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Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Charming Naamloos
Charming 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
He had seen the princess like once or twice before from afar. He had never approached her or even attempted small talk with her. Even though the royal family and the tryggs were somewhat close, he still felt so little next to people of such importance. He didn't mind the Rizals or other families, but the royals were something else. He knew of a far late uncle or aunt that had married into the royals family, but those were mere tales from a time long by. In any case... He knew that relationships had to be maintained en he was curious if Nerys would have to marry a man in either the royal family or another high standing family such as the Rizals. He was in the same boat as her, but for him it would be to find a wife. He would have to carry on the Trygg name as neither his sisters could do so. Or... Well, they could, since the name did carry a lot of power.

He gazed upon the walls that made up part of the castle. He couldn't really remember if he ever visited the castle before, maybe when he was still a kid. Maybe not. Because, at the end of the day, Ve was always forced to stay at home, to rest, to not get into trouble. Because he was fragile, always have been, and times hadn't changed that. Although he had noticed that he became... More stable as of recent times. Why was a mystery on its own, but he didn't mind at all. Atleast he wasn't coughing up a storm every 15 minutes. It was a nice change for once. He still had to take his medication on the daily, however, so all wasn't normal yet.

With his eyes averted to the walls next to him and his blind eye blocking out part of his vision, he didn't see the wooden structure next to him. He hit his leg pretty hard, lost balance and fell over right away. The wood that laid next to the wall was a collection of logs being pulled by a horse. But... Both the owner of the animal as well as the animal itself didn't even seem to notice how he fell, as they quickly started to move again. He, however, started to groan in pain. Feeling a jolt of pain going through his lower leg he leaned forward. Slowly shifting his body to have a more proper sitting position. One hand wrapped in cloth because of the wounds, the other clear of them. He slowly pulled up part of his pants to view the damage.. ANd quickly lowered it again. Didn't look good, nice.
Tue Sep 20, 2022 4:23 pm
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