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the inevitable cut
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Nerys Trygg
Nerys Trygg
the inevitable cut Naamlo10
the inevitable cut 70fff910

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: being a pain in the ass

Immortal hair streaked with daggers
iron filling her lungs

Nerys hated lycantropes. She always had and she was certain that there wouldn't be a time where she would like one. No matter who they were before. They were cursed creatures that took over the mind of their host their body. At least, that was what she had learned from the books and the stories that went around in the pubs back at home in Norwyn. Old men that shared their stories for a pint or a warm meal to fill their hungry bellies. Something she gave them, eager to learn more about their experiences with the lycantropes during the day and when the moon was at it's fullest.

She knew what happened when Ve came home with his wounds. She knew the second she had laid her eyes on him that he had left as a man and returned as a beast, a monster. A servant of the moon, a prisoner of the night. He was here in Ishgard with them, in the same house, sleeping under the same roof. The bags under her eyes got worse with every minute that passed as she layed facing her bedroom door. After hours of laying still in her bed and controlling her breathing she couldn't take it anymore. Nerys slipped out from under the sheets and wrapped her coat around herself, reaching for her dagger that was under her pillow.

She wondered if he could smell her in the halls as she walked to his room, smell the fur coat she was wearing and where the fur came from. There were so many thoughts racing through her head as she wrapped her fingers around the hilt of the dagger. It was cold to the touch but the weight felt familiar in her hand. The old floor creaked under her weight and it was cold to her bare feet.

Ve's room wasn't far from hers. That also meant that there was little to no time to consider if she was doing the right thing because before she knew it she had pushed his door open and tiptoed to his bed. There she stood in her nightgown with her fur coat wrapped around her body to keep the cold out, to protect herself from what might come. She took a shaky breath and made a silent prayer to Ranaan as she raised her weapon in the air. The moonlight that shone through the curtains glistened on the blade and Nerys pressed her lips together.

With her dagger in moving down at a high speed to where Ve's heart was she could only hope that she would free him from the monster inside him.

@ Ve Trygg

each breath just as invitingly toxic
as the next
Thu Aug 25, 2022 1:02 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
the inevitable cut Naamloos
the inevitable cut 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
For formal matters were they here.

He had rolled his eyes at the fact that his two sisters just suddenly showed up in Ishgard. He wasn't amused, but wasn't angry either. He probably couldn't get angry at those two. Cause like, just... Look at them? They were menaces, one and the same in there own right. Ve never understood them. They acted barbaric a lot of the time and generally weren't fond of anything he did. He knew for sure that Rán hated his guts more then anything else in this world. For Nerys it was different story. His younger sister was always very reserved and he knew little about her. Where as he knew what to expect of his elder sister, the younger was just filled with mystery.

He tried to avoid the estate as much as possible, but he couldn't be out of the house forever. So, eventually, he returned home. A maid approached him, offering him a meal, but Ve kindly declined the offer. Even though healers had told him that skipping meals wasn't something he should do, he still did it anyway. He wasn't a big eater, wasn't a fan of most dishes and just prefered a simple piece of bread over anything else. As he silently went up the stairs, he noticed that most of the people in the house were either out or already in their room. Ve decided that he would also call it a day and went straight to his room.

Even though it was quite peacful in the house, he still felt relieved as he closed the door behind him. For a short moment he leaned back, letting a loud sigh of his lips as he slowly went through his knees. He descended to the floor faster then expected and after letting out some silent curse words, he lifted his gaze. As his one good eye looked around the room he wondered what he was even doing here. What he was even doing at all anymore. Going to Ishgard was a way of escaping all of this. But here he was again, trapped in a house with them. He shook his head a little. In a way he knew that there was no escaping whatsoever. No breaks allowed, nothing at all. But damn he would lie to himself if he didn't notice how damn tired he was getting of it. Being overshadowed truly was the worst feeling of all.

It took him some time to get back up and change into a more comfortable atire to sleep. Ursa, his loyal dog, looked up for a moment. His movements had waken her from her sleep. As soon as she noticed who it was, she got up and nuzzled his hand for a bit. A soft smile appeared on his face as his fingers went over her head for a quick pet. With a deep sigh he sat down on his bed, before eventually laying down. The big white companion pressed her nose against his leg, before jumping on the bed and taking her place next to him. Having a dog next to you really helped during the colder times. Not only that, but it made Ve feel more secured then when he was sleeping alone.

