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i lost my noodle
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
i lost my noodle  SRiYB3K
i lost my noodle  5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way

i lost my noodle  OsxLAxT

It was common for Fauna to lose her snake. She didn't exactly keep good watch over the serpent. Not to mention, the animal was more often than not out of her cage. But was good is it to have a pet if the only thing you do is look at it? No that wouldnt do; not for her and not for the creature. It deserved to have at least some sort of freedom. And in the end Faust, would always find her way back to Fauna. So what if it wanted to go and explore on its own once in a while? It wasn't a dangerous creature, the noblewoman made sure it was trained properly. Besides, she would be lying if she didn't enjoy the muffled screams of the palace servants echoing through the long corridors. Some people really couldn't get over their Ophidiophobia it seemed. The silver haired woman looked at the piece of paper in her hands, closely examining the words written on it. It was one of her many astrology charts, she was planning on consulting the stars on a very important matter later. And she figured that this star map would come in handy. She was about to turn the corner, but halted in her tracks when she spotted a very familiar sight. There she was, Faust! Ha, the sorceress knew she would come across the creature eventually. Though it seemed she wasn't alone, a unknown woman was there too. Fauna couldn't really make out what she was doing. But she supposed it would be better to step in. The servants around the palace knew that the snake wasn't some wild animal and belonged to her. But the stranger might now know that. "You fond her!" The silver woman cheerily announced as the rolled up the piece of parchment, neatly tucked it away in one of her pockets. "I thank you, this little rascal has a habbit of getting lose." She then said, putting all the blame on the snake. And not the weak security she offered the animal. Fauna reached down her arm a bit a giggled when the snake slid up it and came nestled itself around her shoulders. "I'm sorry, where are my manners. My name is Fauna Rizal, and you are?"
Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:24 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Nerys Trygg
Nerys Trygg
i lost my noodle  Naamlo10
i lost my noodle  70fff910

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: being a pain in the ass

tell me icarus

was it worth it? Any of it?

the fall for the sun? was the pain worth it? All for a god ready to replace you with the next best thing. All for a god ready to find his next muse, ready to die for a glimpse of the sun.
There was a snake. Right there in front of her feet. Any other woman might have screamed and ran away, hopin for a prince charming to sace her from the animal, but Nerys was bUiLt DiFfErEnT. So she knelt down to the ground and picked the animal up. Ishgard was no place for snakes, concidering the temperatures and the need to stay in a warm place to keep their body temperature right. With the snake now wrapped around her arm she looked around to see if there was anyone looking for a legless animal, but she couldn't see anyone yet.

A woman walked towards her and thanked her for finding the snake. A part of her was kind of disappointed if she was being honest. She wanted to keep the animal. "Oh it's no problem at all, really. I've always wanted a snake. but my sister keeps saying no." She huffed because of that and Fauna took her snake back. "My name is Nerys Trygg." Rizal. Somehow she felt like she ran into every single Rizal in Ishgard and she hated it. There were so many of them and if they were all the same as Mortem Rizal then she was not thrilled about this at all.

Mon Oct 10, 2022 2:28 pm
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