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een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt.
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Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. SRiYB3K
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
The palace had many rooms, so finding one to house the Tyrgg boy in wasnt hard. She had even summoned her personal physician to examine the young master. And it didn't take long for the doctor to conclude that Ve truly, was sick. Something that did surprise Fauna. She wanted to ask if it was because of the curse, that it was some sort of side effect from being a lycan. But she didn't; in the end. Out of a forced respect for the boy. She wanted to talk with him first, and really talk; he had to be in a right state of mind for the whole thing. Before, she would throw the "lycanthrope" word around in public. She could always do that later anyway. If he didn't want to cooperate with her. Her doctor and a team of healers stayed with the young master for a while. Made sure his condition was stable. When they finally exited, in the room. It was made known that he needed more rest. The noblewoman groaned in annoyance, but decided to take the opportunity to do some divination on the matter. Perhaps she would see something useful in the future. 

But no; she was disappointed by her gift once again. She did see plenty of things in the star map her hands were able to project. But she just couldn't find out what they all meant exactly. She consulted her charts, looked through the many books she owned for more concrete answers. But it just didn't align up; they all seemed to be contradict one another. Fauna threw one of the large astrology manual she had in her passion across the room in frustration. It would be damaged now, for sure; but she didn't care. She had enough funds at her disposal to buy another one. Just before the woman could destroy more of her precious items in a attempt to release some exasperation. A knock was heard. It was a maid, bearing good news. Because master Tyrgg was finally ready to receive her. Fauna almost jumped out of her chair when she heard that. She rushed to the room of the man stayed in, almost running through the halls while doing so. When she arrived, she dismissed everyone in the room. Every maid, guard, healer. Were sent away. Eventually just the two of them remained. The noblewoman narrowed her eyes, it was something she caught herself doing an awful lot when in his presence. She just simply couldn't stand the sight of him. "Feeling better lord Tyrgg?" With long strides, the woman walked across the room. Positioning herself in front of the window. But never keeping her stern gaze off him while she did so. "I hear you are afflicted with an illness that can be traced back to your childhood."
Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:59 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. Naamloos
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ On the edge of death all I could think about was you
He was being dragged around from one side to another. Up and down and in every direction at once. It annoyed him to no end as it went on, but he didn't really do anything about it. Even better, he passed out as soon as he was lifted in the carriage. A combination of exhaustion and slight panic had left him completely empty in terms of energy. He already had so little of it to speak of, his frail frame and skinny body was more than enough evidence for that. He wasn't like the rest of the men that were from Norwyn. He wasn't a true stern man like the others. No, he was still a weak and breakable boy. Perhaps he had already showed that he was cracking up, ready to shatter at any minute now. He was sick, that much was clear.

When he came by again he was in an unfamiliar room. He sighed for a moment, his lungs feeling heavy with every breath he took. He coughed, although it was almost silent in the way he did it. His eyes went up to a man that was standing next to his bed, but his vision was still too blurry to really understand who that was or what he was doing here. His mind seemed... A lot clearer then he had remembered and for a moment he let out another sigh. Perhaps the sickness was finally cutting him some slack. As he leaned back in the bed he closed his eyes once more, feeling himself sink away and fall asleep again.

He awoke again, this time feeling... Less pain then before. He blinked rapidly, let out a slight groan, as he sat up and placed his hand against his face. "Lord Trygg," He looked up as his one good eye was able to fixate on the person in question. "Good, you're finally awake," the man smiled at him as he slowly walked past the bed to stand next to him. The blonde boy followed him, feeling more confused then before. "Her royal highness, lady Fauna Rizal, would like to receive you," Oh yea... Her, he remembered now. "So let's run some short tests to see if you are well enough," Oh dear Ranaan fucking he-

Well... He absolutely hated that... BUt it had to be done. After some druids had given him some potions he felt the soreness of his throat fade away slowly. He placed a hand on it and slowly moved his fingers somewhat. Ah... yea, that was better. He nodded at the men that had helped them, but before he could thank them, a woman entered the room. As all averted their gaze towards her, they bowed. Ve looked around a bit confused. O- Oh yea! He nodded his head somewhat in an attempt to show his respect to the member of the royal family. It didn't take long for her, however, to dismiss everyone in the room, leaving just her and him... Oh Ranaan.

