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strangely hypnotized (Open!)
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
strangely hypnotized (Open!) SRiYB3K
strangely hypnotized (Open!) 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
It only seemed seconds ago that the bright laughter of her compains was all the woman could hear. The guards that accompanied the party, each carried a torch. The warm tone of the fire contrasted sharply against the dark background. But it illuminated the forest beautifully. Fauna wasn't scared then; the woods seemed so lively after all. But now- she was alone. Something had scared her mount, and it bailed forward. In a panicked frenzy, it ran deeper into the forest. Taking Fauna with him. It all happened so fast, she remembered hearing a high-pitched scream. But if it came from herself or one of her friends; she couldnt say. But all was calm now. Her steed had found his senses again, and simply moved as gracefully as he did before. Whatever had scared him seemed to be forgotten. The noblewoman tried to listen as intently as she could, hoping to anything that could bring her back to her party. But it was dead silent. Only the rustling of the leaves could be heard. Fear started to creep up on her, as severity of the situation started to become more and apparent to the woman. Fauna frantically looked up at the sky above her, the moon was full but-that wasn't really what she was looking for. It didn't really provide any light anyway. No, her eyes were drawn to the stars, who luckily were out tonight. She could use them to find her way back to the palace. She just prayed something or someone wouldn't be able to take adventage of the perilous position she found herself in. Fauna had her bow with her, but she wasn't sure if she focused enough to use it right now. 
Tue Sep 20, 2022 3:53 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Naamloos
strangely hypnotized (Open!) 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Daecs0n-70f41d98-7950-460e-b394-8c6b085b1d6c

❝ Listen, dear boy. I think there's a monster outside. ❞
The fresh air of the forest filled his nose as he lowered himself slowly. His lanky silhouette shifting into a more stable position. The long limbs balancing each other out slowly as he moved his weight more to the front. His gaze slowly went over the ground as a row of shimmering, pearly white teeth became visible. Canines that were made to rip flesh from bone and molars that were constructed to do the rest; it was the mouth of a huge carnivore, a hunter. He lowered his head as he slowly took in the scenes the forest had to offer. One claw slowly going over the ground as it grabbed a handful of dirt. He brought it higher, towards his face, slowly taking in the senses of what had been through here. His ears moved, a snarl left his mouth. He threw away the soil as he pushed himself on all fours, moving forward, head low. His deepblue and milkywhite eyes quickly shot towards a track further up the hill. Another snarl followed as he shot forward. The long limbs pushing his lanky built body forwards.

He blinked slowly as his one good eye spotted his prey. He opened his mouth a little bit, tasting the air around him as he lowered himself more towards the ground. The golden coloured lycan stood out between the green forest, but... Lady luck seemed to favour him this night. As the sky had covered the moon up it even offered the light coloured hunter some cover. He moved in a way that was own to himself. Not human, nor wolf. His long limbs taking every step with a certain grace as he swiftly moved over the terrain. His breath raspy but stable enough.

Close enough, he slowed down and pushed himself more towards the ground. His skinny but long body almost becoming one with the dirt beneath him. His claws getting a slow grasp on the surface beneath him... Before he lunged forward. A loud growl leaving his mouth as he opened his enlarged wolvenhead. Teeth ready to sink into the flesh of the horse as he jumped forward to pounce on top of its behinds. His claws ready to sink into its flanks and hips. The hunt was on.

i guess de silhouette would be a mix of this, this and this, for more info you can look on my profile it has a lycan section
Tue Sep 20, 2022 5:58 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
strangely hypnotized (Open!) SRiYB3K
strangely hypnotized (Open!) 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
With every passing moment her anxiety rose. There was something foreboding written in the stars. She could clearly see it. She had her suspicions, of course, but she couldn't confirm them. Ah! If only she had her charts with her, then she would know! Fauna sighed deeply. Patricus (the horse lolol) followed her every command, like he was taught to. It really was strange he freaked out like he did earlier, Fauna had never seen him acting like that. Whatever sacred him-must have been really something. A chill crept up her spine. What was out there? Was it following them? In the shadows? Waiting for the right moment to strike? Fauna shook her head. No she shouldnt think like that. Monsters didn't exist, they were made up just to scare children and keep them in line. She would be fine. Nothing was going to happen to her. The woman narrowed her eyes and placed her hands in such a manner before her eyes that they formed a triangle. She needed to move northward for a little while, but when the star she had her eye on would no longer fit in the makeshift pyramid. Then she would have to change directions and start heading eastward.

