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Disappointment takes us by surprise
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Disappointment takes us by surprise Naamloos
Disappointment takes us by surprise 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ On the edge of death all I could think about was you
A lycantrope. Fauna Rizal had told him he was one of those beasts.

And he? He didn't believe her. Regardless of what he told her. He didn't care, he really didn't care what her arguments were. In his own mind he was attacked by a bear, not a lycan. And whatever had happened to him on that day, that messed up his face, his back, his body, was just a feral creature. If it truly was a cursed beast, then he wouldn't be alive... Right? How could a weak body like his own even survive a curse? It almost didn't manage on a chronic illness alone. He shook his head as he opened his eyes. His gaze went over to the window. It seemed to be a peaceful night, but he feel at peace at all. He sighed as he moved out of the bed, pushing himself to his weak legs. He really had lost a lot of weight in a short period of time. He was nothing more then skin and bones.

He walked over to the grand window, taking seat at the chair as he sighed. His one good eye going over the city below... He wondered to himself what had gone wrong. He felt the sour feeling of his own grief and anger seep into himself as he pulled his shoulders up a bit more. He felt awful... And for a moment he wished Rán was here, maybe even Nerys. Even though they hated his guts he could at least hide behind them. Because, well, simply put, he was a loser, an idiot. And on his own, he was nothing more then a sad excuse of a human.
Fri Oct 07, 2022 12:35 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Vox Ylindar
Vox Ylindar
Disappointment takes us by surprise HdukYTo
Disappointment takes us by surprise Cl5tqtj

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Royal pain in the ass

I can hear the wolves, they're howling.

Roaming the castle at night was nothing new for Vox. Discovering secrets along it's way however, was something he rarely even did anymore. After exploring so much and being almost everywhere, that was what he thought at least, all secrets of the castle had been revealed to him. Though he guessed there were a few left that he would never lay his eyes on. Unless he furthered up the ranks of heir to the throne. Not that he particulary wanted that. He was fine with his life as it was. Well, almost fine. To a certain point he was fine with it. If nights with full moons were forgotten or ignored.

But something else, or rather someone else, had been stashed away in the castle. Away from prying eyes. All prying eyes except those of Vox of course, who simply just needed to find out who this person was and what they were doing here. Were they a murderer? A long forgotten God? What if they were Regulus in disguise? None of those made any sense, but Vox liked to live in a world of make belief. It made ignoring his ever lasting grief a little easier. And so with any further ado Vox carefully pushed the door handle down to open the door as silently as possible, peeking through the small space he had created for himself, eager to know who this mystery person was that had nestled in this castle.
Sun Mar 19, 2023 3:22 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Disappointment takes us by surprise Naamloos
Disappointment takes us by surprise 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ On the edge of death all I could think about was you
One leg pulled on the chair, he leaned slowly onto it. One arm draping along it as he picked at his own face, mostly the ugly scar that crossed across his face. He still had a habit of touching it, as if he wanted to see if the thing was still there, despite the fact that he couldn't see it. But every time when his fingertips touched his skin and he could feel the slight incline of permanent harm, he knew it was all a brutal reality. The corner of his mouth turned up as his one good eye slowly went over the roofs of the many houses below the window. It somewhat reminded him of home, but even then it was a bit different. Where Ravaryn seemed so densely populated, crowding the castle all around, the fortress the Tryggs called home in Norwyn had much more open space. The northern city also just had much more open space and houses weren't as stacked together as here. Although, it was a trick to keep warmth within the walls, as one would bleed into another, which would result in the minimal lost of warmth. Not that a family like his had to worry about such things. They had more to spare to warm their great chambers and large buildings. The cold wouldn't bother them anyway, since they were Tryggs. He sighed softly at that thought, averting his blue eye from the window. All but one, that was. He buckled under everything, after all, even freezing temperatures. There was just no winning.

In the corner of his eye he saw how the reflected moonlight on the door shifted, which caused him to look up. Slowly narrowing his eyes he turned his body more towards it, leaning back against the back of his chair. "What is it now..." he said in a clear tone, clearly annoyed. "I'm up an dressed if you were wondering and thank you for knocking," clear sarcasm and annoyance in his voice as he sighed once more. No-one had manners within these walls. Not even this mysterious visitor. For all he knew it could be a guard checking up on him. After all, you could never be sure with Ve. He always looked so pale, barely alive half of the time. So maybe they just wanted to make sure their prisoner hadn't passed away during his sleep. Nah... He already knew what kind of cruel God that played his life wouldn't let him go so easily. His death would be long and painful and full of regret. He didn't deserve such a blissful departure.
Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:45 pm
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