Her gaze was focused on him. He immediately felt uncomfortable being watched like that and averted his gaze to his hands. As they were folded in each other, neatly placed on top of the sheets. He wasn't quite sure why she looked so angry. He... Couldn't remember anything that could have upset her. Did she not like that he was sick? Well... If that was the case, then perhaps going back to Norwyn was the only choice he still had left. Fauna went on to ask him if he felt better. He looked up slowly, but didn't dare to look directly at her. He felt himself get more nervous as he opened his mouth a bit. "Yes, my lady. Thank you for your generosity," He nodded as he spoke, bowing his head slowly as he held his gaze focused on his hands. He wanted to fidget with the blanket to relieve some stress, but he knew that wouldn't bring him anything beneficial in this situation. It would only come across as unprofessional... So, he refrained from it. As he took a deep breath he could feel his lungs protest heavily. He coughed quietly, placing one of his hands over his mouth as he closed his eyes. Dammit.

She went on to comment about the illness he had. As he slowly recovered from the coughing he looked up at her. "Yes, that is correct," he said, his voice being raspy but also remaining rather deep. "For as long as I can remember I have struggled with my health," He wasn't gonna lie about this. Rán would absolutely lose it if she heard about this. But he couldn't afford to slip up or sell a royal some lies that didn't even matter anyway. "I have always had healers by my side as to keep my condition stable," He nodded slowly, sighing once more. "It... Had stabilized a lot when I arrived here in Ishgard with my sisters. I thought it might have been the weather, since it is a lot more comfortable here," Norwyn was still covered in snow, but Ishgard wasn't. THe city was enjoying a pure and green period. "I must have overworked myself, overestimated my capabilities. It is... Something that happens," He wasn't gonna comment on the fact that happened all the time. "I can't feel when I'm about to get sick until I'm already burning up with a fever, you know?" He forced a smile on his lips as he shook his head. "But yes. I have always had this illness. The potions my healers prepare for me have kept me going for all these years," He nodded. "I'm truly grateful for their magical capabilities," Because without them, he wouldn't be here.
Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:28 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. SRiYB3K
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
He did seem a lot fitter than when she first encountered him, the young man was more alert, more aware, it seemed-of his surroundings. Though he wasn't entirely cured of course, something that was clear when after he had expressed his gratitude - he fell in a coughing fit. Fauna watched him struggle for a few moments, completely lacking empathy when she did do. For he didn't have any sympathy for Patricus when he ripped the poor animal apart. No, he reveled in it; she remembered the look of glee on his monstrous face all too well.

She had commented on his illness, something to really open the conversation with. Since it seemed a little tasteless to her to get to the point right away. But perhaps she should have just gone down that route from the start. Because the nobleman started to ramble on and on. The silver haired woman rolled with her eyes a bit, but didn't interrupt him. But that was mainly because it was impolite to do so; and being respectful at all times, especially to a fellow noble. It was something that was instilled in the young girl since childhood. And well; at the very least, she did get an explanation for his sudden collapse in the street earlier. Though she still found it awfully well-timed for his fever to flare up right at that moment. But she supposed it could have been a coincidence as well. Fate can be funny like that, as every fortuneteller knows. "Sometimes I wish I had the power of healing." she mused, more to herself than to the young master. Because it truly seemed more useful than the magic she was blessed with. "But alas, we don't get to choose our gifts." Fauna walked forward, towards the bed the boy was still laying in. Though she was sure to keep her distance. She knew it didn't work like that, but she was scared he would suddenly transform and attack her if she got too close.

