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Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Wolfnerd Naamloos
Wolfnerd 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Wolven boy, I'll be your moon, so why don't you howl for me some more ❞
He had been at the castle for a couple of days now. And he felt... Well... Quite awkward was perhaps one way to describe it. Miss Fauna wouldn't allow him to leave right away, not without her permission. He was invitee so... It also wouldn't be very polite of him to just vanish. What he did notice, however, was how he was rarely left alone. Always seemingly having a maid or guard at his chambers. It left him with little to no privacy. And even though he appreciated the care that the castle folk had put into him, he just felt... As if he was being observed. Why and for what he wasn't sure of. However, the medication had done its work quite well and he now felt strong enough to actually leave his bed. As he freshened up a bit he felt as if he got stared by by the guard, giving him an awkward and blank expression. Well... Dang.

He got dressed and looked over at the man who had been guarding the door this entire time. Ve cleared his throat as he shook his head. "May I leave? I would like to go... To the library and get something to read," The guard glanced over at him and for a moment observed him. Before he slowly opened the door for the young master. The blonde boy looked at the door, before pushing it open more and stepping outside. Ofcourse, this guard... Wouldn't let him leave alone. Because as soon as he left the chambers, he could already hear his footsteps behind him.

They walked down the huge corridors of the castle. The guard had quickly taken the lead. And it didn't take long before they were in front of a new door. The man opened it and Ve slowly walked in as the guard went on to take his mandatory position at the door. The young Trygg nodded at the guard before averting his gaze at the huge book cases. A smile arose on his lips as he stepped forward, lettings his hands slip over the covers of the dusty old books. Slowly he read each and every title that appeared before him.. And he came to a stop.

Peculiar illnesses and curses.

He raised his hand and slowly pulled out the book, taking a step back as he pushed the thing against his chest. His eyes averting towards one of the tables placed in the middle of the huge room. He walked over, pulled a chair back, and took a seat. Placing the book in front of him, he quickly opened it and started to read. He loved reading... And this particular book wasn't one he hadn't heard of yet, so maybe it was one of kind. If that was the case, it would be a fun and peculiar read.
Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:37 pm
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