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Rue Snapdragon
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Avalon Citizen
Rue Snapdragon
Rue Snapdragon
Rue Snapdragon Untitled
Rue Snapdragon B4a8b2e8bf8b7c4c710758930b9a5d84

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Wood Elf
Occupation: Cemetery worker

She spoke to me, words that could be my cure, just as much as it could be my poison
Gender Male
Age 18
Species Wood Elf
Magic Wood Magic
Religion Odirian Deities
P.O.B Wealdstone
Residence Nomadic, all over Avalon
Height 1m98
Build Skinny, tall
Hair color White & brown
Hair texture Straight slightly curling
Eye Color Greenish
Skin Tone Pale


A tall figure, Rue could be seen from quite a distance. He is, however, very skinny and doesn't seem to have a lot of muscle mass. Seemingly being more flexible and being able to use his long body in ways untrained people simply couldn't. He is really freakly frexible, but this isn't really displayed much when just observing him. It's more in the way he would fight or climb. He rarely has any skin showing, but when it is shown its clear to see that he lacks pigmentation and is extremely pale. This is most likely because he covers himself up most of the time.

Rue's entire body seems to be covered in blooming and growing plants, a variation of several flowers and several other plants such as fern ivy or even more deadly species. It's clear that most plants on his body are extremely toxic and/or have hallucinating or other freaky effects. Rue couldn't point out the name of every plant on him but he could tell you what they do and what they are for. The plants on his body seem to grow and die as normal plant cycles go, but at all times theres a variation of vegetation growing on him. Moving through Avalon this changes, having more plants such as ferns when going more up north and having more tropical kind of plants when moving more south. It's clear that plants growing on him adapt to their surroundings.

Rue seems to have a mixture of a ram en deer skull stuck to his face. It is fused/grown on due to some vines and other plants who have taken root both on his face and the skull itself (see magic). He can't take it off, or perhaps maybe he could but he simply hasn't tried yet. However, because of this, you can't really see his face at all. It's hard for him to even eat at all because of this and he has very lacking vision. You can see glances of his eyes through the eye holes of the skull, they seem to be somewhat green in color. Rue's hair is a mixture of brown and pure white. As time goes on his hair is becoming more and more white. It is rather long and also has some flowers in it. In some places it curls.

Rue is dressed in an attire of simple clothing which have been infused with plants and other natural stuff. He has a lot of feathers around his neck and is rarely seen wearing anything else. He has very dark clothing, covering a lot of his body.
Constellation The Bear
Alignment Chaotic neutral

Rue seems to be mostly an individual shrouded by mystery. He doesn't seem to speak a lot, mostly letting his actions speaks for him. However, when intrigued, a childlike wonder seems to spark from him, showing his young age clearly to the world. He is fascinated by things that are unknown to him and will approach people that spark his interest with little care that this might scare the individual. He has 0 social skills, rarely knowing the appropriate things to say. He is very laid back most of the time and doesn't seem to be scared of anything. He has a very giving personality and will usually just give you with you want when asked. He doesn't seem to care about earthly possessions whatsoever, so being robbed or such doesn't really bother him all that much. He is very resourceful and a true survivalist, always knowing how to use the area around him to his advantage.

However, he is also very unpredictable. Due to his magic he suffers from hallucinations, hearing and seeing things that aren't there. He will usually comment on these things, talk to the voices he hears. This usually ends up with him having endless dialogues seemingly with himself. Sometimes these conversations are absolute nonsense as matters seem to switch too rapidly to keep track of. His emotional state seems to be switching a lot and sometimes he could be very gentle and easy going, only to be extremely angry and violent the next. This is usually set off by his unpredictable magic that has drugged him to the point of him being this emotionally unstable.

However, deep down he is actually a very helpful kid. Whenever he sees someone in need he will step in. He is very weird and a lot of people don't seem to understand his motives as he preaches about his friend Adelia. He isn't open to other believes and seems to act very aggressive when another deity is brought up. So it isn't recommended to talk about them whatsoever.  
Family Tree


father ???
mother ???


Brother ???
Sister ???


Aunts & Uncles ???
Cousins ???
Magic type Wood magic


He surely was gifted with great power, that much is clear.

But the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

His magic can no longer be seen as magic, but has shifted towards a curse. Being taken over by a curse that is fueled by his own wood magic it has not only wiped who he once was, but also all his memories. Plants grow over his skin, poisonous and extremely deadly. Curling vines and vines hanging from him, it's hard to tell if he is supposed to be part of nature itself or is a creation of its own downfall. Whatever caused him to become this wretched thing isn't clear. The gifts of plants he once held so long gone, taking a life on its own. Poisoning his mind and his reality.

The flora found on his skin alternate wherever he goes, always seemingly adjusting to its surroundings, but always carrying plants that are deadly, poisonous or have other dangerous properties. Some of its properties have taken hold on him and made him go insane. Hallucinate and be on a constant high, that is the curse he carries. There is no control on the plants that grow on him.

Whatever caused this curse isn't clear. Perhaps in the past, before he forgot it all, he would have been able to cure himself. But even his mental state has been lost to it, he has been far gone. Being part of it, he doesn't seem quite bothered by it at first glance.

My name is Rue, herb-of-grace.
One day I decided to be, so I became. Becoming one with hers truly I walk this earth to chase her ghost.
I swear she is there, just out of reach.
She is as much me as she is you. She is us.
She is everything.

Rue doesn't seem to remember much from his past, but people around him seem to remember the person he once might have been. Rumors of a boy who got trapped in his own magic, fusing a skull to his own head with wood magic. Unfiltered pure wood magic that makes his skin in constant bloom of a wide arrange of flowers of plants; he seems to have great knowledge of plants. He claims to see Adelia herself, a white deer in the corner of his eyes that he chases constantly. Reaching out to her in some desperate attempt to ask for her guidance. Voices telling him to do thing he started to perform certain rituals such as cleaning graves and going to ruins to try and restore them. Although, never seen praying it isn't clear if he actually believes that Adelia is some sort of god or more a friend. He believes she is the only one that remains at his side.

Lost to his own insanity not much more seems to be able to be clear about his past.
- He is born in the White Stag Tribe and has the sigil on his right shoulder, but this can't be seen due to it being overgrown by plants.
- He has family but doesn't remember any of them.
- He has friends and an actual life before whatever happened to him, but he also can not remember any of it.
- Whatever Rue did before he lost most of his memories was something related to plants and medicine as he knows a lot about the matter.
- Rue isn't his real name. One of his first memories was him tending to some common rue, so he simply decided to pick that name.
- The same goes with his 'last name'. This isn't his real last name. When someone asked him what it was, he simply looked over at his hand, where a snapdragon was blooming at the time, taking it as his name.
- He sees glances of albino animals all over, mostly albino deer.
- He hears several voices, mostly a soft female voice that told him to start cleaning graves and restore the ruins all over Avalon. He doesn't question it as he thinks this is his 'friend' Adelia talking to him.
- He both believes Adelia is his friend as much as she is his God, but it seems to be twisting around a lot.
- Rue has fights with this 'Adelia' sometimes and throws temper tantrums when they have a fight, all of this fighting goes on his head however.
- Rue is a poor hunter and therefore mostly eats fruits and other things he can scavenge.
- Rue was a powerful wood elf for his age before being taken over by the curse, that much is clear.
Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:22 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Rue Snapdragon XuTWurPc_o
Rue Snapdragon MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:58 pm
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