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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Tourner dans le vide X
Tourner dans le vide Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
A smile curled on his lips as he lifted his chin, slowly. "Well then..." His deep voice echoed through the chamber, giving it a more lifelike feel, as if only for a second. His hazel eyes scanned the man beneath him, bowing as he lowered his head once more. His fingertips almost touching his perfectly polished shoes. "I'm honestly not surprised. This is precisely what I was waiting for," Confusion rose from the man before him as he looked up, his blue eyes daringly gazing up at the man before him. "But-" In a swift movement his foot shot up, kicking the bowing man right in his face, which cause him to fling backwards as he moaned in pain. "This is just sad," he chuckled as he looked at the sad man, crawling on the floor, hands covering his own face as he tried to help his broken nose. The dark haired man stepped forward, his hands lowering in the pockets of his expensive pants. "You think we didn't notice? You honestly think no-one would notice?" he laughed as he tilted his head once again. His face was filled with joy as he looked on at the man, clearly suffering from the kick he had inflicted upon him. How joyful. This was but a mere fraction of what he actually deserved.

And in a fraction of his second, his demeanour changed. The smile disappearing as quickly as it had come to him. "You disgust me," His voice was no longer joy filled as he tilted his chin up once more. He looked onto the sad excuse of a man as he heard how tears were welling up, he was in his own world, so it would seem. The wrong kind of action to take when in his presence. His life was on the line and yet, the mage had little to say to him. He scoffed for a moment. "You wasted my time and money," He tilted his head a little bit, lifting his foot en putting it on top of the others shoulder, leaning on it. His weight was enough to make the man cry out once again. Matthew took a deep breath as he swiftly kicked the man once again, right on his teeth. "Silence, don't talk back to me," His voice was stern as he watched on how the man covered his head, shaking. What for... He didn't know. He clearly knew what he had started when he deceived him. "You've betrayed Ashmoor, you've betrayed your people" He shook his head slowly. What a sad excuse of a human being. Although, he no longer was considered a human, was he?

He took a step back, lifting his hand. "Take him away and make sure he doesn't get his disgusting hands on anything," His gaze went towards a guard who swiftly stepped forward, grabbing the wounded man and dragging him away. Matthew followed them for a moment, before turning around. As quickly as his smile had gone, it was back. His face showing of it charms once again. Now he really needed someone to clean his shoes... ANd to clean the blood that was on the floor. He hated that sight so much and that in his own living space. Oh... Well... In a way it was urgent. But at the same time... "Please, clean this up and get me a new pair of shoes," He looked over at his maid, who bowed her head and went on her way right away.

As soon as she left the room he walked towards the window, folding his hands behind his back as his hazel eyes went over the view, as if he was expecting someone. In reality, he wasn't expecting anyone. It was his day off, for once, which meant he could do spend it on his daughter, perhaps... He would love to, but he also knew that he still had some duties to attend to. It was a shame, really, but at the same time it was the life he had chosen for himself. And for that he had been blessed with great fortune. If he could do it all over, he would. He chuckled for a moment, because at the end of the day this is what he truly enjoyed about life.
Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:20 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Tourner dans le vide Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Tourner dans le vide Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel was joyfully making her way back home. She had finished her small business is town – which had consisted of spending money, rather than making money – and was on her merry way down the lively streets of Alderrath. The sun beamed down royally, but she held a delicate umbrella in her hand, twisting it happily as she moved along. No way she had to strain her eyes against the harsh sunlight. She was convinced she would age faster if it would. So she hummed along as she glanced over her shoulder, where she found her guard carrying her brand new knick-knacks. Hm, he came in handy after all. Who would have thought!

Maybel was planning to surprise her father with her early arrival. She had taken one glance on the man who had written her a beautiful, poetic letter, eventually inviting her to tea. But one glance of enough to turn on her heels. She was not associating herself with an old man like that. Maybe she was petty to have accepted the invitation, because she had done it out of spite for her father’s betrothal. Karma had hit her in the face once again. But it didn’t matter, there would be more hopeless men in the future.