It wasn't as silent now as it was before. Well, she could now hear the the crouching leaves sticks below them. But other than that it was still so eerily silent. Something the woman noticed was that she didn't hear any animals. Where had they all gone? It was a question she couldn't answer because in a split second the fragile tranquility she found herself in was broken. She didn't even see it coming until it was too late. Some-thing had lunged at her. At Patricus, she could hear the horse scream-probably out of pain. And kick violently. Fauna didn't know what to do, she was frozen in fear. Her incisiveness, caused her to be quickly launched from his back. The noblewoman fell on the floor. "Curses." She groaned, pain shot though her entire body. She tried to look up, but she was so disoriented that she couldn't accurately make out what exactly was happening right before her eyes. She could hear it though, but the noise seemed defending. But then, the struggle seemed to end. But if Patricus was dead, or he manged to run away; she couldnt tell. 
Tue Sep 20, 2022 7:26 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Naamloos
strangely hypnotized (Open!) 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen
[Mature content: mentions of blood and mild gore]

strangely hypnotized (Open!) Daecs0n-70f41d98-7950-460e-b394-8c6b085b1d6c

❝ Listen, dear boy. I think there's a monster outside. ❞
His teeth sunk into his prey, quickly followed by the sweet taste of iron that he so longed after. His head started to spin in excitement as he felt his claws sink into its behind, his canines finding more grip as his deadly weapons found more stability in its flesh. The horse let out panicked noises, kicking its legs. His lower body receiving a stomp, which made him growl and snarl in respond. His hind legs pulled up quickly and found stability on the wounded animal. One claw let loose as his teeth ripped out of its body, leaving a gaping wound.

He lunged upwards, in an almost forward motion. Blinded by his bloodlust he did not notice how the rider had fallen of her horse. All he was after was taking this animals life. He wasn't even after its flesh nor its blood. His heart started to race in absolute joy as his claw dug into the neck of the majestic beast. The horse let out a painfilled shriek as he freed his other claw, ripping open an even bigger wound on its flanks. He was now properly on top of the creature, having his claws dug deeply in its body to maintain his balance. He growled as the herbivore tried bucking him off, letting out painfilled panicked... Noises. The lycan stabilized his hind legs, his ears shifted back and-

He jumped, grabbing the horse right under the jaw as he turned himself. The animal lost its balance as it leaned more into the strength of the wolvencreature. His claws shot towards its head, its neck as he growled in pure emotions, clawing at its as he shook his head. His jaws clenched shut in a way to confirm its kill. He could feel the warmth of creature under him, his motions slowing down as the lycan kept shaking his head, making the deadly wound bigger with the second.

