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Ashmoor - Victor Grimaldi (Baron of Dawnmire)
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Baron of Dawnmire
Victor Grimaldi
Victor Grimaldi
Ashmoor - Victor Grimaldi (Baron of Dawnmire) 8o00lah
Ashmoor - Victor Grimaldi (Baron of Dawnmire) 200

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron

Victor Grimaldi
Gender Male
Age 30 YEARS
Species Human
Magic None
Religion Faith of Renestrae
Occupation Baron
P.O.B Dawnmire
Residence Dawnmire
Faceclaim Harry Styles
Build Slim
Height 178CM
Skin tone Fair
Hair color Brown
Hair Texture Wavy
Eye Color Green


Victor has a charming appearance. He is easy on the eyes, with a typical boyish grin. The man has dark brown hair, when it’s short it’s rather straight with a few hints of curls. But when it grows just a bit longer, then his wavy hair shows. His green eyes give him both a softness in his face as a sternness as well. Most of the time he is well shaven, not a hint of beard shows. Yey from time to time it does happen.


The colors of the family are profoundly red with silver detailing. Victor's way of clothing is nothing too extravagant. It’s simple and practical, but you can see that his clothes are from a certain quality. Mostly sticking to tunics and cloaks. Often straying from the family colors when he is out hunting. But whenever he goes on a tourney he adornes the colors of his house.
Constellation The Stag
Alignment Lawful good
TraitsCharming - Fun - Hard-working - Intelligent - Rational - Practical - Perceptive
TraitsDefiant - Impatient - Stubborn - Unstructured

Victor is the kind of person that can win someone over in the blink of an eye. He has quite a charming personality, often making use of his skill to entertain people in the most creative ways. Given that he easily makes contact with others, due to the fact that he is extremely sociale. He is quite the well-read person as well, booksmarts but life smart as well. The young man has gone through a few things already that have severely formed him to say the least. The loss of his brother pushed him into a position he had never really claimed as his own. Therefore he often feels scared, when it comes to making big decisions. Heavily relying on his council for that matter. Even with the difficulties he has faced, his loyalty towards Ashmoor and his family has eventually made him step up. To fulfill the role that fell onto his brother if he would still be alive.

But as kind and charming as he is, there is a storm living inside of him. At times coming out. Most of the time when he is alone or at least that’s the moment that he allows himself to feel those things. Victor is a hard-working man. From a very young age he had helped in the mines, not because he had too but because he wanted to. Which makes him very aware of the work environment and how the workers feel. Which he tries to put into the way he leads as well. Both with an open mind and an open heart, yet cautious at the same time.

SkillsDiplomacy (trying to) - Horseback riding - Hunting - Swordsmanship  
Unskilled atHawking - Painting - Trusting -
HobbiesHorseback-riding - Hunting - Reading - Writing

Family Tree


Grandfather Emilio I Grimaldi
Grandmother Amalia Grimaldi


father Maurizio Grimaldi
mother Vittoria Grimaldi


Brothers Emilio II † & ??? Grimaldi
Sisters ??? & ??? Grimaldi


Aunts & Uncles TBA
Cousins TBA

29th of the Storm Moon

Two boys. Not one. No, two. Vittoria and Maurizio had twins. Something that was very unlikely. But it happened in their family before. Vittoria had suffered, of course she had. But she made it through with the help of her husband and her handmaidens. It was hectic, taking care of the two young ones. But with the help of the family a new legacy had come forth in the Grimaldi family. The young boys could enjoy the wealth that their parents had bestowed upon them. Which meant they had a good education, and could enjoy everything that would be laid out for them. Emilio was the oldest, so everything would fall on him when the time was there. But just for precaution Victor had to follow the exact same things his brother had to. Just in case something would happen.

