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viking vrouwen zijn koel
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Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
viking vrouwen zijn koel SRiYB3K
viking vrouwen zijn koel 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
Time flew by so quickly when she was daydreaming. When Fauna had first closed her eyes, the sun was still hanging high in the sky. But when she opened them again, a blanket seemed to have fallen over the world. Inguilfing it in darkness. There wasn't even a star to be seen. The only light source came from the castle, itself. "It can't be that late if the candles are still lit." Fauna mused to her self as she pulled her body upright. The grass moved in steady waves around her. It also seemed that the cold wind that often blew through Ishgrad around this time; was absent. Perhaps that was the reason she didnt wake up earlier.

Whatever the case; she really should return to the palace before her mother becomes worried and orders the royal gaurds to search for her. She really didnt want something like that to happen again. It was so embarrassing. The silver haired woman slowly got up to her feet and had a long, good stretch. After which, she started making her way back to the palace. Not that she was that far removed from the place anyway; she had been in the gardens all this time. But that fact probably won't really matter to her mother; it was dark out, and her daughter wasnt back inside. Safe and sound in her apartments. But to be honest; right now, that didn't sound like the worst idea ever. When Fauna came closer to the grand building, she noticed that she actually wasn't the only person still out at this hour. There was someone else here too; someone the young sorceress had wanted to speak with ever since she heard about her arrival.

"Madam Tyrgg? I've been told of your beauty before in stories- but they dont do you justice at all." She truly meant those words. The governess was stunning, in a way that Fauna couldn't really describe. That is to say; there wasn't one thing that made the woman before her stand-out. She seemed to have many unique features, both seen and unseen. "My name is Fauna Rizal, and I'm a big fan. If your up for it, I'd like to ask you a couple questions about Norwyn."  
Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:51 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
viking vrouwen zijn koel Unknown
viking vrouwen zijn koel F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Rán longed to go back home soon. And not the stupid mansion her family owned in the outskirts of Ishgard. No, she wanted to go north, to where to world made more sense. She once again had been invited to the castle, talking to lordlings and ladies, drinking wine and eating stuff she didn't know what it was and really did not want to know. So when there was an opening to leave, she did. She longed for a cold breeze in her face, but even that was disappointing when she walked down the entrance of the castle.

Rán send her servant away to make the carriage ready. She also disliked that, at home she just trotted along on her pony. But even the horses were different here. Huge beasts that would definitely trip and break their legs on the narrow mountain paths in Norwyn. Ladies didn't seem to like riding around here. Rán could understand that they didn't want to mess up their fragile dresses of soft materials. But she never craved the smell of leather more than today.

But before she could take another step, a young woman spoke to her. Rán looked at her with not amused glare. She didn't beliebe the honesty of any of the people here. She always felt that they wanted something from her, but could never discover what. So Rán did not smile, or said anything in return. This girl just dove on her the moment she went outside. She definitely wanted something. The girl introduced herself and said she was a big fan. That did tug on the corners of her mouth. A fan? She couldn't believe it. ‘‘Rizal? So you're a sorcerer,’’ was the first thing that escaped her mouth. What was it with Rizals and weird requests from her. It was a Rizal that brought her south in the first place. But Fauna wanted to know about home, so her gaze softened a bit. ‘‘Anything for a fan, right?’’ she mused sarcastically. ‘‘Ask away, but I don't have all night.’’

into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:43 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
viking vrouwen zijn koel SRiYB3K
viking vrouwen zijn koel 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
‘‘Rizal? So you're a sorcerer,’’ The woman asked her. And Fauna nodded her head. "Yes Indeed I am." Though, she never really felt like she belonged in the Rizal family. She was blessed with their signature magic, sure. But she always felt more like a Ylindar than anything else. "But I am also a part of the Ravaryn Royal family." The woman went on with a smile on her face. Even if she knew deep down that her uncle had only given her that distinction because her mother had begged him to. The governess went on and agreed to answer a few questions, as long as it didnt take up her enitre night. Quickly the silver haired woman fished a small quill and notebook out of the pocket of her dress. Ready to write anything of importance down. So she could use them later as reference material for her book. "Thank you lady Tyrgg! I'll try to keep it brief." The young girl started to note down the current date, and the subject they would be discussion on the paper before she asked her frist qestion. "This might be a little silly- but I heard that its so cold up in Norwynn that the houses arent made out of wood and stone. But ice blocks! Is that true?" Do you live in an ice palace?
Sun Oct 16, 2022 12:55 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
viking vrouwen zijn koel Unknown
viking vrouwen zijn koel F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Rizal and Ylindar. She raised an eyebrow. She knew how the Royal family liked to keep their blood interesting. Some poor old prince had to marry a sorcerer, so they would have magic in there family? Was that it. She was sure the girl was used to predict their future. Maybe she even predicted that they would meet at this moment. She didn't knew how that magic worked, they rarely had a Rizal in Norwyn. The magic in her town were usually druids. Much more dependable and predictable magic, and easier to hide. Nobody knew what her personal guard could do here in Ishgard.

