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clear skies
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Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
clear skies SRiYB3K
clear skies 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
It was her mother who first told her that her niece Arianna, had a new guard assigned to her recently. A certain man who called himself "Umbra Mortis." Fauna couldn't help but chuckle at the name. Giving yourself a nickname; especially one like that- very amusing. Though she would never say something like that to his face, ofcourse. The whole ordeal did make her think though; if she was to have her own sentry. Who would it be? She truly had no idea. But she knew someone who almost certianly would have the answer. So when she finally came across the man in question she wasted no time in getting his attention. She laughed, her distinct silken voice ringing above all other noise. As added measure, she also slowly waved her arms in the air. When she was sure he had noticed her. She walked up to the man. "I'm thinking about petitioning the king to assign a private guard to me too. I know I'm not as important as Arianna, but I get in lots of dangerous situations you know?" She chuckeld at her own words, noting the irony of them. Her life had to be the most safe out of any of her family members. Hardly if ever did she leave the palace grounds. And when she did, it was only to go places to get more inspiration for her fantasies and or book. Guarding her would be a piece of cake. "So I was wondering if you know anyone fit for the job?"
Sat Sep 17, 2022 10:27 pm
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