What Maybel had not expected was the commotion at home. A man was dragged from their property, his nose bloodied and he left an ugly trail. Maybel rose a lip in disgust and hurried up the stairs. Why had her father always had to be soooo dramatic. She folded in her umbrella and her heels clicked happily on the marble floors of their estate. She tried to launch the umbrella at the coat rack, but she mist horribly. Anyway, she didn’t turn back to pick it up. No, with hasty steps she went to her father’s room.

Maybel noticed a maid with shoes in hand. ‘‘Are those for my father?’’ she asked. It was a stupid question really. Those were obviously his. Nobody else in this house had those ridicoulessly large feet. The maid answered. ‘‘No worries, I’ll take them to him,’’ she said with a charming smile. The maid was a bit confused, but handed the shoes over anyways. Maybel dangled them from her index- and middle-finger and opened entered the room.

The girl slowed her steps as she noticed the blood on the floor, which trailed all the way back to her father’s shoes standing by the window. A deep sigh rolled over her lips. ‘‘Why daddy, do you always have to kick them?’’ Maybel was no stranger to violence. She was raised in this household. And no matter how much her father tried to shield her from it, she noticed it. She walked towards her father, cautiously avoiding the blood in case they ruined her own heels. Then she reached the fresh shoes towards her father and smiled with her head slightly tilted. ‘‘Surprise! I’m home.’’
Dato Dato Dato

Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:43 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Tourner dans le vide X
Tourner dans le vide Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
A shame of his shoes. But it could be corrected. Something that couldn't be said about the man that would be hanging later today. To think that a mage hade been abusing his funds. Oh, how amusing. He had known from the start, but seeing the man struggle, fail and then actually exposing himself. It was better then any play he had seen so far! Really they should hire him to write up a tragedy, because playing around with peoples life really gave him enough inspiration to excel at the job. Then again, the arts weren't really something he was fond of. It would be fun for maybe once or twice, but it would lose its spark rather quickly. Just like much of his toys were they not of much use after he had his fun with it. But hey, perhaps it was worth the try. After all, a job was easier to get rid of then a person.

He heard how someone approached the chambers and he turned slowly, mostly expecting his maid to show up. But when he saw that it was in fact his one and only daughter, a smile curled on his lips. His entire expression softening at the mere sight of her. She, however, went on to comment about the blood, his dirty shoes. He sighed for a moment as he shook his head. "You know that's part of the job, my dear princess," he said with a sweet voice as took a step towards her. She as well stepped towards him. A simple, somewhat, lie as it surely wasn't part of the business whatsoever. It was simply because he enjoyed what he did. Seeing them struggle, seeing them regret every lie they had sold him. It gave him the joy in doing what he did. If not physical violence, then let it be mental, verbal or even materialistic. To rid someone of every penny they had to their name was also quite the sight to behold.

SHe offered his new pair of shoes and he took them over as she announced her return. "Thank you so much my darling," He said with a bright smile. "I am so glad that you are here, please take a seat," He looked over at the maid that had started to clean up the blood. "You!" His demeanour changing since his daughter had arrived. "Hurry up and get my daughter her favourite right now," The young woman looked up in a hurry, nodded and jumped to her feet, hurrying out of the room to prepare a drink for the two of them.

A new smiled curled on his lips as he walked over to the lounge area, taking a seat as he swiftly changed his shoes. "How was your trip to the city? Have you enjoyed yourself?" He smiled as he looked at her once more. He truly felt happy just being around her. She was the only thing that brought him joy in this world. Seeing her happy being the one thing he cared about. All the worries he had about work vanished in an instance as it all became about Maybel. It had become her day, just by showing up.
Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:58 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Tourner dans le vide Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Tourner dans le vide Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel smiled softly when he just brushed it off as part of the job. What "job" her father did precisely, she never knew. The details were not for the ears for high born daughters. But it didn't matter, she didn't have to know. She only needed to know that she would be taken care of. She just had to do what she did best, be one of the Winter jewels. And Alison, of course, was the first to be claimed. She was the most important one, the one who would inhered the great Winter empire. She would just me living in it, not working. It was a man's world after all; dirty and bloodied.

