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No tappin' out in my pit
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Xaila Citizen
Dwyer Embershadow
Dwyer Embershadow
No tappin' out in my pit K3eTc9m
No tappin' out in my pit JFFi2EZ

Character sheet
Age: 27y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Illegal cage fighter
dwyer embershadow
it was getting hot in here and no, it wasn't just him. He spit out a bit of blood and grinned at the man standing in front of him. With his fists in front of his face, he slowly walked up to the man, waiting for an opening. The man he was in the cage with, was a bit shorter then he was, but just a big. Dwyer grinned his bloody teeth bare and blocked the punch he got from the man. He wondered why he only used his fists, everything was permitted within the cage. Well, almost everything. Magic wasn't allowed in here, this was a purely physical fight. And he loved it, it was the best way to fixate his anger and to let him do what he liked. Together with the wolf howling in his chest. Even now, days after the full moon, he could still full it's pull. He used that strength in the punch he just threw, hitting the man square in his face and seeing him stumble back. "Come on, I've seen you do better." He spat at the man, agitating him even more. For only a moment, he dropped his guard, which resulted in him getting punched in the stomach. "Ass," he growled, feeling his skin burn from the sensation. Dwyer pushed the man off of him and worked him to the ground. He felt the wolf howling even more, now that he had overpowered his opponent. With quick, rapid strikes, he punched the man in his face, neck, chest, wherever he could hit him. For a moment, he saw red in front of his eyes and the urge to bite the man in his neck was growing in his throat. He heard someone call his name, but it was just background noise. It wasn't until they worked him of the man with three others, that he noticed what he had done. The man was unconscious and if the men hadn't pulled him of him, Dwyer might have actually killed him. The black haired man spat up some blood and looked up, just to see a glimpse of a familiar face. Well, not really familiar, but he had seen her a couple of times here now. And she really didn't seem like the type that would enjoy this kind of establishment. After he calmed down a bit and cleaned the sweat and blood of his body, he walked up to her, with a beer in his hand. "Looking for someone special?" He asked her with a grunt in his voice. He still felt an itch in his throat, the beer wasn't really soothing it. Maybe a good steak, or any kind of red meat, would subdue the wolf within him. Later tonight, that was.
tag - Imoren Zinyra
Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:19 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Imoren Zinyra
Imoren Zinyra
No tappin' out in my pit Imoren10
No tappin' out in my pit Zya_tr10

Character sheet
Age: 23 Years Old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Heiress

Imoren Xipris Zinyra
Apocalypse... It is not a death of fire. It's not showy. It is the inexorable setting of the sun, without another hope of morning
Imoren knew why she came to the illegal fighting matches, and it was not the plain barbaric amusement that coaxed most of its frequent visitors. It was way worse, immature even, but going somewhere she knew would rile up her parents if they knew left her with a content feeling. She had no particular fondness of watching worked-up men beat each other to near death, but there was a certain thrill that came with the type of crowd attending and the fact that nobody should be here at all if it were up to those in power. Her parents would hate it, therefor it filled her with a sense of satisfaction.

The punches the men in that cage dealt each other would be enough to knock her out cold. Imoren could respect their resilience, although she had never been able to wrap her head around why anyone would enjoy the pain like most seemed to do. Instead of focussing on the pain, she sometimes liked to guess what bones they might be breaking when a punch landed.

Anyone saying these fights were not as gruesome and just a way to earn some cheap money needed to pay actual attention to them. Right now, one of the fighters—she knew he was a regular even though her visits were scarce sometimes—was hammering down on the other man who was already down on the floor. Anyone would have to admit he would have killed him if there had not been other people around to end the fight.

The fighter must have seen her sneer as they hauled him off the other man, because as the loser was dragged off for medical care and the next fight was announced, the almost murdered walked up to her. Imoren looked at him with a flat expression. "No, just enjoying the show," she answered.
Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:33 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Dwyer Embershadow
Dwyer Embershadow
No tappin' out in my pit K3eTc9m
No tappin' out in my pit JFFi2EZ

Character sheet
Age: 27y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Illegal cage fighter
dwyer embershadow
He got a few hands on his shoulders, people congratulating him with his victory. He smiled at those people, but actually just wanted to speak to the girl he had noticed. The wolf in him was screaming, howling, trying to claw through his skin. He wanted to show himself, to run free and kill something. This always happened at the end of a fight and with every fight it got harder to suppress the urge to just let it all out. He smiled his teeth bare to the girl, who told him with a blank expression that she just enjoyed the show. ”Not to be disrespectful, but you don’t seem like the type of girl that likes to watch people fight till a bloody pulp.” He laughed a bit, wondering what the real reason was why she was here. But he had already asked too much. ”Do you want anything to drink? I don’t think they have anything better than either water or some piss like drink they call alcohol.” Dwyer shrugged, feeling his throat burn after the fight. He picked a glass bottle of water, threw the cap in some random direction and chugged the bottle. ”So, what is the Heiress of Xaila really doing here?” He asked, while raising his eyebrows. It’s not like he hadn’t recognized her, but it was better to talk now the next fight had started. Less people were paying attention to them.
tag - Imoren Zinyra
Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:28 am
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