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Ravaryn Citizen
Octavian Aetos
Octavian Aetos
stoofpeertjes 7bca3d04846a60644f338d9b8ca1885a
stoofpeertjes D7b34d3c0582e2c9d5bf4667529afe5863b41853

Character sheet
Age: 32 y/o
Race: Druid
Occupation: captain of the royal guards

face your demons

He had spend the morning of that day at the stables. If he wasn't at home or spending his time.. well.. being a druid as a dog that was one of the places he prefered to spend his day. The other was the kitchens, obviously. Now, the chef didn't really like him because he kept stealing the leftover food but Octavian didn't care. He was a big man and he needed to eat. Food was fuel, right?

Eventually he had to leave the stables to actually get to work and found a very, very comfortable spot against the wall. He could pay attention to what happened in front of him while leaning against something too. When one of the knights walked past Octavian couldn't help but look at him from where he was standing. He'd seen many men like him come and go and he was curious to see how long he would stay devoted the goal he had set for himself. Most men found that it wasn't as spectaculair as they first thought and left. Octavian didn't. He'd been here for twelve years and would most likely be around for many more.

eat their hands
Thu Aug 25, 2022 8:34 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Zain Altahar
Zain Altahar
stoofpeertjes KncEaiD
stoofpeertjes 8tYv4vD

Character sheet
Age: 25 Y.O.
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal Princess Guard
Umbra Mortis
— “Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant…”

He had a break, or well.. was a personal guard supposed to have breaks or were they supposed to stay close to the one they had to protect? He barely cared, the princess was a spoiled little bitch and he was quite ready to be done with her by now. But hey, being there, with someone of her name, it was a good way to get higher up. A good way to become more important in the eyes of the king.

Didn't mean he had to like it, but it was a better life than digging through dirt.

Walkiing into the courtyard, his giant black horse walking after him, barely having to lead the stallion he noted the captain and pulled up a brow inside his helmet. Moving towards the man with a small nod. "Reporting for duty sir." He spoke behind his mask, a grin still on his lips.
Thu Aug 25, 2022 9:12 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Octavian Aetos
Octavian Aetos
stoofpeertjes 7bca3d04846a60644f338d9b8ca1885a
stoofpeertjes D7b34d3c0582e2c9d5bf4667529afe5863b41853

Character sheet
Age: 32 y/o
Race: Druid
Occupation: captain of the royal guards

face your demons

”Reporting for duty sir.” Octavian grunted something inexplicable in his way. He didn’t like it one second that the princess was left with this man, but somehow he had pulled the right strings with the king to end up as one of her personal guards. ”I’m hoping you didn’t leave the princess unprotected.” The princess was never unprotected, there were always people watching and keeping an eye on her. Leaving her with a life without privacy outside of her own room. It didn’t seem like a fun and good life in his eyes, but maybe it was different for her. He made a mental note that he should ask her.

eat their hands
Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:02 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Zain Altahar
Zain Altahar
stoofpeertjes KncEaiD
stoofpeertjes 8tYv4vD

Character sheet
Age: 25 Y.O.
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal Princess Guard
Umbra Mortis
— “Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant…”

Oh cold hearted Octavian, always on duty or so it seemed. Zain got the impression that the mand did not like him very much. And given his experience with people, those impressions were often quite on point.

”I would not dare to sir.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm as he leaned back on his heels. Watching Octavian Aetos with a cold stare. Soon enough he would have that mans position. He had everything Aetos had and then some, it was just a matter of time to be able to show the world just who he was exactly. Umbra Mortis, bringer of death, protector of the realm. It sounded just quite nice in his ears. Babysitting the princess was just a step on that ladder. A step he was more than willing to take. And then, he would step on big boy Octavian and he would step further. This was his destiny, his duty. His life now.
Mon Sep 12, 2022 11:07 pm
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