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Don't trust the waters
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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Don't trust the waters X
Don't trust the waters Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He moved his glass slowly in his hand. Some red wine had found its way in the thing and he was now enjoying himself as he read over some of his paperwork. He had some business to attend to near Dawnmire soon. This meant that he had to leave some things to some of his trusted man. This also meant that he had to do his check up on his one and only son, Luca. He didn't care much about the boy, caring more about what his achievements then anything else. He had heard from some of the maids that the young man had been doing well with his studies. Of course he did, he had been forced to do this from a young age. He always made sure that the man had gotten the best training. He had to carry the expectations of not one, but two winters, since there was not a hair on his pretty head that thought about ever having to put Maybel under any of those circumstances. His poor little girl, what if she didn't enjoy the studying, the hard work. No, if she wanted to pursue something in the arts, or perhaps even gardening, then so be it. Most of his heritage was going to her anyway. He had made sure that, even if he wasn't here anymore, she would live comfortably. Not that that was something to worry about for now.

He slowly looked up from the paper as he took a sip of wine. His hazel eyes going to the maid that had been standing at the door. A smile rose from his lips as he placed the glass down. "My dear, could you go get Luca for me please?" The lady nodded, smiling at her master as she took a step back. "Oh and bring me some more of this wine please, it's absolutely delightful!" The maid nodded once more as she bowed. The dark haired man smiled brightly at her. "Thank you so much dear," And with that, she was gone. For a moment he wondered if this was the same chick that was here a couple of days ago. He couldn't remember. They all looked the same in those cute dresses. And remembering all their names was just exhausting. Why remember the names of those peasants. Funny how they all got happy when he simply addressed them with dear. It was a way of showing them false sense of respect and self worth, while in reality he couldn't care less. They were all just 'dears' and 'what would i be without you' in his eyes. Because those sweet words always did it with those maidens. Perhaps because their own father was never there for them.

Matthew slowly turned the paper as he took his pen, slowly writing down some thing. The reason he wanted his son with him was to ask him about his study, but also to go over his engagement. Not his own, but the one that Luca would be getting soon. He wasn't sure what lady he would be picking out for him. She had to be from high standing, that much for sure. And she had to look good, because he didn't want to have any ugly grandchildren. No. He couldn't be seen with something ugly in the family. His poor self image!
Tue Sep 27, 2022 11:27 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Don't trust the waters OTwu4s1
Don't trust the waters 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

With his nose in the books and drawing out a new idea he had for a prosthetic. So he had to design it. If anything it kept him busy and he had graduated in the end. But his skill had to adjust with the will of the people, but if anything it would be better in the long run for himself as well. If he was able to open up his own shop. If anything that was one of his long term dreams. Yet he also had another, which was working for the armed forces of Ashmoor. Helping those people out, it felt like a greater goal for sure. He only had to make the step to use the connections he had. Yet not today. Today he had just planned on doing some studying, perhaps take a nice walk later on.

When someone knocked on his door he looked up from the books. Raising a brow at the woman that entered. Father requested him. With a kind smile he nodded to her, clearly showing that Winter charm. Standing up straight and looking around.  Deciding on taking his book with him, given that the conversation with his father would probably be a one sided conversation from the other side and he just had to listen and obey. Since that was how it was in their household. Had always been. Though he did wonder why he was summoned. As far as he could tell he hadn’t done anything wrong, apart from existing in that man his eyes. So one could only wonder what it was about this time. Very annoying since he had been busy. Dressed in a black attire the man walked through the hallways, as he passed some people he nodded in a way of greeting. Smiling up at them from time to time.

Briefly he knocked on the door before entering. Manners and all. Walking up to the man that was seated. ’You wanted to see me Mr. Winter?’ The way he addressed him, well frankly Matthew had sought that for himself. It was either that or father. The word dad had been scratched out of his vocabulary a long time ago.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:48 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Don't trust the waters X
Don't trust the waters Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
A knock on the door got his attention. It could either be Luca or his maid, as he didn't expect any other visitors. The rest of his staff knew he didn't want to be disturbed, not right now. These were important matters that had to be tended to with some discretion. It shouldn't be getting out that the young Winter was to be wed off. No, if anything that was just something between him, Luca and... Well, if Maybel wanted to know he didn't see why she couldn't. Although, he wasn't gonna bring it up to her right away. Maybe in a passing conversation when offering her some money so she could get the most expensive and good looking dress for the wedding. "Come in," Was all he said as a notice to the person at the door. His gaze lifted carefully so he could spot who came in.

