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als een rat in de val
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Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
als een rat in de val SRiYB3K
als een rat in de val 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
Fauna didn't remember much from that fateful night, her memory was really hazy. All she knew is that she got separated from her party when they were returning from a late night hunt. And that she in the midst of trying to find her way back to civilization, she was attacked by some wolf like monster. She recalled the death of her trusted steed, that he was dismembered in a gruesome way. But after that-nothing. It was just a blurr. The doctors say that she blacked out- and she had to agree with that sentiment. Especially since her lower head and neck region were very painful. Suggesting she the fell backwards, and that was how she lost conciseness. But something still struck her as odd; If she really had fainted, why didn't the beast take advantage of that? She was totally had his mercy and yet-he didn't take that golden opportunity? Had he perhaps recognized her? The woman really couldn't say. After the attack, she did read up about Lycans, since it was clear that was the thing that had assaulted her. But she couldn't really find any satisfying answers. When she had finally woken up- it was already morning. She had no idea how long she was out for, but she did remember waking up on the forest bed. But she was still alive, suffering from the earlier stages of hypothermia. But somehow, despite that, she was able to find her own way back to the palace. Something that took her all morning, she was told by her servants that she had at least covered 6 miles. It was safe to say that she had never walked that much in her life before. Aid came quickly, though, soon her room was swarmed with doctors and guards. Trying to get assist her in any way they could. But after a while it was determined that she would be fine, after a few days of rest. And that the damage done onto her was more psychical than fysical. Something that became clear when the nightmares started, replaying the terrible event over and over again. She had to take special herbs in order for her body to get the proper rest it needed. Her mother was in hysterics, of course, and forbade her daughter from leaving the palace again without a substantial force of guards watching her every move. She was also no longer allowed to go on hunting trips anymore.

But Fauna didn't want to become a shut-in like she was when her father died. She still wanted to go outside as much as possible. So when she was better. She decided to visit Ishgards local fair. Even if she had a small army of armed men accompanying her. She hated it- it made shopping and looking around so hard. Everyone had their eyes turned to her-it made her feel like she was some sort of spectacle. But she sucked it up. The silver haired woman had a rather expensive necklace in her hands. It was a beautifully crafted, and she thought of buying it. She had no real use for it, Fauna had a whole collection of jewels. So maybe she would just use it as a gift. But before she could decide who the receiver of her present would be, her eyes had spotted a man who made her heart stop. But for all the wrong reasons. The woman almost ran over to the boy, completely forgetting everything around her. She was laser focused on the blond man. She tried to grab a hold of his arm, to make sure he wouldn't be able to run. This time, she would be the hunter, and he'd be the prey. "You," She breathed as she looked behind her, armed men followed her but she ordered them to stay back. She wanted to handle it herself first. Simply because she knew how rough her guards could be. And she had read that most people couldn't control their  Lycan form, it wasn't called a "curse" for nothing. "You're the one that attacked me in the forest that night."
Thu Sep 22, 2022 3:45 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
als een rat in de val Naamloos
als een rat in de val 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ On the edge of death all I could think about was you
His condition had worsened again.

All he remembered was that he had run a fever earlier before he had a nightmare filled night, followed by something blurry and generally unpleasant feelings. When he finally was able to get back home he felt just as awfull as the night he got attacked by that bear. He went straight to his room and didn't come out anymore. He felt sick, he felt as if his illness had returned, but now even stronger then ever. He started to run another fever, started to eat even less. Being out in the cold had taken a toll on his body, on his immune system. And it made him weaker than ever before. Perhaps it was his chronic sickness that had finally taken the opportunity to strike. Perhaps it... Took a hold of him. It didn't take long for him to start fading in and out of consciousness. He heard people talk, return to Norwyn, the master had to be kept safe at their home. But he was too weak to even survive the travel. No... Please, he did not want to go back home again. He was so close to make it to Lemuria, to start his journey. PLease.... No...

Days went on where he really started to feel weak. He started to wonder if this was it, he was finally gonna be put to rest. But the mere thought of giving up now made him so... So angry. He didn't want to die yet. He had a whole life in front of him. He had so much he still wanted to do. He had spent so much of his life indoors, being sick, just barely stable enough. He was not about to throw away all that fighting for... For just... This. He wasn't he really wasn't. He didn't want to. He wanted to live. He really wanted to live. There was a life out there for him, his life, his destiny. He wanted to live that future, that part of his life that felt so out of reach. To feel alive, to feel love, to be human. To live a life worth living for.

