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Neither blessed nor cursed
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Neither blessed nor cursed Naamloos
Neither blessed nor cursed 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ They can't distinguish between left or right anymore... ❞
Being stuck up in the castle all day really was tiring. It was even more exhausting then being stuck back at home in Norwyn. He really cursed himself for going out that day. Because if he didn't, he would still be safe at the Trygg estate. He knew that sooner or later either Nerys, Rán or his uncle would show up. And then he would get an earful regarding whatever the hell he had done. Because he was a lycan... Dear Ranaan how crazy was the world gonna get? If anyone believed that dumb lie then they truly had lost it. He could barely survive his illness, let alone a curse. Even a child could see that. But here he was, dealing with a woman more stubborn then a cow and mind of a toddler. Although he wasn't allowed to say that out loud. If he were to call a royal a cow he surely would get the beating of a lifetime, if not get an even more extreme punishment. Well... It was good thing telepathy wasn't a thing then.

He sighed as he nodded towards the guard. He had asked for a short walk just outside the castle walk... And to his surprise, that was allowed. As long as he had someone with him, of course. Something along the lines of him being fragile and that he could collapse or something. Well yes he was still very weak, but that didn't mean he couldn't go on a simple walk alone. Oh well... He didn't complain, it was something. And besides, it was a nice day. The sun was out and the streets were pleasantly filled. Not too busy, but also not too quiet. Just perfect. His gaze went over some people as he stepped forward. He had his reindeer coat on, as per usual. He still felt very cold, even on days like this. He was happy he had the thing with him, as it gave him both comfort and warmth.

As the Trygg boy went on, he felt himself get uncomfortable with some of the eyes that were focused on him. Well... Word had gotten around, or so it would seem, of a Trygg with a scar across his face. He had hoped for some more time... BUt here he was, on display for all to see. He felt so embarrassed. The guard that trailed behind him surely didn't help, as it only confirmed he was the high standing son of the former governor of Norwyn. Ran would kill him, he was sure of that. As his one good eye looked around the crowd, he hastened his step. Not paying attention to his surroundings he bumped into something or someone and... Lost his balance right away, falling to the floor with some silent curse words. Oh Ranaan.
Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:13 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Deirdre Seraphin
Deirdre Seraphin
Neither blessed nor cursed Pasted10
Neither blessed nor cursed Single10

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Tanner

He internally sighed at himself as he walks along with the bag in hand. As necessary as it was, it did tend to be a bit tedious... Though he'd take having something in his pantry over having his sister showing up and giving him an earful for not at least attempting to have a functional diet.

Vegetables, fruits, proteins, and seasonings... He ought to make something good when he got home from this, right? Not that he had much time to contemplate that as he continued wandering, and, in the depth of his thoughts, collides into something- no, someone? It didn't feel like a wall, that's for sure... Not that he was going to admit that this was a not-so-infrequent occurence...

Either way, there went the food. And himself. He sighs internally, more upset with his spacial awareness than whatever he'd smacked into. He takes a second before he looks at what exactly was in front of him. ...That is most certainly a person.

He grimaces apologetically, gets to his feet and offers the other a hand up, frowning worriedly.
Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:34 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Neither blessed nor cursed Naamloos
Neither blessed nor cursed 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ They can't distinguish between left or right anymore... ❞
This was like the fifth time he ran into someone in Ishgard. Dear Ranaan why were the streets so crowded? Not that that was the issue today... he was simply blind in one eye. And he wasn't well adjusted to it. Not that he was gonna admit to himself or anyone else that that was the cause for his clumsiness. If anything he could always blame the other party. He wasn't very big or broad, so running into him was something he couldn't foresee. Now someone that was larger could easily do that, right? Well. All excuses in the end that did little to his case. As he had collapsed with this stranger, he had fallen to the floor. Something that had caused him to get a jolt of pain through his chest. He stiffened for a moment as he gasped for air, but quickly recovered as he took a moment to catch his breath.

His breathing was still hastened as he lifted his gaze slowly. First he saw his guard, who had his eyes set on something else. Ve frowned, closed his eyes for a moment... And turned his head as he went to sit up properly. Once he opened his two coloured eyes again, he could see the person he had run into. He blinked rapidly as he saw how the other reached out a hand. The Trygg boy frowned for a moment, his mind spinning from the sudden lack of oxygen it had gotten. He really didn't feel well, but that came with going outside, didn't it? His eyes went down as he slowly started to notice some of the groceries that were on the ground. Oh...

Ve cleared his throat and felt himself get a bit flustered. Oh... Well... That was because of him, wasn't it? As he looked back at the stranger he nodded, putting his hand in the others so he could pull himself up properly. It didn't take long before he was back on his shaky legs... And he noticed that his hands had joined in the shaking as well. He swiftly took his hand back, nodding once more. "My uhm... Apologies," he said, his voice raspy as he spoke. "How much was it for the groceries? I'll pay you back," His hands went to his pockets. He had some gold on him, more then enough to compensate for what had happened here. It was only fair for him to pay it back.  
Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:04 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Deirdre Seraphin
Deirdre Seraphin
Neither blessed nor cursed Pasted10
Neither blessed nor cursed Single10

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Tanner
They look out of it... His brow furrows further with concern, though he does his part to lift the man onto his feet. ...Their hands are shaking. Why?