It was him, the one who was supposed to get it all if he were to believe her. He almost chuckled at the thought when he thought back at those fights. Stupid bitch really thought that just because he was his only son he should have it all. Having his blood in his veins didn't mean that his fortune would belong to him one day. No. Almost all of it were to go to Maybel. Perhaps, if she were to be generous, she would share it with her half-brother. But that decision wasn't up to him. Oh thoughts of the future. He really wasn't getting younger, but he still had some time left. And he was gonna make it the best time ever. His mouth curled up in a smile as he stood up. His son standing there at the other side of the room. The young boy addressed him correctly and the charming Winter nodded for a moment. "Take a seat," His voice sounded stern, demanding. Something that didn't suit the smile that could be seen on his face. "We have matters to discuss and little time to go over them, so no chit-chat," But he knew that small talk wasn't something Matthew was interested in. He just wanted to make himself clear once more. If there was one thing he always had too little of, it was time. And he wasn't gonna waste it on the winter boy.

His gaze went to the door once more, before he looked back at the young man. "How are your studies coming along?" His expression had changed as to suit his tone more. A more serious way of outlook. He held the others gaze. In so many ways he was just like him when he was younger. At least, that's what his brothers keep telling him. Matthew couldn't see it. The boy looked nothing like him. If anything, all he could think about when he saw him was that damned witch. "Tell me about your latest findings, keep it short," Instructions were short, as he wasn't really interested what the boy did. This was for his own good, perhaps the only fatherly love he gave him. He made sure Luca had something to get an income, be on his own if he wanted. Achieve something with his life, live up to that winters name. He should be grateful to him if anything. He had been such a giving dad. Yea! Where was his dad of the year award?
Sat Oct 08, 2022 11:52 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Don't trust the waters OTwu4s1
Don't trust the waters 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

When he heard the voice of his father he hummed. Taking a deep breath and stepping in. He could only wonder why his father wanted to be seeing him right now. Usually they only saw each other when they passed each other in the hallway. Or whenever the family dined together. To be called to his office or room, it was something that should scare someone. Luca himself remained indifferent under it. Though he was curious to what it was now. Had he messed something up in the eyes of Matthew? Or was it something else entirely? He remained where he was, until the man would state where he needed to sit down. It was always the same with him.

Once addressed he took a seat, raising a brow when he mentioned they had to discuss something. Right. Off course. He hadn’t expected that the man would be calling him here for a nice cup of tea or whatever came close to it. Matthew always desired something from others, apparently this time it was a discussion about Renestrae knows what.  Leaning back a little in the seat he looked at the other. Who feigned some interest in his studies. Off course.

’I am close to graduating. Top of the class off course.’ Replying to his first question. His latest findings. Right, as if he was interested in that. ’I am working on a few new prototypes to help the troops.’ He didn’t need to know much more. If anything his whole demeanor screamed that he didn’t care, so why should he? ’Might I ask what you wanted to discuss? Your time is valuable, so why should I bore you with talking about my studies when something else is clearly on your mind?’

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Tue Oct 11, 2022 2:10 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Don't trust the waters X
Don't trust the waters Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He held the others gaze as he patiently awaited what he had to say. It didn't take long for the winter boy to speak to him. Close to graduating, top of the class. Well, not that he cared if he was the best or the worst in his class. At the end of the day all he needed were the skills that his studies had taught him. Over time a degree was worth little if you couldn't provide evidence to back it up. It was something that he had seen over the years when he had build his own empire. There was promise in those with great intellect but little opportunity. And when offered the right amount of trust and money, they could be nurtured into puppets that deliver so much more to society. They were always ever grateful for the things that the high standing Winter had offered them. Oh, what pure and giving soul was he. The thought alone almost made him smile. They were forever in his debt.

And so Luca went on to talk about prototypes... To help the troops. Matthew frowned a little as he placed his hands over each other. Weapons? Was that what the boy was working on? Not that he minded. He could be making the next best oven for all he cared. All that mattered was that it caught on in todays world and that people would buy it. He wanted to ask the young man something, but before he could he spoke once more. Questions were returned to him in a way that the tall man really did not appreciate. His expression slowly changed, showing he was displeased by what had happened just now. Talking back to him? Who did he think he was.

"Hold your tongue, child," He said before the other could finish, holding the others gaze. "You are not to question me. When I ask you a question, you answer. Do you understand that?" His voice was stern, almost violent in a way. But the general atmosphere, the way he held himself, remained oh so calm. As he let the silence of the room overtake them once more, he let the seconds slowly pass by. Let that sink in, stupid child. Do not play smart with me and definitely do not act like this towards me. Next time, he wouldn't be this kind to him, that was certain.