Rán laughed when the girl literally managed to find a quill and notebook in her dress. It was impressive, she couldn't deny that. And it also confirmed her suspicion that this meeting was all but coincidental. And the first question she asked was if they lived in houses of ice. ‘‘Who told you that?’’ she scoffed. ‘‘Of course not. The people in Norwyn need houses with thick brick walls to keep the heat in and the cold out.’’ But their was a source of truth in it. She had seen animals do it, snow foxes and black bears, way up North. And she was tought how to act in a snowstorm. ‘‘But yes, snow can act like insulation. When you get caught in a snowstorm, sometimes the only option left it to dig yourself into the snow and create a warmer pocket of air to survive.’’ She looked around at the peaceful, almost warm air around them. ‘‘Our climate isn't as.. agreeable as yours.’’
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:32 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
viking vrouwen zijn koel SRiYB3K
viking vrouwen zijn koel 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
Fauna listened with great interest to every word the governess had to say. Not daring to interrupt or question her, though really that was because the silver haired woman's attention was now solely focused on trying to write everything down, in a short but understandable manner. She was glad the blond woman went into some detail, about how the houses in Norwynn were actually constructed. It was definitely information she could use for her book. As well as the fact that digging oneself into snow was actually a strategy used for survival. She didn't know that! But now she did, the woman was determined to make her protagonist do it- at least once. Rán made a comment about the climate, saying that it was much more appealing here. Fauna smiled and nodded. "Perhaps that's true, but I'm sure Norwynn has wonders that cannot be found in Ishgard." Fauna really wanted to see it all for herself one day. That way she would really be able to research the region thoroughly. And get a real feel for the place, getting all this second hand information was all well and good. But if she really wanted to be as authentic as possible, she almost had to make the trip up north, no? 

Just then she remembered something else, something much more important than her silly book. Lord, how could she have forgotten? She finally had the woman she was looking for right in front of her, and she didn't even mention the whole Ve situation to her? Fauna suddenly looked panicked and started to fidget. "Wait- I need to." She didn't even really know where to begin with this. Hey, so I think your brother is a Lycan? And I have him locked up in the castle? Naturally that would come off great, she was sure, not. "Listen, I forgot to tell you this, but it's actually really important." The woman took a few breaths to calm herself down. Placing her paper and quill at one side for the moment. "It's about Ve, he is- here in the castle. Under my command, because well-" Just now she realized how crazy she must sound. "I think he is a Lycan, I was attacked by one a few nights ago. One with the exact same scar." Something else, she had to think of something else too. "And the stars they lay out a very dark future for him, I can't see exactly what will happen. But, it sure isn't looking good." It wasn't a lie really, his future was almost unreadable, so dark was it. She could read a person's star map, but he barely had any stars- or anything. It was mostly just all black. That was a bad sign.
Tue Oct 25, 2022 2:06 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
viking vrouwen zijn koel Unknown
viking vrouwen zijn koel F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
This poor girl had no idea that she had actually insulted Ishgard. She looked a bit down on what was happening here. Some kind of magic keeping their houses warm and cozy, their winters short and soft. It would make their people spoiled and comfortable. They were not strong and hardened like her people in Norwyn, who had to work to keep themselves warm. And when the Rizal girl commented that the north had it's wonders, she smiled fakely. ‘‘Oh yes, so many,’’ she said quasi-polite, in a forced way behind her teeth. She balled her hands in fists behind the folds of her dress. Rán should have known the royalty were a bit dense, after all. Even Ve had more brain in him than her, or so she thought.

Then suddenly, the whole tone changed and somehow the girl turned nervous. Rán cocked her head to the side for a bit and raised an eyebrow. Wait for... what? ‘‘Something important...?’’ she echoed. How could this girl mention something important to her. She had never seen her. She sighed and looked at her impatiently. With every passing day she started to hate Ishgard more and more. Especially when she started to fidget and panick more and more. ‘‘Spit it out,’’ she snapped eventually. She had little patience for spoiled, stuck up girls.

Ve? How was this about Ve. How could he ruin every single fucking day. But when the Rizal girl started to talk, her impatience turned to shock and then quickly to anger. A murderous glance went to her as she dug her grave deeper and deeper. He was here, all this time? Under her command? Lycan? She set her jaw, trying to make sense of it all, but when the Rizal started to ramble about the stars and "a dark future", Rán snapped.