He opened his eyes, his breathing raspy as he gazed around the room. A healer sat next to his bed. It seemed as if the druid was looking over some potions, before noticing the young masters sudden surge of activity. "My lord Ve... How are you feeling?" He opened his mouth, but his voice was hoarse and dry. It felt extremely painful to talk. The man helf up a hand and handed him a potion. The young man took it on and noticed how heavy the bottle felt. As if his muscles had deteriorated... And perhaps, they did. He leaned forward, being helped by the healer as he drank the potion slowly. He didn't feel well at all, could feel his stomach turn as the fluid found its way in its body. But he kept it in... ANd the effect of it came soon after. "Thank you," his voice was shaky, his eyes wide open. He was scared, scared for his own life, scared for whatever was happening to him. Scared that it was back once more.

Luckily for him he had the best healers at hand to tend to him. By the next day he was already walking around. Ofcourse he was still being supported by maids and healers. The day after he was able to get himself dressed properly. Although the process was slow and his body ached at every moment, he was able to do it. Now he noticed how loose his clothing was actually fitting. His cheeks had sunken in as well, dark circles under his eyes... His skin was sickly pale. Some maids noted he didn't look good and he should go lay down again, but the young Trygg was stubborn and insisted slowly on... Going for a walk. After a short debate, that already took a lot out of him, the maids decided that one maid and one healer would go with him. He hated the idea of it... But he had no choice... And in a way they were right. When he looked at himself in the mirror he looked like a dead man walking. The wound in his face sticking out even more as his faetures had become more angular. What had happened to him to... Cause this? WHat had made him so sick... He couldn't remember.

He was cold, even in the pleasant weather that could be found in Ishgard. SO he had taken his thick reindeer coat and pulled some of his hood over his head. Partially covering his sunken in face. As they left the estate, a worried look came over the maids face. If Rán knew about him leaving in this state, he wouldn't hear the end of it. She wouldn't hear the end of it. The healer, that walked at the other side of him, looked more relaxed, but kept his gaze on the young master. His pace was slow as he limped a bit, his weak leg aching even more than the rest of his body. He really didn't feel well... But maybe he could make it through the city. Maybe he could see Alyssia again. Maybe... Maybe they could go for a walk, even talk a bit. The thought of finding her once again in the streets drove him forward. He wanted to see her, he wanted to be with her. Even if it was just for one more moment. That day had brought him more joy than all his years combined on this wretched earth. And if he were to die, if this were to be his own end... Eventually. Then he wanted to go in peace, being with someone that made him happy. If he really had to go, then please let him go in peace.

He didn't feel stable at a certain point and started to look around a bit confused. He didn't know what was happening, but someone grabbed his arm, which cause his maid to step forward right away. Ve almost lost balanced because of this. His frail body not being used to the sudden pull. The healer which was at the other side of him stepped forward and helped him to stay upright. He looked over in confussion at the person grabbing him. His vision a bit blurry as he tried his damn best to stabilize himself. Focus... Focus. An unfamiliar voice... He closed his eyes for a moment as he heard his maid step back, confussion from both of the people helping him, that much was clear. He opened his eyes once again, his one good eye trying his best to focus.. And eventually he saw. Royalty. What was her name again. Fauna.. Fauna Rizal. Cousin... Perhaps of Alyssia. He shook his head, placing his free hand against his head. Focus. Focus. He didn't even try to get loose from her grip. All he did was bow his head in respect for her. He wanted to greet her, but when he opened his mouth pain struck him.... And before he could say something, she said something in return to her own vocals of earlier.

Attacked? He blinked in confussion as his unstable breathing hastened a bit. What was she talking about? He shook his head slowly as he tried to look at her. "I-...." His voice was hoarse, raspy. He was weak. "My... Apologies, my lady," This took so much out of him. He honestly felt like he could faint at any time. He took a deep breath, which hurted him in return, quite a lot. But he stil tried to lower his head, bow to her. Lean in. And perhaps if his healer wasn't holding onto him he would have fallen to his knees. He started to regret going out. Perhaps, for once, he should have listened to the people around him. He felt like a ghost in his own weakened body. He felt nothing like himself. He opened his mouth again, frowned a bit... As the statement started to sink in. "I... I do not recall..." His hoarse, raspy voice shook a bit. He couldn't even finish his sentence.
Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:38 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
als een rat in de val SRiYB3K
als een rat in de val 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
For a moment, Fauna contemplated over what to do next, because what if she had made a mistake? This man- he seemed like a wreck. He was barely able to stand up on his own. He needed someone else to keep him from falling over. Someone so frail couldn't have been the monster from her nightmares, right? The noblewoman loosened her grip on his arm a little as she heard his pathetic attempt to speak. One would think he hadn't used his voice in years- considering how rough it sounded. But still; the sorceress could not ignore her instincts. It had never been wrong before, so why would it fail her now? Besides, looks could be deceiving-perhaps this was all an act. A way for him to trow people off his trail. Well, it wouldn't work on her. If he truly was innocent, then she would let him go, but he must prove it first. No matter in what state he was in. She already was kind enough to approach him herself first. Instead of sending her guards after him. He should be grateful for that. It was the only piece of kindness she was prepared to show him for now. Even if it went against every fiber in her being. She hated confrontation, since it was usually followed by a lot of unpleasantness and that. It messed up her entire aura-making it even harder for her to perform divination. And how was she supposed to perfect her gift if she couldn't... 