And maybe it was a good thing that Ursa was always sleeping next to him. The animal had already noticed the young lady entering the room as she slowly lifted her head to take a better look at the person approaching the bed. It had only been a couple minutes, so the subtle movements of the dog woke Ve up immediately. He blinked for a moment, feeling drowzy and generally disoriented as he always did when waking up. That was until a shimmer was noticed in the corner of his one good eye. For a moment he felt nothing, before panic had striken him. He gasped for air as he lifted his hands quickly in a way to protect himself. The dagger swiftly finding a way through the palm of his hand.

Ve gasped again as he started to scream, which set off Ursa in turn. The big white dog leapt forward in an attempt to try and bite the arm of the young lady. As Ve pulled back his hand, which was now being impaled by a dagger, he felt as how a warm substance found his way towards his arm. He was bleeding. He was bleeding a lot. As adrenaline rushed through his veins he jumped up from his bed, awkwardly trying to shuffle away towards the door. "RAAAAAN!!!" was all he cried out for as he ran out of the door. He had to hide, quickly. Help. Oh dear Ranaan. Oh Dear. Fuck.
Thu Aug 25, 2022 11:04 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Nerys Trygg
Nerys Trygg
the inevitable cut Naamlo10
the inevitable cut 70fff910

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: being a pain in the ass

Immortal hair streaked with daggers
iron filling her lungs

Of course the bitch had to bring another dog to protect him. It surprised her every time how weak her brother was. Ursa woke up when Nerys opened the door and jumped on her when she tried to... lightly poke her brother. With her dagger. In his heart. Did lycans even have a heart? Should she have aimed for his brains instead? The thought almost made her laugh out loud. Ve? Brains? Right. She didn't get him in the heart, he woke up way too soon because of Ursa and jumped out of the way. The iron smell of blood filled her nose and she could only hope she had at least managed to hit an aterterie.

She probably didn't. Ve ran out of his bedroom and the adrenaline rushing through her veins dulled the pain in her arm, which was sort of confusing because Ve didn't have a knife on him and she didn't stab herself. She wasn't as dumb as her brother. Nerys slowly lifted her arm and puncture wounds were wrapped around her wrist. She cursed under her breath. Ursa had bitten her, hard. Blood was dripping down to her elbow and to her nightgown. Nerys made her way back to her bedroom wishing she had turned the dog into a fur coat first.

The next morning Nerys took a seat at the table for breakfast. Her hair was still slightly damp and she had a cloth wrapped around her arm to hide the wounds underneath her long sleeves. "What was all the screaming about last night Ve? Honestly wet yourself and your bed in silence the next time." Her pale eyes studied her brother as she spoke to him, wondering if he knew it was her last night.

each breath just as invitingly toxic
as the next
Thu Aug 25, 2022 9:23 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
the inevitable cut Naamloos
the inevitable cut 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
He found his way to another room and quickly closed the door behind him.

Shaky breath and a quickened heartbeat, his entire body was shaking. What in the name of Ranaan was that about? And more importantly, who even was that? He took a deep breath as he slowly pulled his wounded hand towards his chest, using the cloth of his shirt to try and stop the bleeding. The knife had made a clear cut through it and he knew that whoever was doing it, was aiming for the chest. He was sort of happy to have remembered the tips his teacher had given him in self defense. You rather want a lethal strike to be directed at something else, let it be your hand or lower arm. If his upper chest had received the wound, then he wouldn't have gotten away. The same could be said about his legs or face. The arms and the hands were the safer bet, as he wasn't very skilled when it came to combat. Yea, he knew the basics, but he was scrawny and just not built for that stuff.

He leaned back slowly, hearing the wood creak a bit under his shifting weight. He gasped, held his breath and tried to listen for footsteps. However, it seemed that the entire house was eerily quiet. As he blinked a few times he slowly turned around. Lucky for him he found a key on the lock of this door. Without hesitation he locked the thing, before taking the key out and taking a few steps back. As his back met the wall behind him, he slowly went through his knees. He leaned a bit back, looked around and saw some cloth lying around. He grabbed it and made a make shift bandage for himself. It wasn't the prettiest of things, but it would do. As long as the bleeding would stop, he would be fine.

