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Stampede (Open!)
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Ashmoor Citizen
Lorraine Doe
Lorraine Doe
Stampede (Open!) Banner10
Stampede (Open!) Di15mbp

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Medicine woman
She was Chaos and beauty intertwined. A tornado of roses from divine
Slowly but steadily a long row of colorful horse drawn caravans made their way down the road. Groups of young children running, laughing in their game as they did, alongside the remarkable vehicles. Their parents, while driving their homes towards a new destination, keeping a watchful eye, making casual conversation. Some played and sang some music to make the journey less dull. Here and there a horse or a cow tight to a caravan, walking docile alongside the procession. All followed by a small but noisy herd of goats and the young herder keeping them together. It was for sure a lively spectacle for all they passed by on the way to Alderrath. It didn't take long before the capital city was clearly visible in the distant.  

Half way down the row of caravans, next to the powder blue colored home of her mother, Lorraine rode her black mare. Her gaze focused on the city ahead, dreaming of a life she could never live. 'You better stop that dreaming girl. That man will never be what you want him to be. Learn from your mother, she found happiness with someone else.' Snapped back into reality by the raspy but gentle voice of her grandmother, she sight into a polite smile. 'Oh leave her alone mother,' Nora defended her daughter as she drove the caravan. 'It's been a long time since we've seen Alderrath, don't ruin it by making it all about that selfish prick.' Lorraine's grandmother muttered something under her breath but didn't fuss any more. 'May I go ahead and explore the area a bit, mother? I promise I'll be back before you'll get to the camping grounds.' With a relieved smile, after Nora nodded in approval, Lorraine urged her mare into a canter, away from the Iri. Riding through the familiar Ashmorian grasslands with the wind through her hair. They came across a little stream, where she slid off the horse's bare back to have a sip of the clear fresh water. As she waited for Gildy to finish drinking from the stream, Lorraine noticed a bunch of big dark figures in the distance. A herd of bison. Her green eyes sparkled out of curiousity.

Lorraine decided to take a closer look at the large but majestic creatures. They didn't seem to mind a lone horse and her rider so they casually continued grazing, while Lorraine observed them quietly on the back of her horse. A little light brown calve was wondering around near his mother. Born late in the season. Lorraine smiled as the little calve played in the grass, disturbing his mothers peace by nudging her sides. The calve reminded her of Bertie. Like him this little creature was surrounded by a loving and protective family. It warmth her heart to see this peaceful scene unfold. Suddenly there was a disturbance in the herd. Agitated movement turned into panic when out of the blue a hunting party appeared. The herd of bisons started running down the plain. Her heart sank as she saw the little brown calve run for it's life, barely keeping up with it's parent's. Completely distracted by this horrible disturbance of the bison's peace, she didn't see the equally distracted hunter. Her horse reared, throwing Lorraine on the dry ground, right in front of the hunter.

Fri Sep 23, 2022 11:02 pm
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