As the man slowly leaned back in his chair, a soft smile curled on his lips. His demeanour changing in an instant as he did. It was almost as if something had overtaken him. But people knew that he was simply just good at keeping his emotions in check. He would be a great actor if he wanted to be. "Tell me more about your prototypes, boy," He said. Simply as a way of taunting him. Not even getting to the point or the essentials. He pissed him off and clearly, he was pissing him off in the same way. But two could play that game and he was sure to win. If the boy wanted to act like this, then he shall be treated as such.
Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:58 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Don't trust the waters OTwu4s1
Don't trust the waters 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

Frankly not much response seemed to be coming out of his father’s mouth. Not that he had expected anything really. He assumed that Matthew’s knowledge about the prosthetics he was creating wasn’t that big anyway. So he doubted that the other would truly understand it. There was no shame in it. To each their own interests after all. As he watched the expression of the other change. Luca felt a bit victorious about the fact that he had gotten the other this far already. Yes, he was taking joy out of taunting the other every now and then. A dangerous thing to do. But well, no love was lost. Since there wasn’t any to begin with.

’That’s exactly what I did though. I answered.’ Luca’s gaze was calm. Anger wasn’t building up, no he remained strictly professional under the threatening tone of the other. His fingers traced the edges of the armrest while the silence lingered on. Very stupid to sit here and waist time like that, but well.

’Should I really tell you about them? It gets very technical after all.’ A short hum was audible. Looking at Matthew for a good few moments. ’My prototypes aren’t meant to be weapons. They are created in the way of making the quality of someone's lives better after they have lost a limb. Completely connected to the nervous system of that said person.’ And with that he concluded the simple explanation of it all.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.

Fri Oct 28, 2022 3:53 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Don't trust the waters X
Don't trust the waters Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
The boy in front him angered him in ways that he couldn't describe. His existence annoyed him to no extend. And where he could just simply deny the fact that he was the father of bastard children, he couldn't do that with this one. He was birthed by the wife he once had. To say that he wasn't his son would have only resulted in punishment for Rina and him. And it would bring shame to his name. Something he didn't need. Sometimes he did wonder if Luca was truly his son or if that serpent of a wife had fucked another. He wouldn't put it past her. She was the spawn of everything disgusting and twisted in this world. Only living to climb the social ladder and get more and more out of her life. No wonder the boy in front of him turned out the way he did. It wasn't his fault, he was sure of it. Everything he hated about him was because of his mother. Every time he looked at him all he could see were her degrading eyes. And every time he spoke all he could hear was her annoying voice, hammering away as it tried to find ways to hurt him, hurt Maybel. In his own delusional world the boy was just like her. And there was nothing out there that could convince him otherwise. Because how could he? He was all to aware that even if he had shown him any sliver of love, he would take his chance. All those years ago with his mother, he was sure that she had infested him. Men had power in Ashmoor. Being the one and only son of Matthew Winter meant so much more then being born a daughter. She knew that. He knew that. They all knew that. If anything Luca had to be heir to his riches. Hah. Not even over his dead body. She would never win, he would be sure of that.

He acted cocky and for a moment Matthew wanted to grab him and slam his pretty head against the desk. But he refrained from that. It would insensible of him to act out like that against his son. Although he never viewed the man in front of him as such, that was what the outside world saw. If Luca walked out of his office with bruises he knew that the maids would talk and he would get that stupid bitch on his case about it. No, he couldn't get that. Physical violence might be fun, but in this situation it wasn't gonna get him anywhere. As he spoke, Matthew narrowed his eyes. Listening on to what the young man had to say. Cocky remarks aside he did do what was requested of him. He wondered for a moment if Luca realized that he once had studied to become a doctor, a surgeon at that. He knew way more about the human body then the average man in his field. His stable hand and grand knowledge about medicine was enough evidence for that. If it were not for his late dear wife Cecilia he would have surely been a doctor by now. Perhaps even a researcher. Brewing up medicine for the next client. He scoffed at the mere thought, however, as that secluded way of living would never suit his extravagant way of thinking. He wouldn't be happy at all.

"That's some fine work then if you have mastered that," He noted, throwing the other a bone in the form of a compliment. Rare, but not something he would exclude from the others upbringing. But if the other noted that he was able to do that, then Matthew knew he was ready for the next step in his life. "Then I'll be keeping it short for the rest of the matter," He nodded, leaning forward. "It's time for you to get engaged," He let that sink in for some seconds as he slowly leaned back in his leather chair. Looking over the young man as he observed every emotion that would go over him. What kind of words would he speak when hearing this? It didn't really matter anyway. "I'll be selecting a suitable bride for you," That shouldn't come as a surprise to him. The boy had never had much choice in his life. These grand choices shouldn't be left for children to play around with anyway. He couldn't entrust him with choosing his own bride... Because well, Matthew was sure that it wouldn't live up to what he had in mind. "I'll send you more information in a couple of weeks as I'll be in Glimmerhollow for the upcoming week," He had urgent matters with the new baron as well. However, matters like these were also of high importance. He would make sure that all would be dealt with before it escalated into too much chaos.