His gaze went back to the door as he started to hear footsteps and some voices. For a moment Ve froze in place as he shifted his weight forward, ready to jump up and run again. He expected his attacker to bust through the door at any time now. Paranoia overwhelmed him as his breath hastened again, rational thinking being somewhat out of the picture. Not realizing these were just the maids that were waken up by his screams from earlier.

A knock on the door made him almost jump up. As he held his bad hand against his chest, he held the other out, with the key. As if the object was supposed to be some sort of... Weapon? A soft voice asked for him, mentioned they saw the blood on the floor leading directly to this room. He blinked a few times as the soft voice continued to ask questions. For a moment Ve felt like he was gonna throw up. Realizing that the maids went to his room and didn't even see anything. No windows open or such, as they would have most likely mentioned it, or even any traces of struggles. It hit him faster then he thought, realizing that someone in this house tried to kill him. They didn't have any problem getting in. They knew their way. It could even be the maid at the door right now...

"No!" He shouted to her as his face went over in a determined expression. He felt some sort of weird feeling overwhelm him. Was it hate? Anger? Or something else? Maybe it was just survival instinct. "I'll come out in the morning, leave me be!" He yelled at her. For a moment the maid fell silent, before continuing her chatter. "Leave me be!" he let out more stern then before. His voice being raspy as usual and skipping a tone. The maid fell silent again, after which she quickly left.

He gasped for air for a moment as he felt his tense muscles relax again. He took a step back again and simply fell down to his knees. As he curled himself up he tried to close his eyes and catch some sort of sleep. Wasn't very comfortable, to say the least. A wooden floor wasn't really made for that kind of stuff.


He couldn't sleep after the incident, at all. He would doze off now and then, but every single sound would wake him. When he noticed that the sun was finally up, he jumped up and opened the door to the room. He looked around, before finding his dog, Ursa, in front of him. She had followed him and had laid in wait for him at the entrance of the room. For a moment he gasped, as he realized the maid couldn't be the culprit, for Ursa would have surely attacked her if she tried to enter the room... Right? He kneeled and petted his dog for a moment, before going towards the washing room to freshen up.

After freshening up a bit and washing most of the blood off of himself, he started treating his hand more properly. He had a lot of experience with wounds. He had enough knowledge to even match that of a healer. But he didn't have all the skills whatsoever. Luckily for him, using bandages was one skill he had used a lot back in the day. It didn't take long before his hand was properly wrapped up. As he took care of his outfit, he decided that he would wear something light. He found something simple, put it on and went downstairs.

Ursa went towards the kitchen as Ve sluggishly walked past the table where his sister was enjoying her lovely morning. Not even making eye contact or wishing her a good morning, cause why the hell would he, he continued on his path towards the kitchen. That was until she mentioned what happened last night. He froze for a moment, tilted his head and looked at her. "What?" was all he said, more quietly then he had initially expected from himself. He sighed as he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "None of your business," he said simply to her before continuing towards the kitchen. She wasn't much better then Rán anyway. So what was the point in even trying to explain the situation to her?
Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:02 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Nerys Trygg
Nerys Trygg
the inevitable cut Naamlo10
the inevitable cut 70fff910

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: being a pain in the ass

Immortal hair streaked with daggers
iron filling her lungs

There was an apple in her left hand and a sharp knife in her right. She was busy slicing of small pieces off the apple and then, obviously, shoving them into her mouth. There were small, barely noticable bags under her pale eyes and a yawn left her lips when her brother entered the room. Nerys stared at him until she couldn’t keep her mouth shut, so she opened it.

"None of your buisness," Ve replied and Nerys felt her blood boil in her veins again. What did she do to deserve this? To have not one but two monsters in her family. She slammed her dagger down into the wooden table, deeper than she intended to and she struggled a bit to pull it out again. "You made it my buisness when you screamed for Rán like the little girl you are." Nerys had meanwhile slowly gotten up from her seat and glared at the back of his head.

each breath just as invitingly toxic
as the next
Mon Sep 12, 2022 7:55 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
the inevitable cut Naamloos
the inevitable cut 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
The sudden noise of a knife hitting the table made him flinch. He rapidly blinked and looked behind him as Nerys had just planted her weapon in the table, which she was using to cut her apple. His muscles tensed up, but he let out a sigh and restored himself. It was fine, she wasn't gonna hurt him, right? He moved his shoulders a bit as he turned back towards the kitchen, moving in closer. Whatever was he gonna eat now. Blegh, breakfast.

