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Cross my heart
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Cross my heart Naamloos
Cross my heart 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
The experience of that night had lingered in his mind, making him paranoid to even catch any sleep at all. It made him so very tired, even more then usual. Which was quite peculiar, since he didn't think he could even feel more shitty then he already did. He downed another veil of medication, before lifting his gaze towards the mirror. The ugly scared that was made across his face made him feel o so... Horrible. He observed it and before he knew it, his fingers were touching the edge of the wound. It still hurt, a lot, which wasn't rare since it was a sensitive area. He looked over his mark, before letting his gaze rest on the milky white eye. He was completely blind in that one. And it really, really sucked. His depth perception seemed to have shifted a lot, if he even had any anymore. On top of that were his senses just all over the place since losing part of his vision. It was annoying and such an indication of his disgrace. He had to find a moon elf that could fix it.

After some more minutes, he took a step back and slowly started to gather some clothing. Light clothes were the best in Ishgard, as the city was quite hot this time of year, especially compared to Norwyn. As he adjusted his belt, he decided that he would take his dagger with him. He let his hands over the weapon, spinning it between his fingers before holding it in a defensive holding position. As he turned around and looked at himself in the mirror he could feel his last positive feelings about the matter melt away. With his fragile frame, a weapon like this wouldn't do much. But did he even have a choice at this point? The dagger was the only weapon that didn't strain his body when using. So... Yea... That was that.

He left his room and bolted for the exit of the house as quickly as possible. He ran out the door and started to run a bit, before having to slow down as his breathing was getting more difficult. He could feel as if the air was getting a bit thicker. He slowed himself to a halt and leaned against a wall, using his arm to keep himself stable as he gasped for air. Stamina who?
Sat Aug 27, 2022 10:28 am
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