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Alexander Preston
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Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston EK3xGIZ
Alexander Preston Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

Alexander Preston
Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas
Gender Male
Age 22
Species Human
Magic None
Religion The Faith of Renestrae
Occupation Nobleman {Inventor}
P.O.B Alderrath
Residence Alderrath {Upper ring}
Height 1.88
Build Slender
Hair color Brown
Hair texture Curly
Eye color Hazel
Skin Tone Fair


This brunette stands rather tall, but posses a slim build. He has short hair, of brown color. Though the exact shade tends to vary. It all depends on how the light shines on it. He mostly keeps it short though, but with a slight curl. The man likes to dress in clothing that befits his station, but are still practical. Something that doesn't always go together. And so he often tries to find a balance in the two.
Constellation The Empress
Alignment neutral good

Alexander is a kind and genuine man. He has a strong sense of right and wrong. Though, this thinking seems a little childish at times. He wants to see everything as either black or white- and doesn't quite understand that something's don't fall under either category. He also wants to help those less fortune than him. But rather than (actually) helping them, with things such as money and resources. Which he has at his disposal. He wants to combine his need for helping others with his other great passion; inventing. Despite the fact, he isn't even really that good at it. Since most of his inventions, literally blow up in his face. He is nevertheless convinced of the fact if he just keeps trying than one day he will be able to come up with something that will help the lower classes in the long term. Since he feels that throwing money their way will only temporary solve the issue. But he also just loves to tinker. And make new scientific discoveries, no matter how minor. It truly gets him excited, and he can talk about his findings for hours. And he isn't an idiot on that front, he has a lot of knowledge on stored in that brain of his. About all matter of things. It's just that he wears a pair of rose colored glasses, which makes it hard for him to see how things are in reality. Because of this, he is rather easy to manipulate, or to use as a pawn. Though, he really only response to positive reinforcement. And therefor isn't one to be intimidated, since he can be rather brave when he needs to be. Especially if he feels him, or the people he cares about, are in danger.  
Family Tree


father Morrigan Preston
mother Annabeth Windsor


Brother None
Sister None


Aunts & Uncles Some
Cousins Some
Magic type None
Expertise None

No magic
Alexanders parents were arranged. Despite that, they quickly grew to love and cherish one another. They lived a happy, rich life. And it didn't take long for them to welcome a child in their midst. It was the only heir to the Montgomery name Annabeth could give her husband. But one was really all they needed. So Alexander grew up without any siblings. But he still had plenty of friends, mostly cousins. Or other sons of wealthy nobles. And so the boy grew up in a loving, but perhaps a little bit of a sheltered home. 

When Alexander was 18 however, both his mother and father died suddenly. Living the young man as the new head of the family. He also has a large house to his name, as well as a very large inheritance. Most boys of his age would use this opportunity to enjoy their newfound freedom, in high-end bars and clubs. But the young master instead decided to invest his money in inventing the "next big thing" something that he has been trying to do for atleast four years now. With little success.

- Discovered a new species of butterfly
- Used himself as a guinea pig to test his inventions multiple times
- His remaining family moved out of the family home because it was almost set on fire when one of his inventions exploded
Wed Oct 05, 2022 6:09 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Alexander Preston XuTWurPc_o
Alexander Preston MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Fri Oct 07, 2022 8:46 pm
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