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Vinnie Argyris
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Ravaryn Citizen
Vinnie Argyris
Vinnie Argyris
Vinnie Argyris Ec4464a689551730579f90600ea24656
Vinnie Argyris U99iKl4

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Lowkey priestess

Vinnie Argyris
But the moon knows all my secrets
Gender Female
Age 22
Species Lycanthrope
Magic None
ReligionThe Oridian Deities
P.O.B Glimmerhollow
Residence Ishgard
Height 1,63m
Build Average
Hair color Red
Hair texture Layered
Eye Color Dark green
Skin Tone Porcelain


Like a ray of sunshine on a dark, cloudy day, Vinnie stands out. With her messy red hair and radiant smiles, she's sure to light up a room. Her dark green eyes make her seem a bit more mysterious. Her body type is quite average - neither thin nor fat, with little curves and about the normal height for a (human) woman. If she were a little taller, she could pass as a boy. She's often covered in scratches, bruises and patches. She doesn't have the slightest fashion sense and most of the time, she just wears what is most comfortable - which means, no dresses and most definitely no corsets.
Constellation The Bear
Alignment Chaotic Good

Vinnie is different than most. She didn't have a normal upbringing; she grew up in an illegal traveling freak show. She spent most of her childhood performing as a clown and as 'the wolf girl', as she was bitten and turned into a lycanthrope very early on in her life. It goes without saying that this was quite traumatic for her, though she only realised that far later on in her life. Being raised in this environment without a true parental figure in her life resulted in her not learning much. She doesn't know how to read or write, has little care for hygiene and appearances and is not quite accustomed to the rules of society. She conforms to them, but doesn't understand their necessity. Besides that, she's a sweet girl. She's got humor, loves to laugh and is a good entertainer. Dancing is one of her favorite activities, though she's rather bad at it. She likes socializing, though very much dislikes unfriendly people. She can be a hothead, make impulsive decisions, resulting in a fight from time to time. Luckily for her, she can stand her ground and defend herself pretty well. Vinnie is a priestess and a very devoted follower of Raanan. She lives in a temple and her daily life is focused on worshipping her patron deity.  
Family Tree


fatherVincent Butcher
motherMaisie Butcher


Aunts & UnclesJoe Butcher & Tilly Butcher
CousinsTe lui sorry : (
Vinnie can't remember much about her life in Ashmoor. Her first memory is from when she was four; the first time she transformed. It was painful, and she was so very scared. Then, just a big haze of red. The next memory, is waking up and finding her father severely hurt when she was almost five. He had to go to the hospital for it. She doesn't remember his face, or that of her mother's, as that was the last time she had seen them. She can understand of course, why they chose to bring her to the circus (which was more of an illegal freak show than a circus) in Odiria. The ringmaster had told her many times. It would be dangerous for both her and her parents to let her stay with them in Glimmerhollow. Ashmoor hated magic, and she was cursed with a magic spell, turning her into a beast once a month. Though, she could still do some good in her life, he told her. People would pay money to come see her! It was something that gave young Vinnie joy. People wanted to see her, because she was special. But also dangerous, she had to be locked away in a cage every night just in case. She didn't mind too much. During the day and in the evening shows when it wasn't the full moon, she was a cute little clown who made the audiences that came see her laugh. She loved making people laugh.

Though, it got quite repetitive after a while. As she grew older, Vinnie grew more antsy day by day. Her routine was boring. Though she traveled a lot, she saw little of the world. And she was oh so very curious about it. At eleven years old, she planned her escape route. She would steal the keys of her cage from the bodybuilder who guarded them, who was very strong but also very dense. Then at night, she'd break free and run away. When carrying out her escape plan, all went fine, until she had broken free and didn't know where to go. It was dark, she knocked over a broom, which awoke the ringmaster who captured her again. She received an earful and had a guard posted at her cage every night - the bodybuilder, who annoyingly always brought a lamp with him, which hindered her sleeping.

Another night, another full moon. Vinnie was more agressive, this time. Perhaps it was the failed escape plan, perhaps it was just a coincidence. But she managed to maul one of the visitors who came to see her. This made them stumble and knock over the oil lamp that the bodybuilder had left there the night before. A fire started, burning away at the wooden floor of her cage. It didn't take long for her to escape by clawing open the floor, easily giving way because of the fire. Without intending to, she started a slaughter. She killed everyone she could see, blinded by the full moon and it's consequences. When there was nowhere left to fight, she ran.

When she woke up, the morning after her escape, she found herself a woodland she did not recognize. It was covered in snow, which she had only seen a few times before in her life. It was... Beautiful. Though she didn't fail to see the red blotches in the snow and on her naked body. She was found by a man, who took pity on the shivering, young girl in the snow and who brought her to his home, a temple for the god Raanan, whom Vinnie had never heard about before. He was a priest, and he quickly understood her condition as she freely told him about who she was and where she came from. She learned from him to better not tell anyone the same information she'd told him. The priest introduced himself as Yanis Argyris, and was kind enough to take Vinnie in. He taught her all about his religion, the rituals he performed, the prayers he said and the songs he sang. Even though Vinnie didn't understand it all at first, she did believe she was saved by Raanan working through Yanis, and she owed her life to the god. She swore herself to Raanan and became his servant, though following rules still wasn't her strong suit. She developed a very close bond with Yanis, and after a few years he adopted Vinnie as his own, giving her his surname to keep.
- Even though Yanis has tried to teach her, Vinnie can't read or write. She has dyslexia and doesn't feel like learning how to, anyways
- Definitely has ADHD as well
- Will never ever wear a habit - she hates how they look
- She has a very contagious laugh
- She dislikes cats
- She has extensive knowledge about medicinal plants/herbs and their properties
- She loves the thrill of hunting, be that in her human or lycanthrope form
- She lives at the temple, with Yanis
Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:00 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Vinnie Argyris XuTWurPc_o
Vinnie Argyris MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:24 pm
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