Maybel's eyes once again trailed on the blood, then back to her father. Blood didn't scare her anymore. People like them didn't bleed, it was only the people like that poor unfortunate soul. So she handed him the shoes and they glided in casual banter when the world around them got cleaned of their sins, literally. She gracefully took place in the seat her father offered and stroked the creases out of the fabric of her dress. He ordered the maid to get her her favourite, and she returned a dazzling smile to her father. ‘‘Oh, daddy,’’ she grinned. But she didn't complain. She couldn't wait to taste the fine bubbles and the sweet sparkle of champagne or her lips.

While her dad changed shoes, she kicked up her heels and pulled her feet up towards her and curled up in the soft chair. ‘‘Oh, well. I was supposed to meet some high and mighty poet who wrote to me. But, he literally looked like a goat, so I ran before he could even see me.’’ She didn't feel a grain of pity for the poor bastard she had stood up. ‘‘Such a shame, I might have liked him.’’ she purred softly. Well, worse things could happen. She sighed and stroke a lock of wavy hair out her eyes. ‘‘So, anyways. Then I went and bought some beautiful diamonds I think I should wear on your wedding.’’

Maybel's smile had faded from her face when she had said that. She now glared at her father with the same murderous eyes she had seen him use to basically everybody that wasn't her. She knew it was a low blow, but she just... It was iffy that he would marry again. Hadn't he learned from his last marriage? It had been so peaceful the last years. Her father was happy. She was happy. Why did he have to ruin everything. Especially with some girl that could be her sister. She twirled a lock of hair around her finger and watched her father closely. She usually got what she wanted. Maybe she could get this too.
tag / notes

Sat Oct 08, 2022 12:06 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Tourner dans le vide X
Tourner dans le vide Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
With work like his it wasn't rare that matter like these occurred. But then again, it was something that all winters came in contact with at one point in their lives. It just be that he handled it like this. With blood sticking to his soles and a bright smile on his face. he enjoyed every part of it. Was he harsh? Perhaps. But he would prefer the term correct, as that more accurately portrayed his way of working. All was well until one took a wrong step. And that's what he was always waiting for. Like a shark attracted to blood, he flocked to the misfortunate and the faulty. Their tragedies were better then any play society could brew up. Oh how he loved doing what he did.

His maids scattered like mice as soon as his tone changed. No longer sweet tongued for them, it was clear they had to their job with absolute precision. Remembering their place and what they were doing here. The tall man looked at one of his maids, who was cleaning the floor as quick as her hands could work. Another had bowed to her master, walking out of the room swiftly after. A smile curled on his lips as he placed his hands over it. His hazel gaze moving back to his darling daughter. She seemed pleased and that was all that mattered. He would do anything to keep that dazzling smile of hers. She meant everything to him. The only thing he still had of his late wife. Oh how he missed her every day. It had been over 20 years now, and yet still... The thought of Cecilia made his heart swell a bit, aching as much as it cried out for her. Oh his dear Cecilia...

Maybel started to talk about her journey to the city and Matthew leaned back, letting the words of his daughter lead the conversation. She was supposed to meet a poet that had been writing to her. But the guy had looked quite ugly, so she had turned away from meeting him. He nodded to her, understanding quite well why she had done that. He would do the same thing. However, those things never seemed to happen to him. If women invited him for... Business related matter, they always seemed dressed up, covered in their finest make-up and linen. But he knew why they did that. Usually acting surprised and great when they eventually found out about the truth regarding the rumours, it was actually him who played them. Not that they had to know that. The blond Winter carried on, ending her story by commenting on how she had gotten some diamonds for his wedding. And in an instance, the entire atmosphere had shifted.