While they needed to follow the path that was laid out for them, there was still time for them to have fun. While his brother chose marksmanship and horseback-riding, Victor chose for swordsmanship and hunting. Both boys excelled at their hobbies. But from a young age it was kind of visible that Victor was the more social one of the two. His brother was more timid, weighing every word he said. Taking his education to heart. While Victor was more loose when it came down to minding what he said. One of his sisters was born a few years  before he was sent off. Which showed his caring nature as well, playing around with her whenever he had time. A fierce protectiveness showing as well.

As he grew older, both boys started as a page around the age of 7. Both for different Lords within Ashmoor. Victor was hand selected by the Winter family, serving the duke with everything he needed. Learning a great deal from the man himself. Enjoying being out in Alderrath as well. It was a change of pace, the big city. Dawnmire and Alderrath couldn’t be compared to one another. Yet Edward did his very best to teach the young boy everything he knew about knighthood and everything else that belonged to it. Through this a friendship between the Grimaldi’s and the Winter grew even bigger. Maurizio had always been a friend to the Duke to say the least, often talking about the governing of the cities and what more. But due to Victor growing up there, getting acquainted with Alison Winter as well from a certain age. The bond of friendship was strengthened more and more. The same could be said over the family where his brother had actually gone through. A bright future was set for the Grimaldi family. Somewhere before his 10th birthday another sister was born. Which was one of the only reasons why he and his brother could travel home for a few weeks, before going back to where they were needed.  The last member of the family was born around the time he turned 11, another boy.

Around the age of 15, both brothers turned into a squire. Doing more important jobs for the lord in question, saddling his horse, cleaning his armor, accompanying the knight to the battlefield or tourneys. They had to be battle ready at this point as well. for Victor that didn’t seem to be a real problem, he could wield a sword with elegance but deliver deadly blows when needed. Where his brother took the more cautious approach, but Emilio was great with a bow. Killing from a distance. But close-combat wasn’t his most profound skill. While there was time for relaxation as well, young Victor was an extremely driven person. Wanting to be the best in what he had chosen to do. Mastering horse-backriding and his swordsmanship day and night. Though from time to time he did experience what it was to be a guy his age. Drawing the attention of lots of people with his looks and charm. Having fun. Sometimes a bit too much fun, which resulted in his master reprimanding him.

Death of Emilio

At the age of 21, the Duke of Ashmoor granted him his rank as a knight. Together with his brother, side by side they pledged to protect the people of Ashmoor. Victor decided to stay in Alderrath for the time being, to hone his skills even more and directly take part in the army. Learning more. Emilio went home to help out his father. To slowly but surely take over the role of Baron of Dawnmire as was expected of him. From time to time he went home to spend time with his family as well, even to work in the mines when word reached him that things turned more dramatic there. Going back and forth between the cities took his toll from the man, but he lived to serve. No matter if it was his family or the Duke of Ashmoor himself. In the end they would all benefit from this.

Emilio got engaged around the time they were 27. The wedding would take place in a year, maybe two depending on how the stars aligned. But his brother was over the moon excited. As was Victor and the rest of the family as well. Though he knew that soon enough his time would come to actually be betrothed to someone as well. Not really keen on that to happen really, but it was their duty after all. To make sure their name lived on.

But then the dreaded moment came. Right before their thirtieth birthday, the moment his brother would officially take over, a hunting accident happened. While on a hunting trip together, his brother was attacked by a wild predator. Mauled by a wolf. Victor had seen it happen right in front of him. But he was too late to actually do something. Escorted by their guards, Victor carried the lifeless body of his twin brother back home. Knowing that his family would be devastated, that his soon to be wife would be broken-hearted.

After the death of his brother Victor was chosen to be the next Baron. But his grief had struck him so deep, that in the first few months he couldn’t do anything. He was out of it completely. Barely anyone could get through to him. Now 30, with the help of his council, of his siblings he worked through his biggest emotions. Or rather put them away to never look at them again. Owning up to what now fell on his shoulders.
Tue Sep 13, 2022 10:20 am
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Ashmoor - Victor Grimaldi (Baron of Dawnmire) XuTWurPc_o
Ashmoor - Victor Grimaldi (Baron of Dawnmire) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:09 pm
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