As the noises calmed down and the breathing stopped, all that could be heard was the growling of the hunter. Still shaking its head, not letting lose of its prey. Enjoying its own bloodlust as he went on, even after the creature let outs last breath. Clouds seemed to shift for a moment, letting in more light as he slowed his movement. He let loose of the corpse, his own head covered in its blood as he his claws came loose. His breathing hastened, he took a step back, lowered his head and went on all fours again. Another growl as he shot back on the corpse, clenching his teeth around his neck and shaking his head. Chasing the everlasting lust for the hunt, there was no desire for an actual feast.
Tue Sep 20, 2022 8:10 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
strangely hypnotized (Open!) SRiYB3K
strangely hypnotized (Open!) 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
Fauna silently prayed, to wake up. To end this nightmare she was having. But it wasnt a dream, something that became all to clear when. Slowly, not only her vision. But her other senses seemed to return to her. And she was able to truly witness the horrendous scene, before her. The carnage was immense, like non she had ever seen. There was so much blood, and the state her poor Patricus was in; it just made her stomach turn. She placed her hand in front of her mouth out of shock. How could this have happened? It all escalated so quickly, everything seemed fine just a little while ago. Mundane, even; as she had just returned from a successful hunt with her friends. Something she had done a million times before. As was normal for a woman, befitting her station, many in the nobility made hunting their pastime. But now-Fauna didn't feel like a noblewoman. She felt like prey, and the hunter was still here. She saw the creature; a horrid beast. Ugly beyond sin, and covered in the blood of her noble steed. She saw how he stood-towering over her. And how he was enjoying himself; the glee was more than apparent on his disfigured face. Fauna noticed the scar on his eye. But it wasn't satisfied for long, it seemed, since it once again flung itself on the remains of her dear sweet Patricus. The woman didn't expect the monster to have respect for the dead. But the way he treated the body just made Fauna tear up. Quickly, she looked around her, seeking her bow- it was dislocated when she was thrown off. But it couldn't be that far, right? The woman reached into the darkness, trying to find the weapon. Eventually she felt her hand brush against something hard, that must be it! She grabbed a hold of the object but was disappointed to find that it was only a few arrows and not the actual bow. Though she would need those too if wanted to actually do some damage. She kept looking, she knew the darned thing was around here somewhere. She just needed to- wait what was that? Her hand slid past something; something hard but smooth and-Yes finally she found it! Without a second thought, the woman drew back her bow and let loose an arrow. Hoping to hit the beast.
Tue Sep 20, 2022 8:55 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Naamloos
strangely hypnotized (Open!) 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

strangely hypnotized (Open!) Daecs0n-70f41d98-7950-460e-b394-8c6b085b1d6c

❝ Listen, dear boy. I think there's a monster outside. ❞
A ringing in his ears that only became louder and louder as he went on with the slaughter. He only wanted to see more and more, blinded by everything that laid before him, he didn't even notice the rider that was thrown off earlier. He just went on with shredding the creature apart, not even enjoying any of its flesh. He wasn't out here to hunt, he was out here to kill. At least that's what his instincts were telling him. To tear everything apart, everything in sight, anything he could lay his claws on. It was as a fire that went on in his head, catching onto any sense he had only a couple of hours from now. To even think that he was just a weak boy earlier that day, barely able to hold himself up properly. There was nothing that remained of him. Only a savage beast that wanted blood. More and more... Never enough.

He growled, letting out a loud noise that could be compared to a growl and some sort of humanoid scream. Deep in tone and disfigured in some ways. His skinny body slowed once again as his head went up. His blind side turned towards the lady, he never even saw her. His senses covered by the scent of blood, she was completely safe from his carnage as long as she didn't let out a noise, any signs that she was even here. Her mutilated horse had somewhat protected her, perhaps doing its duty even after death. But for how long? The light colored lycan took a deep breath, opening his mouth a little as he gazed up at the moon, before delving back into the corpse. Now ripping of actual flesh to eat. Finally he made use of the kill, or it would seem he did.

His ears shifted as a sharp sound could be heard. He looked up, his stance changing as he turned his head towards her. His ears shifted to his neck as a deep growl could be heard, rising up from within him. He showed his canines off as a snarl left his lips. He put his front claws down as his breathing hastened once again, his muscles preparing for a lunge-