Ráns hand shot out towards the throat of the girl and she stepped towards her, her face only inches from hers, as her long fingers wrapped around her soft skin. ‘‘You waste my fucking time talking about fairy tales and then casually tell me that you have my brother prisoner?’’ she hissed through her teeth. ‘‘Hm?’’ Rán pressed her hand tighter around her neck when she spoke her last words, pushing her further backwards. ‘‘You better start making sense real fast.’’ She inched her nose closer to hers, piercing her eyes straight to hers. ‘‘Because you can't fuck with me as easily.’’
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Tue Oct 25, 2022 9:05 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
viking vrouwen zijn koel SRiYB3K
viking vrouwen zijn koel 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
Things moved so quickly. At one moment, the two of them seemed to be getting along. And the next, Fauna could feel the cold hands over the governess around her neck. Tightening their grip with each word. Ráns icy stare seemed to be able to pierce down to her very soul. It was all beyond terrifying. And for a moment, Fauna felt as if she was transported back in time. Back to the moment where she was attacked by that horrible beast. She could hear the dying screams of her horse echoing in her mind. The woman remembered how she thought her life would end, right there. By being killed by that monster. She still wasn't sure how she survived it, really. But in a way she wished she didn't. For the trauma was still very real. And it made her act in ways she normally wouldn't. Like taking the Tyrgg boy "hostage" without a real plan, or bearing the dire consequences in mind. She just had an instinct and, at the moment, felt she had to act on it. He was sick, after all, the man could barely was. She had no choice but to take him. And after that, well- it seemed easier to just keep him in the castle. But now she was getting all the blame, it was all her fault it seemed. Ve was well taken care of, and she was here; being assaulted yet again. Funny how unfair the world could be sometimes. "He isn't a prisoner." Fauna could feel the tears pricking her eyes. She tried to hold them back, she wasn't about to cry in front of Rán. "I found him in the street, he seemed like he was dying. So I took him back with me." The silver haired woman explained. Trying to remain strong. "After that, he just stayed." Not really under force, but not really free either. It was a tricky situation. But he didn't seem to mind too much, she hadn't heard about nay escape attempts anyway. Perhaps she was still too weak for that. "If you're so certain he isn't a lycan, then let him stay until the next full moon. Then we can see who is talking sense and who isn't."
Tue Oct 25, 2022 9:34 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
viking vrouwen zijn koel Unknown
viking vrouwen zijn koel F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Rán was to angry to care. How dare they just take Ve with them, and not immediately get someone get to her? Instead she had to waste an whole evening, talking business with rich, stuck-up people who had never set foot in Norwyn. She was just being some puppet, and when the evening was gone, this girl "luckily" remembered that Ve was here as well. If she wanted to play like this, she had picked her opponent horribly wrong. No fucking crown could stop her, no magic. The Rizal girl could use her magic know. Let's predict the future: it would not end well.

She dug her nails in her skin when she started talking, speaking that he was no prisoner. Rán exhaled quickly through her nose, making a disbelieving sound. No prisoner, my ass. She noticed that she felt pleased when the girl started to struggle against tears and for words. Even without weapons on her, Rán could be deadly. She had not begged for proper training by her father for year without avail. Later she explained Ve was being sickly, and even though it sounded like him, it just sounded to good to be true. She just randomly picked him up from the street, after being attacked? But she was brave, she had to admit that. But it made her angrier still.

‘‘My brother is not some science project for you to keep all month,’’ she hissed, raising her voice. How was she ever going to let him marry the other Rizal girl after this? She could not. If they thought he was lycan, he was a dead man walking. Her other hand itched to beat her straight in the jaw. She tightened her fingers in a fist, her knuckles turning white. And a corrupted thought in the back of her mind, whispered to her that she could just, use her life power. If only she her book on her, she could make her veins into ice. Rán blinked rapidly and then pushed the girl off of her.

The silence was as loud as thunder in a bright sky. She breathes trembling for a second, and then straightened herself again, her face straightening back with an deadly glare. ‘‘I'm taking him home with me,’’ she announced. Not her shitty ass estate in Ishgard. No, truly home. They had to return soon. She could not take it any longer. She was losing her damn mind. ‘‘You better bring me to him. I won't let you go this easy ever again.’’ She strechted her hands wide open for a second, after which she closed them one finger at a time.
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Tue Oct 25, 2022 10:11 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
viking vrouwen zijn koel SRiYB3K
viking vrouwen zijn koel 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way

‘‘My brother is not some science project for you to keep all month,’’
"No, you're just scared the truth will come out."