Matthew looked at his daughter, his smile fading as hers had done. Well. Of course he hadn't expected her to be thrilled about the arrangements, but he had at least hoped she had an understanding to it. "Maybel," He started, his voice sounding a tad neutral as he spoke. Not demanding or angry, but more leaning towards the fatherly tone he usually had around her. Although it sounded less filled with emotions as it had done before, the way he spoke was more formal... Not in a bad way. "You have to understand that these are things that have to be done in our family," He tilted his head, his hazel eyes going to the door. The maid from before walked in with a fine crystal gless, filed with the champagne Maybel oh so adored. As the woman walked up to the young lady, offering her drink, he took a deep breath. "I'm merely marrying out of obligation. You understand that, right?" He didn't want to push his daughter away. That would pain his heart immensely. "I can promise you, this will not be like the last one," Rina was a monster and a disgusting witch. The only thing that woman had on her mind was money and power. Almost like someone else in this house that had attached themselves to the Winters through marriage.

"I'll make sure she knows her place," He nodded at his daughter. "Besides," He chuckled as he leaned forward, picking his glass of red wine of the table. As he carefully picked it up he couldn't help himself to chuckle some more. "She's just a pretty face. That's the only reason why I picked her," Yea. And she couldn't expect of him that he would marry and old, ugly hag. Those types of women were useless to him. He just got married for the more intimate activities. Not for anything else. Victoria was never gonna get any power in her hands. She was a mere object in his eyes and he would make sure she would know that. As he leaned back in his seat, he took a sip of his wine, awaiting his daughters response.
Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:30 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Tourner dans le vide Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Tourner dans le vide Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
There it was, the tone of his voice that she had provoked. She had to admit, she was being mean. But she would not be the daughter he loved so much if she would react unlike herself. It was his doing that taught her to act and talk like she did. Her blunt honesty and dauntlessness made most common people shocked and intimidated. She knew she could never intimidate the man in front of her. He was the master of it, and it was his looming shadow over her shoulder on her every move, that made her intangible. But in the privacy of each other, they were like two birds of a feather. But more those of a phoenix, burning brightly and perilously.

Maybel smiled at the maid that offered her her champagne, and she didn't hesitate to drink deeply. She glanced back at her father, while she blinked slowly. It was just the way of the world, hm? She narrowed her eyes barely noticeable, but she was not pleased with that answer at all. And then came the promises, that this would not be like the last time. It was like he was able to read her mind. Because was that what she was afraid of? She had been just a child when Rina was around. She remember the woman vividly, but not much of those were happy memories. And when she thought back, her father had not been happy either. What was wrong with things staying the way they were? Maybel sat like a statue while she mulled over his words. She wanted to be angry, and eventually one of her legs bopped uneasily up and down. She drank another sip to calm her emotions down.

But as her father leaned forward to pick up his glass and chuckle as he spoke about this girl, she clenched her jaws on each other. ‘‘Is that supposed to amuse me?’’ she hissed at him. Her head tipped to the side for a bit. ‘‘That girl is my age. Is that my fate as well? Some pretty face for some old man to use?’’ She knew she was being unreasonable, because her father would never let that happen to her. He gave her so much freedom, even with men. He trusted her opinion completely and he wished for her to fall in love as he once was with her mother. But she was angry. She did not want that woman in her house, in her presence, being some mindless doll on her father's arm. But she just wanted him to think about how iffy it felt for her. That girl could be her sister. What would he think if she married a man his age.

