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Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
weatherboy EK3xGIZ
weatherboy Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

He had travelled all the way down to the Agrarian ring today. And then his colleagues at the scientific society dare to say that he didn't put enough effort into his research. The man gestured to a servant and was quickly handed a large book and a quill. Alexander used this particular edition to record his findings. Which were in this case weather related. Data he needed for his latest invention. So he went all over Ashmoor, visiting each region. Except the lowest ring; he wouldn't go there. Not because he didn't want too, infact he was dying to see the place wish his own eyes for once. So he could see just how bad it was. But his staff had dissuaded him from the idea. Because they couldn't "guarantee his safety"

Alexander's mind was snapped back to reality when one of his understudies approached him with the thermometer. With that, they would be able to accurately assess the temperature of the area. "Best to just stick it in the ground for now, Benson." The young lord said. Since, well, the object was rather large and heavy. And a pain to hold up for a long period of time, something that needed to be done, however. Since while, it was able to correctly calculate the amount of degrees. It didn't do it particularly fast. And so poor Benson had to hold it upright before it was finished. At least he had to before; in the upper and lower rings; where the street were lined with stone, but here. With the soft and pliable ground, they could just plant it as it were. 

The boy wasted no time, he dug the the metal into the ground. And activated the machine. Alexander opened the book he was holding on to and once again went over the temperatures he had already recorded. 

"Rainy morning F48° at 9½ a.m. - Upperring"
"Windy day F38° now at 6¼ p.m. - Middle Ring"

Sat Oct 08, 2022 4:12 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alyssa Garcia
Alyssa Garcia
weatherboy 53zL75vk_o
weatherboy TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 23 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Farmer

Alyssa sighed as she checked the cabinets. Due to a promise her parents had made, Alyssa’s future in law parents had given them some money. The promise? Alyssa had to go to the Upper Ring next week to attend a ball. It was a ball where participants had to bring their partner and Alyssa was sure the universe hated her when her fiancée couldn’t find any damn girl except for her. They had offended them even more by giving a tailored dress, which Alyssa had to put on to the ball. She hated formal stuff like this and she absolutely didn’t want to go, not with someone like him. At least they would be at a public place where he couldn’t touch her. Her cheek had healed and she didn’t want another bruise, which she surely would receive if he would ever find out what she had been doing in the Agrarian Ring while they were apart.

Alyssa had to blow of some steam. While she was relieved that her parents would be able to trade well this week, she hated that those upper snobs were using them for their own amusement. And then there was another worry that could be added to the pile. Her father had become sick in a short amount of time and the whole reason this marriage ever existed was because her father had been able to do business with father of that snob from the Upper Ring. If her father would be unable to continue his business, would the marriage been blown off? While Alyssa didn’t mind if that would happen, so also didn’t want to see her parents in despair again. She was marrying that guy to keep her family alive, after all.

While she was strolling around the Agrarian Ring, she saw a man around her age standing around with a few other people. They were doing something weird and Alyssa cocked an eyebrow as some kind of machine was plugged into the ground. And then it started talking. Intrigued by this, Alyssa couldn’t help her curiosity and approached the man, who seemed like another rich snob from the Upper Ring. What was someone like him doing here? ”What’s the meaning of this?” she asked, her voice not sounded hostile in the slightest.

No, it was mostly filled with curiosity and some slight confusion.

Sun Oct 09, 2022 1:05 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
weatherboy EK3xGIZ
weatherboy Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Alexander looked up, shifting his eyes from the paper he was looking at to the young woman who, was standing right in front of him. For a moment he thought she was the owner of the field they were standing in, but then he remembered that he specifically asked his team to find a place that would be considered "neutral ground" for their little experiment. Perhaps his party had made a mistake? But when she spoke, Alexander realized that she was just a curious local. And not an angry farmer. Thank god, he really didn't want to upset anyone with his work! Especially not those who's livelihood depended on the health of the soil they used. "Oh this, my lady, is called a thermometer." He smiled at the woman and gestured at the machine. "It has that ability to accurately calculate the temperature of the entire region." He moved his hands side so he could lay them to rest there. "Quite grand, isn't it?" He asked her, through it was really more a statement than a question. "I'm trying to map out the climate of each Ashmoor area, I need that data for my latest invention."
Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:55 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alyssa Garcia
Alyssa Garcia
weatherboy 53zL75vk_o
weatherboy TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 23 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Farmer
Alyssa smiled friendly at the man to show him that she had no hostile intentions. She wasn’t the type of girl who would get mad at strangers if they weren’t doing something wrong anyway. She would only get mad when someone was treated wrong or if someone had a problem with her, but these strangers weren’t doing anything wrong. She cocked her head to the side when the man spoke his words, her eyebrows raising in both confusion and admiration when he spoke his words. So the machine had the ability to accurately tell others what kind of temperature it was in the environment it was stated in? That was amazing. ”That sounds amazing. You must have done a lot of studying to pull something like this of,” she spoke admiringly, taking a closer look at the machine. She had never seen anything like this in her whole life, which probably wasn’t that strange because the Agrarian Ring wasn’t really relying on technology to help the people around here.

”So you’re saying you’re working on something even bigger than this?” she asked, looking from the machine back to him. ”I bet that if you can make something grand out of this, you will make a lot of money.” A world her and her parents could only dream of if Alyssa would retreat herself from her marriage with the snob that was currently dominating her entire life. But she wasn’t jealous. She could never bring up the knowledge to make money like this, so this kind of world wouldn’t belong to her anyway.
Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:10 pm
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