He doesn't get to think much further on that when the stranger pulls his hands away. How much for the-? Oh! He'd all but forgotten about those. Deirdre blinks and frowns a little when the other reaches for his pockets, and waves his hands as if to dismiss the notion.

He squats down for the bag, shuffling the objects back in... and then reaching for a small notebook and pen from within it after settling the leather strap over his shoulder again. He writes fairly quickly, though he tries not to have the ink smudge too much before showing the blonde the words on the parchment.

That's unnecessary, but thank you... Are you alright?
Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:21 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Neither blessed nor cursed Naamloos
Neither blessed nor cursed 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ They can't distinguish between left or right anymore... ❞
The man seemed somewhat surprised as he spoke about the groceries and started to wave quickly. Ve frowned slowly, tilting his head in the motion. Oh? Before he knew it the stranger had started to collect his things. The Trygg boy looked at him, feeling himself become more and more guilt as he looked on. Damn, he should help him... BUt he knew his bad leg wouldn't like it if he decided to go through his knees. It would most likely cause another strain on his leg, something he didn't need right now. With the wound on his back and the illness still on the horizon, it was best for him to steer clear of any other physical complications. It had only been a couple of days since he escaped death... He shouldn't risk dancing with it once more. One close encounter was enough.

As the man stood back up, he started to write. Ve tilted his head once more and frowned even deeper, looking at his guard for a moment. The man didn't seem that interested in what was going on. He sighed softly, before looking back at the stranger before him. He had turned the notebook around, showing him the words. Oh... "I- Have been better, but I'm ok," he nodded carefully, looking at the others throat, before making eye contact with him. "Are you mute?" He asked right away. He didn't see any scaring on his throat, so if he really was it must be a birth defect or a curse. Although if it was the latter he was quite curious to know what caused it. A mage? An elf? Perhaps even an item? He had read about different dark magic uses and how curses were inflicted. They came in such a wide variety of shapes and forms that it was sometimes hard to pinpoint how they worked exactly.
Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:52 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Deirdre Seraphin
Deirdre Seraphin
Neither blessed nor cursed Pasted10
Neither blessed nor cursed Single10

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Tanner
Deirdre settles the bag's strap onto his shoulder, just to give himself an easier handle while writing. He tilts his head, brows pinching together with worry. Bad day...? Or simply... He contemplated the other possibilities quietly, fiddling with his pen. Deirdre blinks at the second question. He smiles softly before nodding in confirmation. He flips a few pages back in his notebook rather than writing this time, and shows him a page with some older writing:

Born that way, yes.

Seems he'd had similar conversations before.

Would you like to sit down somewhere? There's a bench a little while away from here. Your legs looked a bit shaky...

And not just their legs...
Fri Oct 14, 2022 12:03 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Neither blessed nor cursed Naamloos
Neither blessed nor cursed 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ They can't distinguish between left or right anymore... ❞
For a moment he wondered if it was a good idea to just straight up ask him if he was mute. It was the same as asking him if he was blind in his one eye. Covered by scars and milky white in coloration, you'd had to be blind yourself not to see it. But the stranger seemed polite and even offered a smile, something that certaintly lightened the mood for him. As the man started to flip through his notebook, it didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for. As he showed the writing on the page to him, his suspicion was confirmed. Born that way. He nodded at the stranger. "I see," he said as he kept on nodding. As he muled over his options he decided against further questioning it. There was no need to ask more about the matter.

The man started to write again, presenting him rather swiftly with new text to read. The blonde man read it, frowning a bit as he couldn't help but feel... What was the right word for it? Small perhaps? Belittled? Weak...? He lifted his hands, presenting the stranger with a smile. "No thank you," he said, feeling an overwhelming hate pouring over him as he did. THe words tasted bitter in his mouth as he spoke, feeling resentment fo even saying thanks to something like this. "Must be from falling just now, no need to worry," He hated how those words spilled over his lips as if he made up excuses for something he was sure wasn't even true. Only feeding into conformation he felt the strong desire to just... Simply leave this scene.

"Well," He said, his voice still raspy and a bit shaky as he spoke. Not out of the ordinary for him though. "If you don't want any coin for compensation... Then I'll be on my way," He honestly didn't feel like staying here. Not after whatever the hell that just was. Not that he let it show on his face; he remained on smiling. Putting on a facade to at least hold up the thought of a positive encounter.
Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:46 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Deirdre Seraphin
Deirdre Seraphin
Neither blessed nor cursed Pasted10
Neither blessed nor cursed Single10

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Tanner
Just from the fall? It certainly hadn't looked that way to him... Personal, then. Best not to push?

I'm sorry if I've overstepped in some way... That, and for bumping into you. I'll admit, my spatial awareness isn't the best.

He twirls his pen in idle thought, a hint of wryness in the upward curve of his lips. Deirdre blinks at the mention of compensation once more, and looks just a little amused by the thought. He shakes his head in minor confirmation that he did not in fact want any money... Besides, his groceries would be fine. Just a little bruised.

Alright. It was nice meeting you. Take care.
Fri Oct 14, 2022 6:16 pm
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