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Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Moonfall Naamloos
Moonfall 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

Moonfall Daecs0n-70f41d98-7950-460e-b394-8c6b085b1d6c

❝ Listen, dear boy. I think there's a monster outside. ❞
As soon as he opened his eyes that morning he felt absolutely awful. A headache that was killing him and his entire body in some sort of pain. He swiftly took his medication, which numbed the pain for a moment but didn't really... Fully, help him. He groaned for a moment and when he heard that his sisters were home, he just walked straight to his bed and dove back in. This was absolute hell. In the name of Ranaan, why did he feel like this? He hadn't been drinking, nor had he done anything that would make his body and head burst with pain. He turned his head a bit and stared to the window. Despite being in such an awful mood, he wanted to get out. The idea of getting some fresh air and just being out there seemed like a splendid idea right now. Even though his common sense told him it wouldn't. If anything, people would make his headache only worse, yea?

And even though he was thinking it, his instincts drove him out of the house. It only came to him that he wasn't really dressed properly when he was already quite far from house. He squinted his eyes a bit and blinked in confusion. Why was he suddenly so irritated? He was rarely this agitated. There was nothing to be angry about and yet he felt a sudden rush through his body. He shook his head an sighed, placing his hands against his pounding head. Perhaps a cold dive in a river would help him... That actually sounded really nice right now. He looked up as his eyes went over the people. He felt his body shiver for a moment, before he sighed in frustration and places his fingertips on the reindeer pelt he was wearing. He silently tugged it more over his shoulders to cover himself up more. It was way too warm to wear it, but he felt a bit cold. But also hot? Maybe he was getting sick. He shook his head again and started to walk towards the edge of town.

It was already getting somewhat dark, not that he noticed. There was no reason for him to take notice for the full moon to rise. Only a couple of hours away, or was it minutes, who knew.
Thu Sep 08, 2022 12:21 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Liliana Tulwenn
Liliana Tulwenn
Moonfall DUA8u7q
Moonfall XaXeJYe

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Mage
Occupation: Medicinal Healer, Alchemist

Not often was she still out this late, if she could help it. The evening streets always held either people of questionable scruples, or those whom had looked too deeply into the mug of whatever alcohol-fueled comfort they had sought out. But for some select few, she made an exception, and in this case it was Mr. and Mrs. Gelhaul, an older couple that were welcoming and friendly, but most importantly, didn't ask many questions about her. They'd sent a runner to fetch Liliana as Mr. Gelhaul was enduring pains from an old wound, and could not sleep. What started as a simple medical examination and the application of a mild painkiller and the brewing of a tea to help the man sleep, quickly turned into a good hour and a half of gossiping with Mrs. Gelhaul about all manner of things, from current affairs, to men, to things like the royals and politics. When she realised how late is was getting (and Mr. Gelhaul had long since fallen asleep), she said her farewells to Mrs. Gelhaul and set out into the cold, dark streets.

Pulling her black wolf fur cloak a bit closer for warmth, she decided to pick up the pace, not wanting to have any unpleasant encounters on the way home. But, of course, her thoughts began to wander as she made her way to the main road, from the edge of town. Was this just how it was going to be, from now on? Mrs Gelhaul was pleasant enough, but Liliana imagined she'd be doing more in her life by now than gossiping with old crones being the highlight of her day. Still, things could be worse, she thought... and she was right, in a way.

She snapped out of her thoughts when, reaching the main road, a wagon came barreling by, forcing her to stumble back and promptly fall backwards into the frozen, muddy ground. "Ahh, watch where you're going!", she called out, but got no response from whomever was driving the wagon as if they were being lashed by whips made of fire. Some bystanders peered over, but no one seemed to bother trying to lend a hand, yet. She began to try and pick herself up, occasionally slipping on patches of ice, and trying to brush the dirt off of her cloak with a frustrated sigh.