There were some fruits and some bread. Some meats aswell... And some fish that the maids had prepared. He tilted his head and simply grabbed some bread. He reached out his damaged hand and tried to tear off a piece of the item... But he wasn't able to... Seemed like getting stabbed in the hand wasn't very good for general grabbing and tearing power. Dammit. The voice of his sister didn't really phase him as he continued to try and get a piece of the bread. "I d-did not!" he said as he sighed, putting the bread between his legs so he could use both hands now in his endless struggle to try and get a piece off. Come the fuck on how hard could it be???

"Also- If you wanted to sleep you should have stayed in Norwyn," She could have gotten plenty of sleep there if she wanted to rest that badly. You didn't travel to the capitol of the city to just sleep. In a way he knew he was wrong since well... He did shout like a pussy for Rán, but she didn't need to know that, neither did he have to confess to her.
Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:16 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Nerys Trygg
Nerys Trygg
the inevitable cut Naamlo10
the inevitable cut 70fff910

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: being a pain in the ass

Immortal hair streaked with daggers
iron filling her lungs

Nerys stak hem neer. Steek steek steek.

each breath just as invitingly toxic
as the next

Immortal hair streaked with daggers
iron filling her lungs

A part of her hated herself for how she treated her brother. Her heart (did she have a heart?) ached when she looked at him and her anger got worse at herself and at Ve. There was a time when they were as close as a brother and sister in this family could get, but that felt like such a long time ago. She sighed softly and shoved the last piece of her apple into her mouth before following him into the kitchen to watch him struggle with the bread. ”Let me help you, Ve.” The youngest Trygg said, her voice sickly sweet as if she was talking to a baby. Though her brother was the closest thing to a baby there was as an adult. The dagger, that she had successfully pulled out of the wood, was behind her back and a smile showed on her face. Somehow it felt like an unnatural movement, smiling at Ve. She felt like a predator that was going in for the kill. She was. Within the blink of an eye she threw the dagger at his already injured hand that was holding the bread. Hopefully not only piercing his hand but also slicing the bread since he lacked the muscles to tear off a piece of bread.

each breath just as invitingly toxic
as the next
Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:21 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
the inevitable cut Naamloos
the inevitable cut 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
How hard could it be to get just tiny piece of this stupid bread? It was a huge struggle, that much was for sure. He could have used a knife or something but after what happened last night he would prefer to steer clear of any knives. His bandaged up hand was already shaky enough and he didn't need to cut his other hand as well. Whoever jumped on him last night made some pretty decent damage to his hand. He was sure that the thing wasn't gonna be useful for a couple of days. And it seemed his sister thought so too.

Her words cut through the air as quickly as her weapon did. She sounded sweet and he knew something was up the moment she even held up that tone. But before he could even say or do anything-

A clean straight forward throw had pierced through cloth and flesh, opening up the wound once more. The sharp edges of the weapon delving deeper and beyond his hand, into the bread, where it remained for a couple of seconds. Ve's eyes widened as he let out a pain filled scream, his body shaking as he felt the warmth on his hand growing by the second. Shit- "What the fuck Nerys???" Was all he screamed out as he lost balance. His shaky legs were no longer able to keep him up and he fell to the floor.

He couldn't properly move his hand, but atleast he felt a bit stable now that he was on the ground. His breathing hastened as his shaky, free hand went for the knife, swiftly pulling it out. He let out a painfilled whimper as he lowered his head, throwing the knife beside him as he leaned forward. The bleeding was heavy, so he tried to desperately apply pressure with his good hand... That... Didn't work that well. "Yo- you're a bitch! I'm te- telling!" his voice was shaky as he had started to cry. Crybaby Ve, such a baby.
Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:01 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
the inevitable cut Unknown
the inevitable cut F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Rán had been out almost all night with Brann. As soon as she had found Ve, she had dropped him home, under straight command that he was guarded at all moments now. Then when night had fallen, her and Brann had hit the streets and they had found a place with something that almost tasted like honey mead. The two of them when they were alone could be those teenagers they had been all those years ago. And here, at night, they had been anonymous. It was the most fun she had had in weeks.