"You can be sure, though, that you'll receive all the medical you need while you're under my care." The noblewoman looked away, finally taking her scrutinizing gaze off him. Instead, she focused her eyes downwards, on her hands. She noticed she had folded them together, something she didn't even remember doing. "That is," She spoke again, trying to find the right words. Something that seemed much harder now than before. "If you cooperate with me." The woman noticed that she was wearing a rather familiar ring around her index finger, she had other jewels too of course. But this one stood out amongst the rest, because it had belonged to her father before his passing. And was therefor it was worth much more, not in money but in sentimental value. "Because, I know you're a lycanthrope- I know it because I was attacked by one with the exact same scar as you." Not to mention the fact that she could feel it was him, she could feel it in her bones. She couldn't describe it, but; there was just something off about him. He had a strange aura hanging around him.
Sat Oct 01, 2022 3:08 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. Naamloos
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ On the edge of death all I could think about was you
He felt uneasy just being here. Something was wrong, something was very wrong but he couldn't put his finger on what it was. Her whole vibe wasn't something... He expected of a lady. She acted and spoke to him as a royal, as most high standing people did. But the way she looked at him, the way she kept him in her vision. Was she... Cautious of him? He felt himself become even more uneasy when he realized that was most likely the case. Why was she acting like that? Was it because he kept on rambling? Did he say something to her when he was running a fever? He couldn't even clearly remember speaking to her earlier so... It could be. But would that make her cautious of him? It's not that words could be destructive in ways actions could. Yes, speech could be a weapon when used correctly but he wasn't skilled enough to properly display that yet. He had his ways with using language but he wasn't a charmer, nor a manipulator. Let alone be someone that could actually do all that while being high on a fever. No, when he was really, really sick there was barely anything that could keep him afloat, let alone make something that could be seen as a threat... RIght?

His eyes shifted around the room, finally averting his gaze. Searching for something, stability perhaps, or a hint of what he had done. But he didn't get time to look for answers, as she went on. She commented on how she had wished she had the power of healing. The young Trygg laid his light coloured gaze once more on her, observing her with a careful look on his face. He wasn't afraid of her as much as he was afraid of whatever he had done to deserve this kind of... Judgement. If he was correct miss Fauna was actually a Rizal, a cousin of Alyssia. Should he... Request her to get the young lady? Oh wait- Shit... Was this because of the other day? He had taken the Rizal away without much thought. Simply a fun ride in the forest. Just the two of them. It was harmless fun. Did she... Know? Did she not approve? A simple boy of a high standing family with a sorcerer was that... A no-no? He wasn't sure what these kind of families wanted from their children. He knew they valued offspring a lot, setting on the magic and name. But he wasn't certain if that meant like... Friendships as well. He hadn't thought about that when inviting the young lady with him. Was she in trouble? Did he cause trouble for her... Was she okay?

But it didn't seem like that, as the royal went on with her words. He nodded carefully on what she said. Yes, they couldn't choose their gifts. Or in his case, no gifts at all. He was born cursed, ill, already broken from the start. He never got a fair start or something extra like sorcerers, elves or even his siblings. He felt somewhat blessed to be at least a Trygg, but even carrying a name like weigh heavy on his frail shoulders. He had knowledge, which held power on its own, but he didn't have anything that truly belonged to him. No weapon, no way of arts or any magic. He knew his family had a way and history with the dark arts but that was simply because his father told him once. It was a family secret and something he never wanted for Ve, telling him he was too weak. It was a shame really, since, perhaps, he could have become a powerful mage. But maybe father was right, maybe he was too frail to even use magic. Physical activities already took a lot out of him, so magic... Might be just that extra step to take him out completely. It made him feel even more ashamed of himself.

