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Jigolo Har Megiddo
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
Jigolo Har Megiddo JimtOMm
Jigolo Har Megiddo F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

The days were slowly groing more darker. Shadows started creeping up earlier in the day, winds started to howl through the corridors, and a chill was settling in the walls. All the more reason to keep Renestrae's church warm and welcome. It was almost a day job now to light all the candles, though Alpha was glad of the help he received from his fellow priests.

He was in a section that not many visited. A rack stood there with multiple candles, either completely burned and melted, or looking like they were placed there yesterday. Alpha carefully removed the wax of the ones that had melted down, replacing them with new ones. He then started to light them one by one, muttering a few words for every candle lit. A prayer for the departed, remembered by a candle burning in the dark. Perhaps they were lost in Limbo, perhaps they found rest under Renestrae's gaze.

A soft noise behind him told him he was no longer the only one in this area of the church. He snuffed the match he held in his hand before turning around. The sight of the man further away both surprised and didn't surprise him. He could make a quick guess why he was here. "Lord Winter," he greeted the man, somewhat breaching the distance between them with a few steps. "Whom may I congratulate this time?" his words were a little softer. Words echoed here, and there was no need for gossip going around. Not yet, at least.
@Matthew Winter
Tue Sep 27, 2022 4:00 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Jigolo Har Megiddo X
Jigolo Har Megiddo Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
Preparations had to be made for the wedding. And even though he didn't bother for most things, as he had people for that, there was one thing he did bother to check out. Since the passing of the last high priest, a somewhat familiar face to the church stepped up. Alpha had always been a very weird figure in his own ways. Matthew didn't like him, the man covered his face as if he had something to hide. And let that just be one of the two things he hated in people. Even though he had many secrets too hide, little people knew he actually had them to begin with. Now, for a man like the current high priest, in the ways he was acting and presenting. Even a blind man could see he had a lot to hide. And if Matthew was a little more bothered with the well being by the church, he would have done something about it already. But he didn't even believe in Renestrae. It was all a hoax anyway to silence the little sheep of the lower rings. If anything it was laughable to see people as devoted as the high priest himself. To get someone on their knees over something as silly as an idea. It really showed him, once again, how bendable the human mind was. How fun.

As he entered the church his gaze went over the expensive decoration. Mister Hyon was a huge sponsor to the church, so there was no doubt in his mind that some of his money was spent in some of the decorations. The tall man looked at the statues, the stained glass and the perfectly arranged candles. He lifted one of his brows as he couldn't suppress a slight chuckle. Imagine actually spending money on something like this? Where was the payback? The benefit? There was no gain to get from this? Truly he had picked the right man to take the daughter off. This mister Hyon was truly an idiot. Or perhaps he was chasing some desire to clean his sins. It was classic thing to do among the richer people. Perhaps he would have some men look into that. A background check was always a good thing when it came to family related to his new wife. He knew all to well how appearances could deceive. And it made him smile when he thought about it. What if he found out the others sins, the others secret. How much would his beloved new wife give to keep them hidden for the outside world? What kind of deals was she willing to make with the man that already owned her. He got high on the mere idea of power once more. He was looking forward to the day when all the festivities were behind him. Because... That's when the real party would start.

He slowly walked further into the church, a smile curling on his lips as it didn't take long to find the person he was after. The masked man himself, Alpha Aphelion. The priest had noticed him rather quickly, but that didn't surprise him. Being silent or sneaky wasn't something he tried to be and he most likely couldn't even be stealthy because of his immense posture. He simply smiled at the other as he addressed him. Calling him lord winter. Oh, how nice! He went on to ask a question that was right to the point. The tall man nodded for a moment. "Victoria Hyon, daughter of Kingsley Hyon," The name could ring a bell with the other, as Kingsley had sponsored the church for many years now. "I wanted to check up on... The church, since this will be my first marriage under your watch... Father Aphelion," He averted his eyes as he focused on what he was doing. Seemingly some peasant work as it looked like he was cleaning up some wax. I'm looking forward to see how you will do. He had to hold his tongue as not to run his lips too swiftly. It wasn't time yet to tease the other, to be an idiot. Not right now, there were other matters to attend to. "I've heard great things about your ceremonies, your services in general," He smiled, his voice sounding warm and welcoming, as always. Sweetened up for the other to enjoy. "I'm truly excited!" A broad, charming smile decorated face as he looked down on the other, tilting his head a bit. Eagerly awaiting to see what the other will even say on something like that. Matthew had always been known to be the more energic type amongst his brothers. Outgoing, charismatic and generally always seeming in a good mood. Man, he was good at the part he was meant to play.
Tue Sep 27, 2022 11:06 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
Jigolo Har Megiddo JimtOMm
Jigolo Har Megiddo F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

It was always a surprise when a Winter visited the church. Of course they were just people, doing people things, and making people mistakes. But Matthew Winter was a whole new caliber in this. He visited the church only when he needed something. In truth, he had already obtained what he wanted, a new whore at his side, but he just had to make it official yet. And unfortunately for Alpha, that duty of officiating came down on him now. It was on days like these he wished the old High Priest was still around.

