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Dance around the memory tree
Time will tell
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Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Dance around the memory tree 9s9opHd
Dance around the memory tree Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
It must be the last true day of Sunpeak for Ravaryn. Today had been so warm that Arianna could walk outside in a dress that left her arms exposed to the sun. Normally she would have taken her studies outside, preferring to read under the beams of sunshine in the comfortable temperatures. But ever since her brother's appearance she had been tasked with attending meetings with her father. Meetings that were mostly held inside the councilroom.

While she had dutifully stood by his side for the entirety of it, she couldn't deny she was glad the day had passed and evening had arrived. It meant she was granted some free time to spend as she wished. As she roamed through the palace gardens she couldn't help but feel utterly alone. Even with a guard following her. But Raanan would have it that she met another lonely soul underneath a tree. "What are you reading?" She asked her friend as a smile toyed on her face. She neatly folded her hands behind her back, waiting patiently for Alyssia to respond.


Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:42 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Dance around the memory tree DtUsT8E2_o
Dance around the memory tree 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

The castle of the Ylindar family had become quite familiar to her ever since her mother became their High Priestess. While she attented to important matters, Alyssia often made herself comfortable within the castle gardens. The first time she had entered the castle she had been so anxious, especially when meeting the royal family for the first time. While she had assumed them to be this intimidating, stern people, her prejudice had been proven wrong almost instantly. While she had not spend much time within the King's prescence, she and the princess got along quite nicely. She wasn't intimidating, spoiled or mean at all. In fact, the two of them probably shared more similarities than she would've thought in the first place.

With her back against the bark of a tree and Kenji standing guard beside her, she enjoyed the silence of the castle gardens as she flipped through the pages of the book she brought. That silence was soon broken by a familiar voice, however. Looking up from the pages she met the familiar gaze of her friend. She had hoped Arianna would find her. These visits were much more fun spent with a friend. "Oh, just some book about Lemuria," she replied, lifting the book up so her friend could have a better look at the cover. The book had been lying around somewhere within the estate, probably waiting to be read by her. The young sorceress patted the empty spot beside her. "Would you like to join me? There's some pretty interesting things in there," she then offered. Perhaps, the princess knew more about the seaside country.
@ Arianna Ylindar
Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:28 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Dance around the memory tree 9s9opHd
Dance around the memory tree Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
Frostcrown was a season that suited Arianna most, and also the one she so preferred. However, she couldn't help but enjoy the low beams of sunlight as they fell on her skin. These sunpeak days were truly nothing more than enjoyable. Especially when spent with a friend.

It was the picture perfect image of serenity: the silver-haired girl was sitting peacefully against a tree with a book in her lap. And it was also a sight that made a warm smile appear on the princess' face. Alyssia was reading about Lemuria, apparently. A soft, slightly surprised, hum left Arianna's lips as she heard it yet she gladly sat down beside her friend anyway. "Do tell me all about it." She said as she glanced at the book. "I've read that it's a most beautiful country with lucious green hillsides and shimmering rivers defining the land." She voiced. She too had read books about the southern country. About all of the other countries in Odiria, in fact. The royal Ylindar library had proved to be quite useful for that.


Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:54 am
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