He didn't quite notice how his sombre thoughts had made his eyes slowly turn away from Fauna to his own hands. As he started to fidget somewhat with the blanket, he felt himself become restless and sad. He didn't... He felt so... Why...? But he didn't get much time to think, the royal lady went on, medical this and medical that. he honestly didn't care all that much. If anything he didn't want it anymore. Let him be, let him fight. If he didn't make it, so be it. He would have at least showed them he tried... And perhaps that was more important. He would maybe meet dad again and show the old man he actually did something. He had survived a bear attack. The man wouldn't be able to say he didn't feel proud of his son. He had done the impossible, he had lived past an event that could even wipe out a warrior. If anything the ghost of his father should greet him with pride only. Yes. Even if he failed this time, he couldn't deny that he didn't try, that he didn't have successes, because he did.. Right.... Right? Right.

He was somewhat zoned out, the word cooperate got his attention as he blinked rapidly. Cooperate...? With what? He frowned slowly as he tilted his head slowly. What was she even talking about? It was not as if he didn't have healers of his own. He opened his mouth a bit, wanting to decline her offer as he simply didn't need it. That was until she went on. His eyes looked over her face, her posture as she said it. A lycantrope. She knew it because the beast had the same scars as him. He blinked, once... Twice... And stared at her for a moment. What... Was she talking about? "... What?" His voice was soft, silent almost as he spoke. He didn't understand what she was saying. Making an accusation like that simply didn't click in his head. Yet... He was in the presence of someone that had more power than him. Was he even allowed to question her judgement? He looked at her hands and back at her own eyes, trying to catch her gaze. Dumbfounded by what she had said he kept staring at the regal figure. "My lady I do not.... Not that I am aware," His frown became a bit bigger... Or...

It could be a curse. The words of his uncle going through his mind once more. Infection, curse. Cursed infections... He felt panic slowly creeping up on him as he leaned a bit forward, placing some of his fingers along the scar on his face. Slowly tracing it along his eyes as it went down his cheek. Wait a minute... No... No... This was made by a bear. This was made when he was fighting a beast in honour of his father. This was made when he went out to show him. It was a legacy, it was price, it wasn't a curse. "I was attacked by a bear, not a lycantrope," he said silently, more speaking to himself, as trying to convince himself. "I was going out to hunt a wolf and found a bear, I almost defeated it. It was a bear, a bear. A bear I tell you," It had to be a bear, it had to be a bear. It had to be bear. It had to be. He didn't even notice how his breathing had hastened as he went on, rambling almost silently. "Why I- I think plenty of lycantropes might have similar scars. Right? Right." Why was he shaking? "They are savage beasts once a month, so I guess they have a lot of scars anyway..." He shrugged. It was a coincidence. Besides. If she was right, would even survive a.. Transformation? He couldn't right? No. No....