Fauna shook her head, she had to focus on the matter at hand. Since it was a matter of life and death, if he truly was a Lycan. He was a danger not only to himself but to society as a whole. Since he already had a acquired a taste for animals, what was stopping him from added humans to that list as well? The silver haired woman narrowed her eyes and held her head up high, in a rare display of arrogance. "Don't play games with me," She spoke in a almost snake like manner, low and dripping with poison. "I know you're a lycanthrope. And if you don't want me to have you arrested." She turned around and gestured to her guards. "You are going to tell me what I want know."

Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:39 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
als een rat in de val Naamloos
als een rat in de val 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ On the edge of death all I could think about was you
He was so confused... And perhaps if he wasn't this weak he would actually offer some more defence to his case. But he simply couldn't right now... His body felt so... Frail. And he couldn't find the energy to even keep himself upright. He wanted to go back home, he didn't feel so brave anymore. The short moment of clearance really had drained him. Why had he decided to... Go out? Why couldn't he just stay at home? His breath was shaky as he tried to blink again, but his vision remained blurry. His chest started to hurt and he could feel himself get weaker as he... Tried to cough, turning his head away from her as he cupper his hand over his mouth. Oh... Yea, there it was. His old familiar cough he always had. He had hoped that it would stay away. But here it was once again. The skinny man closed his eyes for a moment, as if to recover from this simple act. He had to... because he was already out or breath from just simply coughing.

Lady Fauna didn't seem to care much, saying something about games. He frowned, looking up at her as he still leaned against his healer, trying to keep him up. Luckily for him he was but mere skin and bones. A lightweight. It wasn't that hard to keep him up straight. He took a deep breath as he opened his mouth. "Wh-" But she cut him off. Her next words sounding harsh and brutal. Lycantrope? Arrested? He shook his head slowly as he tried to focus. Please, he just needed to focus. Could they just sit down somewhere? COuld he sleep first? He was certain that whatever had happened was just a misunderstanding. He wasn't a lycan... He was but a mere human. And although lots of him before him had been mages, he never got the opportunity to work magic. His body simply always being too weak to even learn anything. He was an ordinary sick boy with not much to offer. And yet here he was, almost collapsing to the floor as he was accused of things that had never crossed his mind.

But miss Fauna went on. She demanded to know things. The young Trygg closed his eyes once more as he tried to focus, tried to gain some of his strength. "Y-yes... Of course," he sounded so utterly defeated as he simply stood there, shaking. He didn't even have the energy to defy her. Cause why would he? He felt as if he could pass out at any time. His shaky legs becoming more noticeable by the second. He really wanted to go back home now. Perhaps take that nap for a day... Maybe a week. Eternity didn't even sound that bad right about now. "My apologies... your royal highness..." He lowered his head as he tried his best to sound clear, but it was in vain. His voice was still as hoarse as ever. Shaky, breakable. Just a short nap...
Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:02 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
als een rat in de val SRiYB3K
als een rat in de val 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
Fauna found herself growing more agitated by the second. Because getting answers out of him seemed almost impossible. This wasn't going to work, guilty or not. They couldn't continue on like this. Fauna redirected her attention to the person holding the man up, and the maid standing near them. The silverhaired woman didn't think they knew more about the situation. Judging from their faces; they were so full of shock and pure confusion. But they could provide her with other answers. Like who their master was; he must have a name and a family to call his own, no? Fauna wanted to know who their were, who he was. So she asked them about the identity of their master. But she wasn't ready for the reply she got. He was part of one of the most prestigious families in all of land. The Tyrgg's. The woman didn't believe them at first, and asked if they were mistaken. But no; they were very sure. He was the only son of the former Governor of Norwynn. He had traveled with his sisters to the capital. So they could pledge their allegiance to the king, her uncle. Something told Fauna that the story she was presented with, wasn't wholly true. But she ignored that feeling. And decided to take their word for it. The noblewoman turned her attention back to the dying man. Ve, was his name. She had even more questions than before, did his family know he was a lycan? Was that why they made their sudden trip to Ishgard? To find a cure of some sort? But no- if they knew they would keep on eye on him surely? The woman sighed and shook her head. This made things even more difficult, she couldn't have him arrested, could she? It would keep him off the streets for a while sure, but; she could already imagine the diplomatic disaster it would cause. But wouldn't proving the fact that he was a lycan be worth that risk? Perhaps it was, but Fauna didn't know for certain. How was she going to handle this? "My lord, I hereby invite you to come and stay with me at the palace. As my special guest." She tried to smile, but it was forced. Maybe it wasn't the smartest move she could have made, but it was the only solution she had at the moment. She could keep a closer eye on him if they stayed under the same roof. Besides, it would make it easier for her to build a case against him. He will slip-up eventually, no? At least he will when the next full moon comes. If not before then. "It is an offer, you simply can't refuse."
Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:38 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
als een rat in de val Naamloos
als een rat in de val 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ On the edge of death all I could think about was you
He felt himself starting to burn up. Was he running a fever once more? Oh... If that was the case, then he should really go lie down. He felt so weak and cold. Not even his thick reindeer fur was keeping him warm in this somewhat pleasant temperature. And to think other people would be dying of heat in a thing like this. Right now, he couldn't see it. He closed his eyes as he tried to suppress his pain. He couldn't start crying or cry out in pain right now. He had to fight against the constant clawing at his consciousness, at the constant sensation of burning on his skin. He opened his mouth a little in an effort to stabilize his breathing, but it was uneven. He really wasn't doing well. But it seemed his servants were doing his job for him... NOt that he noticed. Only really responding when hearing his name. Hm?