Fauna wished she could say that, she wished she had the courage. But she didn't, she didn't have it back then, and she doesn't have it now. She never thought of herself as "weak" but now, with all that happened to her. She was sure that she was. For all she could do was wheeze and whine in the strong grasp of the governess. When finally the stone-cold fingers started to unwrap themself around her flesh. Fauna felt some relieve was over her. The silver haired woman, bit her tongue when Rán finally released her. Fighting the urge to call for the guards. But that would only make the situation worse. Since she was still the governess of Norwynn, a Tyrgg. But if she hadn't been one-Fauna was sure she would have ordered her and her bastard of a brother in the deepest dungeon. Wait-no, she didn't really mean that, did she? Fauna really couldn't tell anymore. All sort of emotions were going through her at the moment. She was scared, angry. And so much more. The noblewoman started coughing, loudly. It threatened to turn into a fit, but she manged to subdue it.  ‘‘I'm taking him home with me,’’ Fauna looked up at the woman standing in front of her. She couldn't be serious, right? But Rán seemed adamant about it. In fact, she ordered she wanted to be brought to him. Adding that next time " I won't let you go this easy ever again." The sorceress narrowed her eyes. She wanted to stand her ground, wanted to look tough and refuse her request. But when she started shaking, and when her knees threatened to give out. She knew she wasn't in a position too. Fauna tried to support herself against a piece of stone fence that could be found all around the castle grounds. "I did send messengers to your estate." She really had, in fact, Fauna was sure she wrote a couple of letters to the Tyrgg's regarding the matter. But never did she get anything back. Sure, she never did mention the true intention of her letter. She felt that was too delicate to do over paper. And besides, she didn't know if the family were in on it or not. She leaned to the former as each minute went on. "But you never responded." She spoke softly. Hating how fragile her voice sounded. 
Tue Oct 25, 2022 11:15 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
viking vrouwen zijn koel Unknown
viking vrouwen zijn koel F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Rán watched mesmerized at the girl who was slowly turning red, wheezing to grasp the little air that Rán allowed to pass through her throat. But just, barely. It wasn't the first time the governess had threathened a person, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Rulers in Norwyn had no hangman's. If someone was sentenced to die, it would be her hand to carry the sword. She had seen her father do it countless of times. She had not, yet. But she would not hesitate, as she hadn't hesitated to grab the Rizal girl. A small smirk adorned her lips. All that magical power, and still spluttering like a helpless child.

But Rán was not extremely stupid. She still needed her "fan". And even though she was boiling, she could not murder a noblewoman in cold blood. But a little scare never hurt someone. Sadly for Fauna, she decided to be even more stupid. Rán flared her nostrils and was ready boil over at this point. She was just trying to waste her time, spreading lies to make her doubt herself. Even if she had send messengers, Rán had not been at the estate. And she did not believe a word of the girl, who was stumbling against the wall. So without warning she slapped the girl with a flat hand against her cheek. ‘‘Stop wasting my time,’’ she warned her. Rán stepped closer again, eyeing the girl down with an icy glare. She forced her to look at her. ‘‘I wont ask again.’’
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:19 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
viking vrouwen zijn koel SRiYB3K
viking vrouwen zijn koel 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
Fauna couldn't stall any longer. Because if she did, the silver haired woman was sure things would only escalate further. For it seemed that you could dress any northern up as a noble, but in the end they were nothing more than savages. That proved to be the case, when Rán lay her hands on her not once, but twice. The red mark of where she was struck. Hurt, Fauna was never struck before. Never in her entire life. When the head of the tyrgg house stepped forward again. The noblewoman instinctively took a few steps back. She wanted to have as much distance between her and the undomesticated as possible. Though she couldn't escape the icy stare of the woman. ‘‘I won't ask again.’’ Fauna shot her a fierce look. Then don't. She wanted to say. But again, fear held her back. The noblewoman then shook her hand. As she ran her hands through her hair. In a vain attempted to straighten it somewhat. Since strands of it seemed to be poking in all directions now.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the woman moved. Pushed her body away from the wall, she held on to for support and made her way through the courtyard and into the castle. Moving antagonizing slowly. Even taking routed that would be considered a detour. But she knew that she couldn't beat around the bush forever. Especially not with an aggressive northern tailing her.  When they finally reached the door that belonged to Ve's room. Fauna noticed something was off. She could hear voiced coming from with in. One that stood out in particular. It belonged to the crown princess. Fauna could feel panic rise within her. She shot a confused glance to one of the guards standing sentry. And he conformed her worse fear with a single nod of his head. She turned her head to Rán and then back to the door. 

Fauna breathed slowly. In and out, trying to think rationally. To quell the mounting anxiety. The silver haired woman knew, she had made mistakes. With bringing him here. But surely her niece could see her true intentions. And help her, like family ought to do, right?

Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:45 pm
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