But he wasn't. And Alpha was stuck with Matthew in a most uncomfortable conversation. The priest was glad of his mask now, it would at least hide most of the judgemental and annoying facial expressions he was currently trying his best to hold back. Victoria Hyon. Well, Matthew had truly done it this time. This was no corner Alpha could back out of. The Hyon's were vital to the church. Without them, it wouldn't look half as nice as it did now. The Hyon's were a great asset to the Church of Renestrae and now a part of them had fallen into Winter hands. Alpha did not like that. "I am sure she will fit perfectly by your side," he spoke calmly with a nod instead of expressing his disdain.

Alpha narrowed his eyes at Matthew's enthusiasm. Apparently the both of them were faking this conversation then. Apparently nothing had changed. "It brings me joy to hear such positive things over my sermons. Though it is a pity that you had to hear it from other people. Perhaps a visit during the service would convince you that there truly is nothing to worry about, Lord Winter," he calmly continued, his voice devoid of any negative emotion he was feeling. His eyes stayed put on the Winter across from him, not once trusting to leave him out of his sight. Truly a snake in the garden of Eden.
@Matthew  Winter
Tue Nov 01, 2022 7:58 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Jigolo Har Megiddo X
Jigolo Har Megiddo Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He never really liked the church and those silly little rules they placed on people. But even if he was Winter, he couldn't ignore them. Well in public at least. All those silly little believes of some sort of punishment after death seemed... Funny to him. Wouldn't that just be convenient? To promise something after you have laid your head down. Well, anyone who was dumb enough to believe that could easily become a follower, blinded by those fears and desires. But Matthew was a man who lived by his own desires. Why not enjoy the freedom you had while you had it? Why be a sheep if you could be so much more. Some of his family actually believes in those stupid things, laughable really. Not that he would ever speak up about it. No no... He would act like they wanted him to act so that they would be pleased with him. Only on the surface would it look like he was playing by all those silly rules they so admired.

The high priest himself complimented him on his choice. He nodded for a moment, but decided not to say much more about it. They would truly make a delectable pair, even if he said so himself. Just like how men showed off their wealth and money, did women so do the same in their beauty. She would fit that statement perfectly. When he spoke excitingly about the others work, it did disappoint him that the other was as boring as he expected him to be. Stern as if he had something up his ass. Well, he couldn't blame him. If he was as dry as the other was he would surely be as delightful as the other. Really. What man willingly gave that up for... What... Exactly? A chase for some sort of power? Or maybe he... Actually believed whatever he was preaching? He didn't know what was more funny to him. To cast your existence to something that couldn't even be seen. Oh... People would correct him and say that he would have to call it noble. But in all reality there was nothing noble about a coward seeking guidance from nothing.

So... With all that it was safe to say that Alpha's statement did little to the lord. He smiled at the priest, tilting his head somewhat. "I would love to, really," he said. "But I am a very busy man," He nodded as he turned himself around. "I'm rarely even in Alderrath these days. And when I'm home I would rather spend the little spare time that I have with my children," It wasn't a complete lie. He did try to spend a lot of time with his daughter, but not all of his free time. Some activities just... Overlapped with his worktime as to get things done. Building relationships and all that took time after all. "I guess I'm more of a family man," What a joke, really. But the other didn't need to know him. No-one barely knew the guy behind the mask anyway. So why should he share anything with such a coward. "Oh... before I forget," he said, turning back around as he looked at the other. His face held the charming smile he always held. But the thing he was about to say was... Just something he really had to hold himself back for. "I'll be donating a... small gift to the church later this week," he said. Some money as to please mister Hyon mostly. The other would like it and that's all that mattered. "As a bit of a celebration and all,"
Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:32 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
Jigolo Har Megiddo JimtOMm
Jigolo Har Megiddo F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

It appeared their conversation would be a short one. Oh how sad, how disappointing and how badly this would ruin his day. Ah, wait! No it wouldn’t. Of course it wouldn’t. He was a Winter. The worst of the pack even. While Alpha kept frowning behind his mask, keeping his eyes on the man, he resisted the urge inside of him to just shove Matthew out of the Church altogether.

Of course Matthew came up with an excuse. A poor one at that. But Alpha was in no mood to tart the man and to convince him that perhaps a visit to Renestrae’s Church would do him well. Matthew was already lost, he could tell just by simply looking at the man. Instead of arguing, the High Priest simply nodded. “I understand, the love of family is just as important as our love for our Lady Renestrae,” he mused,saying nothing more on the subject.

Alpha raised a brow behind his mask when the other spoke of donating a gift. Well, that was surely unexpected and it most likely didn’t come out of the good heart of Matthew Winter. No, most likely he was forced in some way. But Alpha simply smiled and inclined his head. “You are most generous, Lord Winter,” he spoke with as much thankful warmth in his voice as he could muster. “I will be sure it shall be put to good use.” If only he could just buy a lot of wine from it and drown himself in it to forget this awkward conversation. But no, he would stay true to Renestrae’s tenets.
@Matthew Winter
Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:10 pm
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