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Kort doe ik ook wel
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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Kort doe ik ook wel X
Kort doe ik ook wel Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He had moved to the... Aggerian ring for business. He had been in the back of the expensive looking carriage as it went on its merry way. He wanted to look over some area he wanted to claim as his own. He was looking forward to placing a new building her. A stocking place to be exact. His new plans did not allow him to have much room for... Errors anymore. After today he would be moving back to the upper ring and prepare for his travels to Danwmire. Hopefully he could also visit Glimmerhollow this moon. He really wasn't looking forward to waiting that one out much longer. He had to discuss the matters of the mining business over with the baron. He had prepared several things for the man. It would only be a matter of negotiation before he could actually get what he wanted. Because, well, everything came at a price.

The carriage came to a stop as he swiftly left the expensive looking ride. His hazel colored eyes went over the hills of the ring as his eyes narrowed. Ew... What was that smell...? Oh dear god.. He sighed as he stepped forward, looking over some of the open land that still belonged to Alderrath. "Right this way, my lord Winter," The voice of the current man who looked over the land walked with him along the dirt road. The tall man looked down at the path as his eyebrows shifted a bit. Dear god why was it so nasty.
Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:16 pm
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