completely, since he approached him and spoke to him... While he was on the verge of tears due to his fears. Well... if he had to make a guess... Then maybe he was just a man who lived his life by religion. He didn't really know. But the handsome man went on, asking him a question following up by saying that he was at... His service? He frowned slowly... Not really understanding what he meant.

He kept silent as his eyes averted slowly from the other, looking at the temple one more time, before laying his dark gaze back on him. COuld he really ask him anything? He was a high priest, someone who worked for the people... Perhaps...? Or was he more someone who purely worked for their god. "I uhm..." He averted his eyes, looking at the ground. How did he word the properly? "Would you perhaps have a room free somewhere-" That was... Not how you said that... Right? "Like- Private room? Somewhere where there aren't as many people," his voice was tuned down as he felt his anxiety heighten once more. Like a true hunter it wrapped itself around his nekc, strangling him... Suffocating him. How long could he keep this up before he truly broke down?
Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:15 pm
IC Posts
High Priest of Xaila
Asmodai Zinyra
Asmodai Zinyra
crucified  Z4vTQk6
crucified  P2vd7oz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: High priest
Have faith
For a moment, Asmodai thought he had something wrong, for the man before him seemed to be holding back tears. Ah-wait. Now it all makes sense. This stranger, wasn't really a stranger at all, was he? No, he was family. The high priest was sure of it; he was sure that he had seen the older man at gatherings before. Not only that, but his father had mentioned him before too. God; what was his name again? Asmodai was sure it started with a Z. Hmm, Zuhayr, wasn't that it? It had to be; the man remembered his cousin's (?) name meaning something like sparkle, or shining. Ah, who knows. It was all so terrible vague. Asmodai wondered if kin recognized him too. But wouldn't think much of it if he didn't; the high priest made was known for the fact he detached himself as much from his fathers' family as he possibly could. Finally, the fellow man spoke up. Well, sort of- he made noise for sure. But didn't really say anything of substance. Asmodai raised an eyebrow. He, however, kept silent. Allowing the other to compose himself.  "Would you perhaps have a room free somewhere-" The high priest looked at him with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. Wondering what his new-found friend wanted from him.  "Like-Private room? Somewhere where there aren't as many people," Well, usually Asmodai was the one to suggest a more private setting. But he didn't mind the roles being reversed in this instance. "But of course, brother." He said, with a bright smile plastered on his face. "I have a private chapel if you seek to pray in solitude; or perhaps I can entertain you in the one of the exclusive rooms attached to it?"
"The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent, and easy is the way: but, to return, and view the cheerful skies; in this, the task and mighty labor lies"
Sat Dec 03, 2022 6:53 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
crucified  3UOvOIY
crucified  4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
The situation felt way too tense for what it actually was. The other just did his job and he couldn't adjust. This was just who he was, sadly enough, but it was also due to the experience out on the streets earlier. He was on edge and the way the other was didn't help. He couldn't blame him, however, as he was aware that he was the problem, the outcast. If anyone had to adjust it was him, not the priest. It was his house, his home, and he was just a guest. So he should behave properly, as was expected of him. But it was hard, because everything was just so very hard. Leaving the house was just as much of a challenge to him as the provining had been. Really... He would fight a hundred beasts if it meant he didn't need to face any humans. Quite an odd thing, but it was just how you looked at it. With his build and his brute strength he knew he could win the majority of the fights he got into. It was just his technique that was sloppy, but with monsters that wasn't really a necessity.

So he just asked his questions, his mind desperately trying to wander to new places so he wouldn't be stuck with his own anxiety. He had seen the glances his far off cousin was making at him and he just kind of... Averted his gaze. He could only imagine what the other was thinking. Probably not a lot of good things. People rarely thought very highly of him if they didn't know much about him. It was his whole demeanour, he knew that much, but there was little he could do about it in this very instance. He already felt like he was going to die right here if only one thing went wrong. His entire body was on alert and his mind was racing, this really wasn't his place. He wanted to go back home, back to safety and familiarity. But with how busy the streets were right now he knew that that was going to be a struggle on its own. So for now... Clear your head, find some peace. Eventually, it was going to get better, he just needed some time.

Asmodai actually gave a positive answer, to his surprise. The diviner nodded slowly, being grateful for it. Eventually the other went on to give him a choice and for a moment the man blinked in surprise. Praying wasn't really something he set his mind to a lot. Not that he didn't believe in Xeion, he certainly did. He had always been a good kid and obliged to all those wishes his family had asked of him. Just like he had honoured Ranaan when he was in Ravaryn. It was just a way to show your respect... Right? He took a deep breath, gathering his strength in the moment. "The latter sounds nice too," he said slowly in his soft deep voice. He cleared his throat, straightening his back a bit. "It's been a long day, anything to clear my mind," And that was the truth. He would take on anything that was a distraction and an isolation from the world.
Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:52 pm
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