She had slept very peaceful then, surprisingly. The drink had numbed her mind and made her forget about Ve, all the Rizals in the world, and the king and princess. That were problems for the coming days. She imagined that peaceful days were official over now. She prayed to go home to Norwyn soon, where things made more sense. Where she could roam familiar halls, see familiar faces, and where she could curl up in furs instead of linnen.

The peace was broken earlier then she could imagine. She had barely opened her eyes, and she heard screaming downstairs. She rubbed her eyes and looked out of the window, seeing that there was more light coming in than she expected. She was late, and she groaned in discontent as she heard swearing. Her head hurt, she noticed as she pressed her fingers against her temples, and massaged them in small circles. She could not leave those fucking siblings of her alone for a minute. She sat up in her bed and threw the blankets and quickly wrapped a robe around her, before moving down to the dinner room.

Rán could not believe her eyes. She saw Ve writhing on the floor, clutching his hand, while blood was everywhere. Next to him lay a bloody knife. She recognized the knife. It was Nerys'. She looked up towards her little sister with wide eyes. ‘‘What the fuck is happening here?’’ They were beast. They were not humans. They started to tear each other apart in seconds. Why? Her eyes went from Ve, to Nerys, and than without hesitating much longer, she pushed her way across the room towards her little sister.

Rán had always been stronger than her two siblings. She didn't slack in her training. She had wanted to be a shield maiden, instead of hanging around in their house, wasting her time with pets and books. So it was too easy to overpower Nerys. She grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back, forcing her leg between hers and then shoving her against the wall. ‘‘Have you lost your damn mind?!’’ she screamed in her ear, as she pulled her arm up a bit more. She looked over her shoulder to Ve, still bleeding and crying. What did she do to deserve this? Powerless her eyes darted around the room, not knowing what to do further. All she wanted to do was scream and kick them both. They should never have went to Ishgard.
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Tue Oct 25, 2022 9:38 pm
IC Posts
Governor of Sleetspire
Erek Trygg
Erek Trygg
the inevitable cut Banner12
the inevitable cut Gif_sq10

Character sheet
Age: 51
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governor of Sleetspire

Erek had woken up early so he could check on his dogs before breakfast. They had servants that could do it, but he liked to feed them himself and spend some time with them. Especially these days it was nice to be able to get away from the family drama for a bit to clear his head. When he went back towards the dining hall it became clear that the peace had already been broken once more.

Screaming echoed to the hall. Erek picked up his pace and hurried into the dining room. The sight that greeted him there was impossible to believe, even now he was looking at it. Nerys was held back by Rán who’d twisted her sister’s arm behind her back. But none of that mattered when he saw Ve. The boy lay on the ground, crying, holding his hand to him, blood spread out in a small pool around him.

Erek sprinted to the boy, took his hand and wrapped it with a napkin he grabbed from the table on his way to Ve. Once bandaged, he pressed the hand between his to stop the bleeding. Trying to comfort the boy, he pulled him closer while he looked at Nerys who was still being held by Rán, anger clear in his eyes. “What happened here?”
Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:47 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Nerys Trygg
Nerys Trygg
the inevitable cut Naamlo10
the inevitable cut 70fff910

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: being a pain in the ass

don’t slay my dragons for me

don’t be the prince that tries to rescue me from the castle 

because the dragon is my friend and the prince is just a murderer. I want to take my sword and separate his head from his neck and throw it at the king his feet. Bloody and bruised.
Oh she loved the sight of Ve bleeding. Even more so because it was her dagger that had caused it. Her dagger and her perfect aim with the freshly sharpened blade. ”You’re being such a big, big baby Ve.” The youngest pouted when her older brother fell to the ground. You’re a bitch I’m te-telling Nerys mimicked him with a pout still on his face. While she did that she stepped closer to him and tried to stomp on his other hand, or the one that had her dagger still in it, it didn’t really matter. If he felt the need to cry about how they treated him then she would give him a reason to cry.

