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Governor of Sleetspire
Erek Trygg
Erek Trygg
Out and about Banner12
Out and about Gif_sq10

Character sheet
Age: 51
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governor of Sleetspire

The streets were busy. People hurried along the crowd towards their work, took their morning stroll or carried a basket on their way to the market. That was also where Erek was going. Until now he’d spend most of his time in Ishgard on business or trying to keep his family from falling apart; this was the first moment he truly had to himself. He’d known Ve, Nerys and Ran would be having a difficult time with their father’s death, but had not expected they would have so much trouble with each other.

The sound of pigs, chickens, cows and more, greeted him as he got closer. The streets made way for an open space that was filled with so many carts, stalls and enclosures for the animals that there was even less room to stand than on the narrow streets he’d just come from.

He was wearing lighter clothes today; that would keep him from overheating as the weather was much nicer here in Ishgard than he was used to and this way he wouldn’t stand out as much and wouldn’t be as easy to recognise.

The market was nice and busy. People were happily talking to each other, salesmen yelled at the top of their lungs that their goods were the best around. Erek went towards a stall to have a closer look.
Sat Oct 08, 2022 5:34 pm
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