"You are dismissed," And with a simple fleck of his hand he turned around in his chair, looking out the window at the city below them. As if the man wasn't even there anymore. He had nothing more to say to him.
Thu Nov 03, 2022 6:37 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Don't trust the waters OTwu4s1
Don't trust the waters 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

Maybe he shouldn’t have acted out. But it was too late now. In the end their bond had been rotten from the start so why not add more salt to the wound? In a whole other universe he was sure that the two of them could have hit it off. That they could actually share a connection, a normal one for a father and a son. Not whatever it was they had. But in the end, that was merely a dream. His father didn’t recognize anything he did, not ever was there a sign of love in his eyes. And thus, the same counted for Luca. Yet deep down, he did care for the man. He’d risk his own life for him if it came down to it. Something he would never have done for Rina. Though that wasn’t known by anyone. If anything, why should he show a sign of love when he had never received such?

And then all of the sudden, a compliment came. Making Luca fall still for a second. Unsure how to respond to it. Wondering if he truly meant it. ’Thank you.’ For just a second the corner of his mouth briefly curled up and just like that he seemed to have transformed into the little boy who had desperately been fighting for the love of his father. But, that was ruined. Fast. As soon as the words resounded Luca frowned deeply. His jaw ticking. Gaze turning colder than cold. Fingers rolling into a fist as he simply stared at the other, his disbelief growing by the second. He tried hard to shove his emotions back down. What on earth was he supposed to do with this news? Matthew selecting a bride for him? As if his father had done well with making such choices for himself. Apart from his first wife that was. This fucking idiot. The urge to smash his fist against his jaw was so big. Yet, if there was one thing that he had learned over the years was that an action like that would only be used against him in the long run. Besides, he couldn’t risk injuring his hands. Not on a piece of trash like his father. ’At least pick someone decent this time around. You didn’t do so well with choosing Rina for yourself after all. As you always tell me.’ He snarled.

Shoving his chair backwards, the wood making a screeching noise on the floor. By Renestrae, he hoped it left a big freaking scratch. Leaving without saying a word, not wasting more time on the idiot of a father he had. Trying to wrap his mind on his impending future.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:46 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Don't trust the waters X
Don't trust the waters Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
It was kind of sad, wasn't it? To see someone actually get happy over something so small. But in some ways he could understand it. When did Luca get any compliments from him? Never really. But was he really to blame for it? What did he have to compliment for? Good job on doing a your job? Well if that was the case he should be showered by compliments everyday. In the real world things like that were scarce and perhaps he was generous for preparing the other in that way. He knew how hard it was gonna be out there, so maybe he really was being the best dad he could be for the boy. How else was he supposed to treat him? Just let him be and all that? Oh no that could never work out. He would get lost in his own room if he hadn't explained it to him. No no… Matthew wouldn't allow it. After all, you never knew what messed up shit that she-devil put in his head as a kid. He wasn't going to take any risks.

Matthew eventually brought the news to him about his future and for a moment he could see all those hateful emotions in his eyes. This mere sight almost made him laugh. Why all the hate? Wasn't he grateful that he didn't need to wrap his head around that? His entire life mapped right in front of him, he simply had to walk down the path and everything would be fine. Maybe the boy realized that, if his mother had succeeded, he wouldn't be here. He would have it all, even freedom. But sadly for him the older man wasn't never going to allow that. He didn't trust him, at all. Even though the boy had always delivered whatever he had asked of him or what was expected of him, he didn't trust him one bit. Not to make his own decisions and not to let him get close to him. He was a product of something that no-one wanted and he was never going to let anyone forget that. It didn't take long for the young man to state his displeasure, even bringing up his late mothers name. For a moment he raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised that he would badmouth the woman in such ways. He had always thought that he had favored the other. Perhaps he still did, but he was simply trying to play him. Funny.

The other stood up, almost throwing the chair to the ground as he did, and for a moment Matthew glanced over his shoulder. Looking at the other as he left his study. "Peculiar," He said as he tilted his head, eventually shaking his head. If he thought he was going to play dumb in the situation, then he could think again. Really. He shouldn't had said anything good to him. See what that brings to people like him. Give them one cookie and they immediately think they can state their opinions. Outrageous.
Tue Dec 06, 2022 11:04 pm
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