Maybel leaned forward, put her glass with a clang on the table and then pressed both hands down on the wood. With pleading eyes she looked up to her father. ‘‘I thought we were perfectly happy. And Luca is.. well eighteen or something right now? Do you really need another wife? You are not planning on having more, you know... do you?’’ She did not like the idea of another disrupting breezing through their halls. She did not want to share what she had. And even more, she wished her father to fall in love again. It was possible, wasn't it? And they both knew this was not love. He had just admitted he just lusted for some human warmth.
tag / notes

Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:59 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Tourner dans le vide X
Tourner dans le vide Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
If this were anyone else, he would laugh in their face while shutting them down with much ease. Perhaps even use violence. But he would never think like that when it came down to his daughter. She was the only person he really cared for and he would give her the world, if he only could. But not everything could be like he wished it was. Just like how he still had certain desires. It was a careful game of balance, weighen the one for the other as to try and please everyone. It had been years since he last had someone by his side. Even when Rina was still around it never really felt like they were a thing. Not after the first year, at least. The woman had been bitter and cold, only really caring for her son while casting her step daughter aside. Matthew had despised her for treating Maybel like that. A fatal mistake on her part. He could handle anything thrown at him, as he cared little for what the consequences of those actions. It was the reason why he drank so much, why he dabbled in matters that no human should mingle with. He treated his own mortality as a plaything in its own regards, just like anyone elses. But all of that changed when it came down to her. He had promised Cecilia that he would grant her the best life possible. And he would do anything in his power to make that happen.

He could understand her anger quite well, as what had happened with the last one wasn't a pleasant experience. But Matthew was sure that his decision was a good one. Maybel had never known a mother and he couldn't help himself but feel concerned for her. And maybe he was going about it in the wrong ways, but could you blame him? To compromise between what she needed and he wanted was a delicate matter that wasn't easily laid upon someone. In his own humble opinion he really thought that he had made the best choice for everyone. He had picked someone who was close with the church, which would strengthen the ties there and please the Winters as a whole. From what he had heard the woman was also very serious. He was sure that he could get her to do what he wanted, let her be a mother figure for his children, something they really needed. And for him? Well. She was a beauty for sure and that was all that mattered to him. To actually go for a woman his age was... Questionable. Not many aged with grace. A shame, really.

And where he thought that he had picked his words well, she didn't seem pleased. She proved to be his daughter once more and retaliated with words that could cast anyone away. He frowned for a moment as she spoke as if this woman was just like her. "Of course not my rose," He said after she spoke, his voice clearly concerned and it bit surprised. "You are a Winter and my daughter, never forget that. You are not like her... You are not like any of those women," It made him feel bad that she would ever feel like such lowlife, because she wasn't like that. She was above all. She was a winter, a statement that would always indicate much more than just a pretty face. He rose to his feet as he stepped forward, kneeling down beside his daughter as he carefully looked up at her. A vulnerability that only two people ever had the pleasure to see in him. As he looked over her perfect face, he softened up. No longer was he smiling or putting up some charming looks. It all made place for something so very pure; the look of a concerned father. "Please..." He said softly, holding out his hand as to grab hers. But he waited, as to not agitate her. She was clearly angry and if she wanted to hit him, she could do. If she so wanted, she could beat him up as much as she desired. "Never think yourself to be just a pretty face, my angel," he said softly. "You are so... So much more," He tilted his head. "You are smart and talented and so very brave," he said. "You are nothing like any of them. And I will never let something like that happen to you," It was fathers promise to his daughter, his jewel, his everything.

Pleading eyes followed by pleading words. It made his heart ache and made him actually rethink his choices. He averted his eyes for a moment, letting those words sink in for a moment. As he fell silent, he remained on one knee, sitting beside her. A sight that was truly rare. You would never see him on his knees, not for anyone. But this was one of those things he couldn't fool anyone with. "Of course not," He said softly. "I know we are happy but..." He paused for a moment, looking at the floor for a moment as he tried to find the words that wouldn't be too harsh. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized there was no easy way to put this. "I'm getting old," He sighed, softly chuckling. And perhaps that was part of it. A last strive in his prime before his age would catch up with him and he would be nothing more than just an old man. If he would ever make it to that age. It was funny, really. In a rich's man world there really only was one thing they all wanted more of... And let that one thing be something impossible to achieve.
Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:49 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Tourner dans le vide Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Tourner dans le vide Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
The fact that Maybel was nog afraid to tell whatever what was on her mind, showed that nothing was left unsaid between the two of them. She knew her father was always there to talk to. But he was also her biggest punching bag, the one who had to endure her anger. She vented to him about basically everything. It has always been that way, because he had always been her only parent figure. So now that she was growing up and she started to understand more and more, the matters became more delicate. It was her future too and she deserved to be involved. She was not getting her life ruined by some girl. She was not a child anymore. She would not let herself be bullied.