Fri Sep 09, 2022 6:38 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Moonfall Naamloos
Moonfall 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen
Moonfall Daecs0n-70f41d98-7950-460e-b394-8c6b085b1d6c

❝ Listen, dear boy. I think there's a monster outside. ❞
It felt as if he was burning up. LIke having a very bad fever. That was the best way he could describe it. He actually noticed that he was drenched in sweat the moment that he stopped walking for a bit. He was shaking, as if he was cold, but his clothes were already kind of wet. He groaned, absolutely hating himself for even walking around like this. But his mind wasn't in a decent place right now as it just simply didn't seem... Like his own? It was telling him to go to the woods. Try and get that wolf again that he wanted to get for his father a couple of weeks ago. He was sure to catch it this time, he was certain. There was no way it would get away from him. He could catch it, kill it with his bare hands and show its head to Rán. Maybe then he could even rip her head-

No... What kind of thoughts were those? He shook his head for a moment, being a bit startled that those kind of thoughts even started to manifest in his mind. He wasn't a violent person at all and never wished death upon anyone. He had never though of someone's demise as the solution to something then... Why did he think about it now? Perhaps it was because this was all new. If she was gone he would be the most powerful in the family and then they couldn't laugh at him anymore. If she was gone he could do anything he wanted. He just had to-

A sound got his attention and when he saw how a woman was almost run over by a cart, he opened his mouth. He ran forward, limping a bit as he did so. "HEY WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING YOU BLIND ASSHOLE!" he shouted at the of his lungs, his fragile voice slightly breaking under it. He gasped for air, stopped in his tracks and looked around in confusion as he wondered what he was doing. This... Why did he do that? He blinked slowly, looking around at the people that looked from the woman towards him and back... before continuing on with their day. Ve gasped for air as he turned his gaze towards the lady. She seemed to have a hard time with getting back up. Maybe he should just let her be, let her fall over and over again. Why should he care? It was her problem.

He shook his head again. These weren't his thought, clearly. He would never think like that if a lady was in need... Right? He... He wouldn't. He took a deep breath, shook his head again and walked towards her. "A- Are you okay?" His voice broke. "Get up already!" Oh shit. He shook his head. "Uh... I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, please let me help," He reached out his hand as his head started to spin more and more. Breathing was difficult. Why was it so difficult? He had taken his medication, didn't he? He shook his head again, but remained stubborn and kept his hand out so she could use it to stand up.
Mon Sep 12, 2022 12:38 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Liliana Tulwenn
Liliana Tulwenn
Moonfall DUA8u7q
Moonfall XaXeJYe

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Mage
Occupation: Medicinal Healer, Alchemist

She glanced up at the young man as she sat upright, almost in surprise that someone had bothered to make their way over. Liliana figured most people tended to keep to their own business in these parts, as long as nothing serious was going on. "I'm fine, thank you... just a-" She was interrupted by the man's sudden outburst, for which he apologized soon enough. Doing her best to endure this moment with some semblance of dignity, she tried to maintain a rather neutral expression, at first. While still trying to process things, she grasped hold of his hand in an effort to rise to her feet, once again, yet brushing the dirt and snow off of her clothes while offering a polite, apologetic smile, and now inspecting the helpful stranger. "I'm allright, thank you.", she repeated. "Was just caught off guard, is all. You'd think with such a bright evening people could see where they're going...", she said in an effort to make the usual small talk, before one generally politely parted ways in such a meeting. Yet, something felt off. As a physician, she'd noticed rather keenly that the man was sweating profusely, breathing strangely, and even shaking lightly. "Are... are -you- allright?", she asked, taking a small, wary step back as she was uncertain if the man was ill or not. She was also rather involuntarily -staring- at the large scar across his face, as it had caught her completely by surprise.

There had been the occasional bit of interesting lore about lycanthropes that she had read, especially in her capacity as a healer. In the depths of her mind, she knew the symptoms and had heard of some relevant medicines, mostly to suppress the condition. But she'd never encountered one before, let alone knew what to look for by instinct alone from one that looked very much human. Besides, it was late, and her mind was all over the place...

Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:09 pm
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