And where he thought the lady in question would continue on whatever she was on about it, she suddenly switched. He opened his bright eyes slowly as he looked at her. He frowned, but he couldn't think straight. His body felt too weak to help his frail mind. An offer was made, invitation for him to stay at the castle. His frown deepened more, but swiftly vanished. He didn't have the energy to think her words over. Why she was even saying these thinks. Was it because he did something wrong? Was it because he was sick? Was it because he was a Trygg? Had he done something? Had she... Did she want something from him? A job, perhaps, something to make him useful? He blinked slowly as his mind started to focus on only thing that mattered; Rán would be delighted if she knew... He would also be safe from whatever has been trying to kill him in the past few weeks... It... It really was an opportunity he couldn't let go.

He took a shaky, deep breath and tried to stand a bit on his own. His shaky legs however, refused to work with him, so he had to rely on the person next to him still. "That wo... Would be lovely. Thank you so much for your generosity, my lady," He smiled as he bowed his head slightly. His gaze averted to the ground. He was too tired to worry about other matters. Maybe he could get some rest at the castle.
Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:25 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
als een rat in de val SRiYB3K
als een rat in de val 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
He accepted her offer. But Fauna wondered if he even knew to what exactly he had just agreed to. Or that it was just an automatic response. One would say the latter, judging from the way the man was holding himself; that was to say he wasn't at all. But Fauna still wasn't convinced that he was genuinely unwell. It seemed a little bit too convenient for him. The man was well enough to go outside after all. But when she confronted him, he was suddenly on the verge of collapse? Rather shady if you asked her. But the decision was made to move him to the castle. And she would stand by that. Besides there she could truly conclude if he was illness was true and not just a performance. And naturally move on from there. Fauna turned to the guard standing closest to her and spoke. "Fetch my carriage." In a manner that was very uncharacteristic of her. But she couldn't help it. She was just so vexed at the moment. That she couldn't bring up the energy to be treat her staff with more humility. She would make it up to them later. The man she had spoken too quickly left. It would not be so easy to move the large, expensive method of transportation their way. Since there was still a market going on around them. And thus there were many people moving around. But expected her staff to find a way. Walking to where her carriage stood would cost even more trouble. Especially if lord Tyrgg had to carried the entire way. They already had already made a scene. Fauna didn't want to turn into a laughingstock.

After a short while, everything was finally ready. She allowed the two attends to accompany their master back to the palace. And perhaps she would even allow their master to keep them during his stay at the palace, but she quite sure about that yet. The Tyrgg boy had to be, for a lack of a better term. Loaded into the carriage. Which was rather embarrassing, if Fauna was completely honest. It just made want to go home even faster. So she wasted no time in entering after him. She held her head out of the window and told her the coachman to "Drive on." And off they went, the pace was slow, sure. But at least they were moving. They could always go faster when they reached the main road. Though, since she didn't bring any extra horses for attendants. They could never go above a light gallop.

{Topic out}
Tue Sep 27, 2022 5:34 pm
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