So if it meant to be unfair to her father to get what she wanted, she had to do it. She would lash out in the only way she knew, and that was trying to take on the sensitive parts. She could not break bones, but she could break hearts. But she would never go that far with her dad. She would be mad for a day, maybe two. It never lasted very long. If there was someone she forgave as easily as a leave turning over, it was her father. And when he sounded surprised, she felt guilty already. It was like she had to say sorry when he explained to her she was "nothing like those women". Maybel looked away and started to fiddle with the glass in her hand, turning it around and around, while the bubbly liquid started to create a little whirlpool. She kept her mad face on, not trying to know how to place herself now. She still wanted to get rid of that woman. She felt like an intruder in her home, her life, her relationship with her father. The balance would shift and this annoying parasite would be buzzing around in her life. And she would attach herself to her father, because she would have no friends in this house. She would be a glorified whore who was allowed to go to parties.

Maybel never expected her father to come forwards to her and kneel next to her. It forced to look at him, while he made himself look vulnerable, while he literally pleaded to her. His usually so confident and strong demeanor crumbled and he looked really concerned for her. Had she been to harsh? Had she been to short-sighted? Her father's opinion was worth the most in this world and seeing him plead for forgiveness, made her crumble as wel. She took his hand and a sad smile came on her face. ‘‘I'm sorry,’’ she whispered softly. Forgiven already. It was not her place to doubt him. He had always kept every promise he had made to her. She had freedom every girl dreamed of and it was only possible because of him. Not even Alison, heiress of Ashmoor, enjoyed what she was given naturally.

She hated seeing him like this more then seeing him angry. Maybe she just had wished for a fight. To fight until he would say she was right. But no, he was on his knees, on the floor he just had turned bloodied moments before. And he was begging for her... was it forgiveness? Was it permission? And then he said the big words, that he was getting old. Her eyes turned wide. ‘‘Of course not,’’ she replied in an instant. ‘‘Nobody would call you old.’’ Or did some people do? Her father was her hero. Heroes did not turn old, heroes did not die. It did not matter how many years had passed or how many would come. He was still the most powerful man in Ashmoor. But was that what he was afraid of? Old age? Did he need a young woman on his arm to pretend to still be twenty? ‘‘Oh daddy, there is still so much time left.’’ Maybel put her glass away and now put both of her hands on his, shuffling more to the edge of the couch. He looked so weirdly vulnerable. Also something a hero was not supposed to be. ‘‘I'm sorry for what I said, daddy. But you are scaring me with that kind of talk.’’ She looked at him intently. Was something else going on? Was he worried about his legacy? She and Luca could do it, he did not need another child. Suddenly the world seemed to spin rapidly in front of her, like she did not have a single care in the world anymore. She did not like how everything seemed to change and there was nothing in her power that she could do to stop it.
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Thu Dec 01, 2022 4:05 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Tourner dans le vide X
Tourner dans le vide Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
The rules of Ashmoor had always been straight forward, but strict. He never felt anything for it, as he found it so limiting. Yet, he could understand why those rules were in place. To keep people in check and give them a false sense of a greater thing. After all, there was no greater fear than the fear of the unknown. It was the whole reason why people invented religion and believed in something bigger than what they could see. He had always found it a bit amusing, as in a sense it was also a kind of magic. But to be critical and to think outside the box... Now that wasn't really that was appreciated here. Critical minds had strong thoughts and strong thoughts led to problems. Simplicity and obedience were what a leader wanted. Well, a simple leader. To create followers was one thing, to develop something bigger, however, required so much more. It's not that he blamed his brother. It had been like this for generations now. Tradition and guidelines brought peace to the mind of simpletons, that much was clear. But for people like him it was but a mere irritation. He couldn't help but keep questioning it, regardless of the fact that he understood. Didn't they strive to become stronger in the long run?