He shook his head slowly, trying to pull up a soft smile on his face. "I'm... I'm sorry my lady I think you have the wrong man. If I was a lycantrope then I'm sure my family would have been aware of it... Would have told me at least. And well simply put," He smiled more, his gaze shaky, his whole body shaking. He didn't feel well. "Besides my name there is nothing great about me, my lady," he nodded slowly. "I'm honestly speaking the truth. My wounds? They are from a bear attack when I was out hunting. I don't even have an animal bite on my body, so I wouldn't- I can't have the curse," He did have teeth marks on his back. Why did he lie about that? Why did he.... Was he? Oh... Ranaan.
Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:22 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. SRiYB3K
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
When he denied the accusation, Fauna's blood started to boil. Not because it was impossible for him to not know about the curse. She had read that the phenomenon did happen quite often. No, that wasn't why she was angry. It was because in trying to explain his scar. He claimed to be attacked by a bear. When he was hunting a wolf. Now, she wasn't no biologist, but she knew that bears generally didn't attack people. But even if that was indeed what happened, there was no way that this scrawny boy could ever stand a chance against it. The story didn't make any sense. Something that even he would realize, no matter how in denial he was. He had to be attacked by a lycan that night, that was how he got afflicted by the curse. She was sure of it. The silver haired woman groaned when the man went on. With a huff, she moved to his bed side. Caution thrown in the wind. She wouldn't have this boy lie to her. Or to himself. He talked about his family, and if he really was a lycanthrope they would know. That did spark something in her, did they know? Is that why they followed him to Ishgard? Because they were all in on it? It did seem possible. That they came with him to keep eye on him. For she was sure at least Ran would know what would happen not only to the boy but also to the entire family if he was found out. So it would be she could be trying to shield him from that fate. But if that was the case, where were they now? Why did they let him roam through the city like there was nothing a miss? Did he break out or something? It was something that has crossed her mind before, but with the way he worded it. It almost felt like they too were more involved in the whole situation than she thought. Fauna would have to seek them out. And see for herself if they a part of this criminal offense or not. Fauna shook her head. Her thoughts were getting the better of her. She needed to focus. For the Tyrgg boy was still talking. But is was really just more nonsense. So when he finally fell quit she took the opportunity. She said, in a dangerously low tone. "I suppose i'll just have to keep you here until the next full moon then, don't I?" Then surely the truth will come out. Even though it was still some away, she already looked forward to it. 
Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:44 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. Naamloos
een weerwolf in mijn kasteel? het is waarschijnlijker dan je denkt. 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ On the edge of death all I could think about was you
It didn't matter what he said to her or what he would weave up to tell her. He clenched his teeth somewhat, feeling himself get nauseous as she came closer. The way she averted herself reminded him of his father and he hated every part of it. How she acted as if she was right. How she presented herself to be more then him, how she would always be more then him. It made him somewhat angry. He hadn't even properly worked through the loss of his father... Or a woman like her had to show up in his life, stirring things up that were none of her business. He knew from that point on that he would never get that girl. He would never find pity for her or be able to tell what she was thinking. She was a monster in a lady's body. Calling him the lycan here was truly a twisted tale. She was out to destroy a life that was not hers to destroy. Now... Who made that the villain in this story? He was sure she thought oh so highly of herself for doing something she thought was right. But women like her always got what they deserved. If she was to make him out to be the bad guy, then he could play along with her stupid little game. Born royalty, yet playing around with critical matters as if it was her own dollhouse. He wondered what the crown princess thought of it.

He turned his face somewhat away from her when she came closer, his one good eye focusing on his hands. He didn't want to look at her. Deeply pained by her accusations he was just all over the place right now. His mouth moving faster and letting out more then he initially wanted to make heard. But as his hands started to shake somewhat, the increased tension in his chest almost choking him, he could hear her words. She was going to keep him... Here? Until the next moon. He closed his eyes slowly as she said that. He was supposed to stay locked up in a castle until then? There was no way that he was doing that. She was mental for even thinking this was a good idea. Did she have any idea who he was? Who his family was? Let it be her funeral if his sister were to find out. He was sure that Rán wouldn't have it. She wanted control over every piece of the Trygg family. And even though he didn't like her and the rest of his siblings... If he had to chose between those two evils, he knew all too well which one he would choose.

"Keeping me here for an entire month," he mumbled slowly as he looked back up to her, his eyes trying to find her gaze. "Why... Isn't that a bit... Overdoing it?" In a way he tried to put it lightly that she was taking him prisoner. She was a madman for doing so. If she trusted the Tryggs and all that she would not keep him there for a month, but only a few days before the full moon. She was truly an idiot for even believing this was a smart idea. He sighed as he shook his head. "I don't have a choice, do I?" Her claims were ridiculous. And to make it of such a weak argument had to be outrageous. Because he looked like a lycan. She basically called him a monster by his looks alone. The disrespect this woman had towards him... "Excuse me for questioning you, my lady... But did you perhaps see something while divining that... Supports your claims?" He wasn't sure if he should even ask her about her magic. Was that a sensitive thing to ask. He didn't think it was. She was a Rizal after all, a sorcerer. She had the power to look into the future. Why wait for the day to come of the full moon if she could just see for herself beforehand.
Sun Oct 30, 2022 6:25 pm
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