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Arthur Jacobs
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Ashmoor Citizen
Arthur Jacobs
Arthur Jacobs
Arthur Jacobs 4dcbb3878d56c7acf52c19dc31b76163
Arthur Jacobs Medium_bc4f3e85699008fbe43eb2b32ced1c1a-MV5BMjE0MzNmMGEtMDAwZS00YWI0LWFlZTctM2FkZDMwMDk2ZTc3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDY1NDQ3OTU_._V1_

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Family business help

Arthur George Jacobs
I've never been one to half-ass shenanigans
Gender male
Age 20
Species human
Magic none
Religion faith of renestrae
Occupation Family business help
P.O.B alderrath
Residence alderrath upper ring
Height 187 cm
Build toned
Hair color dirty blonde
Hair texture wavy
Eye Color green
Skin Tone fair


Arthur is a perfect mix of both his parents. His mother passed on her blonde hair and freckles, while his curls and easy-going smile are all his father's. His height also comes from both sides of the family, and although he has managed to build on a bit of muscle, he will always stay slightly lanky because of it, something that makes him quick on his feet.
Constellation The serpent
Alignment Chaotic good

Friendly and easy-going, Arthur can almost be described as a human golden retriever. He is loud and boisterous and quite the jokester, always making sure that the people around him are feeling positive and having a good time. He can be serious when he really needs to, but sometimes fails to recognise serious situations.

Arthur is ambitious, but his ideas often seem more like boyish dreams rather than actual goals and he sometimes fails to see the work he needs to put in in order to make those dreams reality, expecting everything to come to him naturally. This is because most things usually do come naturally to him; he easily makes friends and is quite athletic as well.
Family Tree


father Frederick Jacobs
mother Olivia Jacobs


SisterDonna Jacobs


Aunts & Unclesx
Born as the eldest son to an upperclass couple, Arthur's childhood was easygoing. His father used to be a big shot in the Ashmoorian army, but had to retire when he lost his arm in a freak accident. Luckily Ashmoor's prostheses are advanced, but the recovery time made him realise that he wanted to spend his time on the things he enjoyed. In his case, this meant that he started professionalizing his hobby of horses and racing and eventually built a breeding and racing empire. On the outskirts of the upper ring, the Jacobs family built an estate big enough for stables, fields and a racing track. For members of the upper class, this was a place to socialise, be seen and either lose or gain lots and lots of money. For Arthur, it was his childhood home; one that was never boring, even as an only child. His parents tried for more children for years, but it didn't come easily. Luckily for both Arthur and his parents, after fifteen years a sister was born;  a little girl with dark curls and big green eyes that Arthur would do anything for.

His parents always wanted him to take over the business once they would retire, and so they made sure that he spent more time on his education than in the stables. Now that he's finished his education, he wants to join the army for a few years before heading back to the estate.
Mon Aug 15, 2022 10:34 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Arthur Jacobs XuTWurPc_o
Arthur Jacobs MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Tue Oct 18, 2022 11:46 am
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