He honestly felt real concern for her when she spoke like that. It broke his heart to think that she thought of herself like that. Did he play a role in this mentality? He hoped not. She was pure perfecting, a light in this dark world. He wouldn't allow anyone to harm her in any way. It really was the only way to his heart and perhaps the only weakness he had. Being both the thing that brought him the greatest joy, as well as the greatest sadness whenever something did go wrong. To feel like this, was something rare for him, but not when it came to her. His daughter, his pearl, his rose, his everything. He would move mountains for her if he could. And he had always given her everything she ever wanted, because she was worth more than any amount of gold. But when gifts and money couldn't do it anymore, he went on his knees in front of her, asking for her forgiveness in the humblest way possible. Perhaps the only person who would ever witness this, but she was worth it. To make himself vulnerable was perhaps the greatest gift he could ever give her.

She took his hand and offered her apologies by saying that she was sorry. Matthew smiled at her softly, just like she did. As he softly laid his fingers over her hand, he softly squeezed her hand, gently and not for long. It was more of a reassuring thing than anything else. "You don't have to say sorry," he said gently to her, tilting his head somewhat. "I understand that you're upset," He really did. After all, it had also been him who brought Rina into her life. A woman who had proven to be vile to the core. It had spoiled that precious dream he had for them. A dream he was still holding onto. And now with the fact that his backup plan laid in pieces, all was just looking bleak. He didn't like it, at all. To not be able to control every little bit of his life was troublesome. He hated it. He hated being powerless. He hated having to admit to her that they couldn't live the way they wanted. "And that's okay," Because it was okay to feel a certain way about things. "If there's anything I can do, then please tell me," Calling of the wedding wasn't an option, however. It was the one and only thing he couldn't give her.

But then he spoke of his mortality and his age, something that seemed to scare her. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her gaze and her reply on his shoulders. She stated that he wasn't, but he knew better. He was getting a couple of grey hairs here and there. Although not noticeable yet, it did confirm the fact that he was getting past his prime. He was still very fit and young for his age, however. But he knew better than anyone else how fast it could go sometimes. Maybel went on and tried to comfort her in her own way. He smiled at her, before averting his eyes. No-one would dare to do that, of course. It would be an insult to the Winter to say the least. Especially since he was the youngest among his brothers. To say he was old, would state that the Duke was getting old as well. And that wasn't a lie, he was as well. But Edward wouldn't state such things to people. The man was way too busy to even care about such thing anyway. His daughter went on with confirming that he was still young, placing both her hands on his as she went on to say that she was sorry and he scared her. Matthew looked back at her, observing her once more, showing her a soft and gentle smile as he did. People thought men like him didn't get vulnerable or weak. Men like him were pillars for others. And pillars, they couldn't crumble.