One arrow found its way into his upper arm, somewhat along the same area as his shoulder. He let out a high pitch screech as he jumped off the corpse, dashing into the darkness of the forest once again. The beast quickly jumped up, clawing its way quickly up a tree. He moved as if he was born to climb, his claws shapen perfectly to hook onto the wood. He swiftly found his way up a thick branch and pushed himself up, lowering his head as his one good eye remained focused on the woman on the ground. Feeling more safe up in the trees, as if he had always lived up there, he could feel his head starting to burn once again. Driving him crazy, driving him to absolute rage. He let out another scream of some sort, a mixture of whatever humanoid noise it was... And doglike snarls. Enraged he jumped forward, towards the next tree. Swiftly moving along its branches as the thick forest clearly was its favoured terrain. He was made to flourish in areas like this, that much was clear.
Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:11 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
strangely hypnotized (Open!) SRiYB3K
strangely hypnotized (Open!) 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
Oh the noises the beast made. That dreadful rumble. It was so loud, so ear-piercing. The woman was able to stand up- but had trouble not only regaining but holding on to her balance. She stumbled backwards, but was able to keep herself upright. She felt dizzy, lightheaded, and nauseous. It felt like her body had already given up this fight, and was on the verge of collapse. But something tugged on her to keep going, the indomitable human spirit. It kept her from giving in to her bodies demands. She was glad her aim wasn't that off, despite the circumstances as the did hit the beast. She struck him right between the shoulders and upper arm. It howled in pain, and Fauna had to push her hands against her hears. In an attempt to deafen the noise somewhat. It was angry, much more than before. But it didn't attack her right away. Instead, it retreated back to the tree's But he was in his element there. He moved so seamlessly from tree to tree. It almost felt like he wasn't a horrible wolf monster at all. But a primate sort of creature, one who was not only accustomed to the heights but felt at home there. The shift in dynamics made her feel even more tense than before. At this rate, she rather had the beast here on the ground with her. At least then she felt they were somewhat on the same level. The silverhaired woman swallowed. She tried to aim again, but she couldn't get him in her sights. He was so quick. Oh god; how was she ever going to defeat him now? Since she was so focused on what was above her. She had no idea where she was stepping. Only when it was too late did she realize her fatal error. She tripped, on what she thought was a piece of bone. She fell backwards. But didn't feel the impact, since her vision went blank long before the even hit the ground. The stressful and totally unfamiliar situation had taken its toll on the nervess of the poor young woman. And being unable to cope; she simply fell unconscious. 
Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:51 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Vinnie Argyris
Vinnie Argyris
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Ec4464a689551730579f90600ea24656
strangely hypnotized (Open!) U99iKl4

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Lowkey priestess
the sun watches me but the moon knows my secrets
She clawed at the chains. She didn't understand the chains. Why were they constricting her? Why, when she so very much had the urge to go out, to hunt, to fight? She needed to, she felt it deep in her bones. Every instinct screamed at her to break free. She snarled, pulling at the chains once again. Her nails were bloodied by her previous attempts of breaking free. It didn't work, because the chains were strong, stronger than last month when she had managed to free herself. It frustrated her to no end, but she didn't have enough power.

This changed  when she heard growling, screams. It cut into her, it frenzied her. She knew that voice. She knew it, she was absolutely sure. She was linked to this voice, somehow. She didn't have the mind to reason about it - didn't need to. Her instincts were so strong, so strong when the moon was full. She trusted her senses more than she could or would ever trust her brain. She started tugging at her chains again, this time with renewed power. She dug her nails into the soft earth beneath her and pulled. Her fur got stuck in the metal, everything hurt, blood, she smelled blood. She growled, she barked, she shook and she dug - hysterical. She could feel the metal give way. With a thunk one of the chains fell off, resulting in them all loosening, and with one last frenzied tug she freed herself. Immediately she started sprinting towards the sounds, which had to be at least a mile away. She started out on her hind legs, but after a while started running on all fours, gaining more speed. Her jaw hung open, allowing her to smell all the scents filling the air. She could smell prey, pine, smoke. But most importantly, she smelled blood. As a shark in the water she followed the scent. She had to get there, get there, get there get there get there.

