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Wylan Virac
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Avalon Citizen
Wylan Virac
Wylan Virac
Wylan Virac Photo-1591677943886-21dc4c7f4681?ixlib=rb-1.2
Wylan Virac D7d827c743ffe6f00a6c5015675b6fe3

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: ???? original family disappointment

Wylan Virac
Boys will be bugs
Gender male
Age 20
Species human
Magic none
Religion Adelia
Occupation student
P.O.B Wealdstone
Residence Avalon
Height 172cm
Build slim
Hair color dark blonde/brown
Hair texture wavy
Eye Color brown
Skin Tone white


Wylan is not a wood elf.
That's not unusual, per se. Except for his whole family is. The only people he know that he has human ears, are his father and the handfull of staff he employs. The few occasions that he has to be in public, or is visiting family, his father has a moon elf alter his appearance with illusion magic so that he has temporary elf ears.

Other than that, Wylan has a very normal appearance. He does take care in how he looks, and wears clothing thats light and made of expensive materials. His hair always seems to do whatever it wants, and his eyes are deeply brown. Wylan has inheritated his kind and open appearance from his mother, and people often mentions how similar he looks to her.
Constellation The Empress
Alignment neutral good

For someone who has been dealt such a bad hand, Wylan is kind above anything else. He generally keeps out of the way of most people, being not only naturally shy but also not used to large amount of people. He's extremely insecure, not sure that he can do anything good in life. He often let others walk over him and never voices his own needs and wants. As he hasn't gone out into the world a lot, Wylan is also quite naive.
Family Tree


father Callon Virac
mother Elanor Fenrora


Brother none
Sister none


Aunts & Unclesa lot
Cousins Aelisia Fenrora
Both Wylans parents married because it was necessary, not because they loved each other. Both families equally value the continuation of their bloodlines, which left Elanor with no choice but to follow her destiny of creating a large family. She didn't mind much. Callon was a good husband despite the fact that he didn't really love her, and she had wanted a big family. She had excepted her faith a long time ago. However, when it became clear they had difficulties getting children, the tension in their household began to grow. After years of failing, Elanor began to grow desperate, and found refuge in the arm of another man. When she did become pregnant, she couldn't even be bothered to worry about what might happen once the baby was born. She loved her little boy from the moment she knew about him. All throughout her pregnancy she hoped that the real father of her child could stay a secret, and the child would look like her.

When Wylan was born, Elanor was relieved to learn that he did look like her. Except for the fact that he wasn't actually an elf, but human instead. Something her husband quickly noticed as well. Despite his rage, Callon decided that it would be best for their family to play pretend. The alliance between the Virac family and the Fenrora family was too important for him to jeopardize, and so he told everyone that Wylan was his son.

Considering wood elves their appearance don't differ that much from those of humans it wasn't too hard to keep up appearance. Collin hid the boy away however, keeping him from as much people as possible, On the few occasions that they would visit family, or had important guests over, Collin would have a moon elf he trusted alter Wylan's ears temporarily. Though he had accepted Wylan as his son, he was distant and cold throughout Wylan's childhood. Growing up, Wylan spend most of his time with his loving mother, who taught him how to sketch and play instruments. It came as a hard loss for him when his mother died when he was eight, and he was left in a home that no longer felt like it. As older as Wylan got, the more responsibilities started to weigh on his shoulders. His father expected that he would take over as head of his family and make a name for himself.

Even before his mother died, it had become clear that Wylan had trouble with reading books and writing. So when his father forced him to start studying wood magic to keep the appearances, Wylan knew it practically impossible for him to become a mage. His father didn't seem to care however. He hired the best tutors he could find, and wouldn't allow Wylan to stop studying until he had learned how to practice the magic that the was supposed to already posses. Wylan has been trying to study it for years now, and despite his own desires and best efforts, cannot read through a single sentence, let alone write the words in his spellbook. But not being able to study magic is only one problem. Wylan's inability to read and write make him a pretty useless heir, and completely incompetent in the eyes of his father.

Over the years, Wylan has accepted he's his fathers disappointment, and cannot do anything but keep trying to make life in his father's house more bearable for himself. He does have a fascination with plants and the nature around them, and tries to focus on studying them in his own way, just in effort to make himself more useful to his family.


- his favourite flower is a sunflower; they're bright
- he is actually really interested in magic, and what other people tell him about it.
- he can play the flute, violin and piano.
- wylan is a very artistic person; he liked to draw and paint because he can't write.
- he doesn't know who his real father is. His mother never talked about him and he didn't care enough to ask.
- wylan actually prefers to go by Fenrora, because that's what he truly is and he feels more connected to his mother anyway
Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:42 pm
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Deities of Odiria
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Game Master
Wylan Virac XuTWurPc_o
Wylan Virac MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Tue Oct 18, 2022 12:46 pm
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