He remained silent for a moment, before he finally spoke. "I didn't mean to scare you, my rose," he said softly. "But this is the truth," He looked at her, trying to look at her with his hazel eyes. His gaze was soft and warm as it tried to comfort her. "But you are right, there is still plenty of time left," But that didn't mean he was getting younger. However, he could understand what she was afraid of. Telling her he was getting old meant that there could be a time when he wasn't around. And even though he felt like now would be a good time to speak about that, he just... Couldn't. He couldn't bring him to look at her while she felt like this. Scared of a future that was bound to happen. No... Now was not the time. "Let's talk about something else, ok?" He said with a soft smile. He remained there, on his knees, for some time, before he finally rose again. "I'll be going to Dawnmire again soon, would you like to come too? I'm sure Victor would love to see you again," After his visit to Glimmerhollow he would go back to the city he really loved. Perhaps some time away from the big city would do good for the both of them. "I'm leaving for Glimmerhollow in a couple of days though, so it would only be after I'm back from that trip," It would give her some time to get properly ready. And if he was being completely honest, he was really looking forward to some quality father daughter time. And what better place to spend it than the beautiful city of Dawnmire.
Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:31 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
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Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel knew she could have a bit of a bad temper, but her father made it disappear like snow in the sun. And she felt guilty, because he had made such a scene to apologize to her. It was not needed, but she appreciated the grand gesture. He reassured her softly, his voice ironing her worries away like creases in tough fabric. And giving her the power to say what she wanted or needed. Maybel felt guilty again, but when power was given, you should be there to pick it up. ‘‘I am not a child anymore, daddy,’’ she started reassuring. She was not that little girl, who her father thought needed a mother. No, she was perfectly fine without a mother when she had her father. And she knew her father did not marry this woman for that, but- well. It was complicated. And it felt unnecessary. ‘‘But please, I don't want to see you unhappy or worried again. Don't let her ruin that.’’

And god she did not like the thought of her father becoming old. Not that she did not want him to, no she hoped he would have the eternal life, being by her side forever, because she would be so lost without his guidance. She relied so much on him every single day. How was she ever supposed to do that on her own? She imagined it as a slow and steady learning curve. But know that she was still young, she had to enjoy her youth for as long as possible and he let her. Why would she bother worrying herself with something like a job. She would marry a husband sooner or later that would do that for her after all. So yes, she was scared of the thought of her father not being in that picture. She refused to even think about that. So when they looked at each other in silence for a long moment, she could only worry more and more as that picture somehow became a reality in her mind.

Her father's first words were all but reassuring. The truth. ‘‘Fuck the truth,’’ she said with a watery smile, trying to make the air a bit lighter. They were Winters, they could rewrite the rules and the truth as they saw fit. Maybel looked at him with confused eyes. Why would he even bring these thought in her head? She nodded slowly as he agreed with her, saying the time left was plenty. So maybe that was why he needed a young wife, to feel young again or something. She really hoped she would not intervene with his legacy. She was his legacy, his work, and Luca, carrying their name. After all, she would not be a Winter forever. In blood, but not in name.  

So.. something else. That was perhaps for the best. She released her father's hand when he stood up again and he started to explain where he would be for the coming weeks. When he mentioned Dawnmire, she looked away quickly. She was still to ashamed to admit that she did not share his love for the city where her mother came from. She hated to be there, so close to that side of her family. Not that she did not like the Grimaldi's, no she loved her family, but her being there always felt so awkward. It was like she was the ghost of her mother coming back to life. How they would talk about her when she was there, all sad and melancholy. And then of course her father, who's hand she would have to hold as they would visit the tomb of her mother. It was horrible. ‘‘Oh, you should have asked me earlier. I have plans,’’ she lied with an apologetic expression. Well, she would have to make plans soon to build this lie on. ‘‘And Victor will be here soon, for your wedding, won't he? We'll catch up then.’’ She did miss Victor too, but his life had been littered with loss too as of late. And ugh, that would be a gloomy mood as well. She perked back up when her father mentioned Glimmerhollow. ‘‘Oh? What are you going to do there?’’ She had heard about the new baron. Frederick Eckhart, a true pillar of the night scene in Alderrath. She used to sneak of to his parties, before he had to return to Glimmerhollow for his duties. ‘‘Tell the Baron I said hi,’’ she said with a cheeky smile. She did not really know him, but he was still a very interesting figure. Father would probably like him too. He was a bit of a black sheep, and didn't he like to root for the underdog?
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Tue Dec 20, 2022 11:38 pm
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