She recognized him, she knew him. He was her, she was him. Blood, blood. But why was he there. She stood up, snarling, raising the red hair in her neck and baring her teeth. Come face me, she thought, the only thing repeating in her mind. Come face me, she thought, while growling again, clearly challenging him. There was someone else, but she didn't care. Blood, her blood, his blood, theirs.
Dolfje & Weerwolfje
Ve & Fauna
© yuno
Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:06 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Naamloos
strangely hypnotized (Open!) 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Daecs0n-70f41d98-7950-460e-b394-8c6b085b1d6c

❝ Listen, dear boy. I think there's a monster outside. ❞
Faster. faster. It was clear he was at home high up in the trees. His one good eye focused on her he shot across the branches, clamping onto the wood everytime he landed. His longs claws folding onto the tree as if it was ground. He growled, let out another snarl of pure frustration and anger. He could feel the arrow sticking out of his shoulder, paining him, frustrating him further, but not slowing him down. It hadn't struck anything felt nor anything vital to his movements. His anger heightened as he jumped onto the trunk of a tree, holding up his head as he showed off his fangs, snarling loudly at her. She had fallen. His frail tail shot from one side to the other as he growled. Opportunity arose. Time to strike.

Snarling, barking, the sound of familiarity caught him. He turned his head, barking angrily in return. His two coloured eyes quickly catching onto a new figure who had appeared on scene. The lanky creature jumped forward grabbing onto a branch and pulling himself up to take place high up above the scene. The creature growled, bared its fangs and barked at him. Frustration arose to his head as he started to feel light once again. His head spinning in ways that were new to the beast. He angrily let out a growl, followed by a snarl. The thin fur that could be found on him rose in a pitiful attempt to make the skinny lycan look larger then he was. He was tall, but always seemed to remain on his fours, so even length wouldn't particularly stand out. He wasn't bulky, not like her. He was build for climbing, speed, agility. Not fighting.

He barked, pacing back and forth on the branch on his all fours. His long claws folding over the bark as it dug deeply within it. He growled, shaking his head, showing off his fangs as he leaned back. He paced back and forth once more, turned on his hind legs and jumped down. His claws reached out to here in an attempt to jump on top of her, his mouth wide open, trying to go for her neck. Pull her down and drag her away. It was clear the creature wanted to land on the others back, not wanting to face a head on fight. 
Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:40 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Vinnie Argyris
Vinnie Argyris
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Ec4464a689551730579f90600ea24656
strangely hypnotized (Open!) U99iKl4

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Lowkey priestess
the sun watches me but the moon knows my secrets
He took his time and it angered her. She needed him down here, not up in the trees. She couldn't get to him if he was up in the trees. She clawed at one of the trunks, making the whole of the tree shiver because of the brute strength she hit it with. She would tear this whole forest down, if she needed to. The other started growling at her. Good. She wanted a fight, needed to fight him. This was her territory and he was trespassing. And she knew who he was, though she didn't really know, but he was familiair and she needed to dominate. Every fiber in her being was screaming at her to show him that she was bigger, stronger, better. That she was his boss. He'd have to listen to her, and he wasn't doing that at all.

Finally, he attacked. He had the advantage, as he could use gravity to increase his impact. He smacked on top of her, making them both fall down on the ground, with him landing on her back. She  tried turning around quickly, barely avoiding his snapping jaws near her neck. A loud growl escaped her throat as she tried pushing her long, unnatural claws in his back, sides, head or anywhere else she could reach. I'm boss, she thought. I'm stronger, she snarled.
© yuno
Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:50 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Naamloos
strangely hypnotized (Open!) 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Daecs0n-70f41d98-7950-460e-b394-8c6b085b1d6c

❝ Listen, dear boy. I think there's a monster outside. ❞
He landed on top of her just like he wanted. His claws swiftly tried to hook onto her schoulders so he wouldn't loose stability. His jaws snapping at her neck as he leaned in over her, his skinny body curling up as his frail tail shot from one side to another. He growled in frustration as he missed. Lifting one of his large claws to try and hit the back of her head or her back in general. In the corner of his eye he saw how she swiftly reached out to him and he tried to swiftly pull his long legs up, but she hit him, pulling at his leg with her claws. He let out a whimper and quickly pulled his leg more up. She hadn't even hit him that hard, but he was frail, even as a lycan, that much was clear.