It didn’t last long though, her fun. Before she knew it their sister stormed into the room and had her pushed against the wall within seconds. ”Let me go!” Nerys screeched, struggling against her sister her grip. Her sister was stronger than she was and that combined with the fact that she was very much pressed against the wall made it quite hard to do anything. ”You should be dead!” The youngest of the three screamed while she attempted to turn her head to look at her brother. Monsters did nog belong in their family. Nerys kept squirming against her sister her grip, but she knew that it would just be a waste of energy. Rán had trained all her life to be a shield maiden whilst Nerys had spend that time outside in the forest with her birds.

The whole thing seemed to turn into a Trygg family meeting, because soon their uncle had entered the kitchen as well. ”Oh perfect you’re here too!“ The problem with Nerys her anger was that it was directed towards everyone else but herself, while she was feeling this way because of her own thoughts. ”We don’t even need you so why are you here?” She almost resembled a rabid beast more than a young girl. ”Our father is dead and we don’t need a new one.” Nerys tried her best to look at her uncle, she really did, but with Rán still pushing her against the wall she only had so much space to turn her head towards the older man.

Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:49 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
the inevitable cut Naamloos
the inevitable cut 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ Silly me! For a moment I thought I was good enough! ❞
The bleeding, it didn't stop. Not when he put his good hand over the wounded one. Tears streaming down his face as his shaky body tried to help himself, but failed miserably. It just kept coming and coming... And there was nothing to be done about it. His attention was fully set on what she had caused, so he had never noticed that she stepped forward. Ve let out an almost silent sob as his hands separated, both covered in crimson red. His breathing heightened as he looked at how his arms and the floor beneath him started to colour more and more into the warm shade that was pouring from him. He let out a whimper once more as he stabilized his position with his good hand. The wounded one desperately shaking and doing it's best to keep up with the other. But Nerys found him and stomped right on it. The weight she put on the wounded limb caused the young man to open up his mouth and let out a painfilled yelp. He gasped for air as he toppled over, his eyes wide open as he put his other hand on her shin, pushing as hard as he could to get her off. His blurry gaze getting more unstable by the second.

He gasped for air and let out painfilled sounds with every motion he made. Trying desperately to get her to move, to get her off from him. His two coloured eyes shot up at her for a moment. Tears filled his gaze, blocking out a clear vision for him. But there was a certain anger to be found beside the pain that had found its way in his gaze. But it would seem that lady luck had set her eyes on him as the weight was removed from his hand. As soon as it was, he pulled it towards himself, rolling on his side as he tried to stabilize his breathing. His shaky hands pushing against his chest. He closed his eyes, focusing himself on the pain that was pulsating from his hand, as to have something to focus on. He tried to count his breathes, tried to regain himself. But it was difficult, and hard, and before he knew it he could her voice. Rán had saved him... He carefully looked up to gaze at his big sister holding the other against the wall. And at that moment, he didn't know what hit him, but the sight of it seemed to calm him down. Was it his subconscious that did feel some safety about seeing her at his side... Helping him in her own... Way...? His breathing slowed down as he blinked. Perhaps it was no coincidence that he had screamed her name last night, when he was in danger. That realization... It-

Someone grabbed his hand and Ve turned his head. He saw his uncle who wrapped the wound in a napkin. The boy just stared at his hand as Erek did his work. After he was done he was pulled in closer, hearing the all too familiar words that Nerys shouted at him. He slowly let his shoulders down. His weeping had already come to a halt and he... He didn't really know what was happening. He felt a bit dizzy, but beside the pulsating pain that came from his hand, he felt... Strangely at peace. The blonde man just let it all happen to him as his little sister went on and on, choosing to go for their uncle now. She just went on and on in a sort of rage that he couldn't understand. She was the one who had acted out towards him, he had done nothing wrong. Or... Not recently. "It's okay," he said softly. "It's not fatal," his hands were still shaky. His upper body completely covered in blood. He looked like a mess, but that didn't differ much from how he felt on the inside. He slowly looked up at Rán from the position he was sitting from. Looking over the other with... He held his breath, before letting out a sigh. "L... Leave uncle Erek out of this," He tried to speak out as he let his gaze go to Nerys. He tried to sound strong, but his voice was still shaky. He didn't feel so good.
Sun Feb 05, 2023 11:30 am
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