The golden beast shot of her back and landed on al fours, turning around and baring his fangs at her. He remained on all fours as he ached his back, his ears folded back. He slowly moved back a bit as he growled, licking his upper lip for a moment, his one good eye focused on the other monster. His act didn't last long, because as soon as she would make her next move he whimpered out in an almost humanlike cry, stumbling back as his tail folded between his legs, making himself smaller in the process. A pussy even when he was a monster, perhaps some things didn't change at all. That or he just wasn't that dominant of a lycan as she was.

His eyes shot up at the sky for a moment as he felt a shift in his own body. His breathing heightened. He had to go. He had to go. He had to go. He had to run. His gaze shot back at the other monster. He didn't dare to run, as something told him to not turn his back on her. Instincts leading him further on, it frustrated him.
Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:01 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Vinnie Argyris
Vinnie Argyris
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Ec4464a689551730579f90600ea24656
strangely hypnotized (Open!) U99iKl4

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Lowkey priestess
the sun watches me but the moon knows my secrets
She hit him, somewhere. She didn't really notice where, but his yelp in pain let her know she had. She strengthened her grip on his flesh, though this only resulted in the other lycan pulling away. She stood up, towering over him as he stood on all four of his legs, where she only stood on two. She stared at him, unwavering, with her ears and lips pulled back in clear signs of agression. Her nose was upturned, baring her fangs. She growled another bark at him, which made him submit to her quite easily. Satisfied, she let her agressive stance waver a bit. As soon as the other started to move, she tensed again. She wouldn't let him get a cheap shot in and she also wouldn't let him run if he tried to. Because she knew him, somehow. Did he not know her? Perhaps not. Didn't matter. Her tail wagged slowly as she took a step towards him, holding his gaze. Stay, she thought, because she wanted him to. He would listen to her, he had to, no? She squinted as she sniffed the air, trying to pinpoint his scent. Who was he.
© yuno
Wed Sep 21, 2022 7:22 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Naamloos
strangely hypnotized (Open!) 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen
strangely hypnotized (Open!) Daecs0n-70f41d98-7950-460e-b394-8c6b085b1d6c

❝ Listen, dear boy. I think there's a monster outside. ❞
Now that he stood still he could feel the arrow, which was still sticking out of his shoulder, aching more and more. Luckily for him the attack of the other lycan hadn't inflected as much damage as he had first expected when the pain hit him. He curled his upper lip up, showing off his fangs once more when she made herself appear larger then she already was. His ears folding back once more as he shuffled his claws backwards a bit. He growled softly, warning her to keep her distance from him. But as soon as she set a step closer, he let out a soft whimper, lowering his head. His mind shifted around painfully as it tried to get a grip on the situation. He was clearly afraid of this figure and yet all he wanted was to lunge at her neck and snap it in half. He wanted to go after that girl he saw earlier, he wanted the taste of blood on his lips and the warmth of another beast fading under his claws. He opened his mouth a bit as he licked his lips in frustration, lowering his behind, followed by the rest of his body. The skinny looking creature appearing even smaller as it gazed up at her.

Her gaze told him to stay, to not do anything. He licked his lips again as he took a deep breath. The clouds shifted above them, opening up new colors as it became clear that dawn would be soon upon them. His heartbeat hastened as he took another step back, licking his lips again. His tail folded under him, he kept looking her-

Turning his back on her was something that went against everything his instincts told him. But fear and a shifting feeling of change grabbed him by the throat. He wasn't safe here, he had to get away. And so he did. He turned quickly on his hind legs and jumped away, quickly grabbing at the soft soil beneath him as he lost his balance for a moment. But he came to his paws (?) rather quickly and started to sprint as if his life depended on him. He opened his mouth, gasping for air as his one good eye shot up at the trees. As he gained speed he quickly shot up, clawing at the bark of the tree. His hind legs grabbing onto it as he swiftly climbed up. Not as high as before, but high enough so he could swiftly jump from branch and branch in the hopes to get away from her.
Wed Sep 21, 2022 7:59 pm
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