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Ashmoor Citizen
Hazel Woods
Hazel Woods
How we met 53zL75vk_o
How we met TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Waitress

Hazel bit her lip as she looked at the clock that was hanging in the corner of the building. It would only be a few hours before her shift was over. Her feet felt like they could fall off at any moment and the muscles in her shoulders ached. She knew she wouldn’t get much salary out of this on the long run, but the money she had stolen from her father would eventually run out and she would need the job to make money to be able to afford a life in the Lower Ring. It was better than abandon Ashmoor and to get probably killed on her way to one of the kingdoms, because to be fair she owned a dagger, but she couldn’t really fight with it. She hadn’t need it in the Upper Ring, so she hadn’t practiced herself. She could transform into a fox as she was a druid, but that would be not of much help because she couldn’t really control it. So leaving Ashmoor and traveling to one of the kingdoms far away would be out of the question.

The one thing she really hated about working the evening shift was that a lot of people got drunk around this time. They would start to either insult her or get handsy. Her boss wouldn’t say anything because he needed the customers to run his inn, so he told her to just bear with it. And Hazel was too shy to say anything about it, although she would quickly step aside if she felt hands that touched her where she didn’t want to be touched. It made her nervous and it made her feel sick, but she wondered if getting a job somewhere else would be better. She could become a farmer in the Agrarian Ring, but would that be so much better?

A new customer arrived and Hazel drew in a deep breath as she walked to the table where the customer decided to sit down. It was another man and judging by his clothes, he was definitely from the Lower Ring. He had ended up in the Lower Ring like her, coming from a family that once had everything? She pushed aside those thoughts as she approached him, putting on a smile, although she felt it wasn’t as bright as it was at the start of her shift anymore.

”Good evening, sir. How can I help you?”

+ Orpheus
Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:26 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Orpheus Florakis
Orpheus Florakis
How we met 53zL75vk_o
How we met TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Druid
Occupation: Flower boy
Orpheus loved visiting the other rings in the city.

He had a good reason to be there, and he got to talk to people all day long. If he was lucky, he even got to talk to them about his music. Usually they zoned out pretty quickly after he started talking about it, but just going around and talking to people all day put a smile on his face.

Now he was at the end of his day. His cart was mostly empty and his pockets were full, and he decided he deserved a little treat. Orpheus pushed open the doors to the bar and looked around, a smile appearing on his face when he noticed there were quite some people. Maybe he could make some new friends. Wouldn’t hurt him, his uncle would say. He sat down, waiting patiently to be served.

“Oh, hi,” he greeted back a little stunned, when the waitress asked him how she could help. Orpheus looked at her a moment before answering. “Eh, yes. I eh- was wondering if you had any tea?” He knew it might be a weird request on such an evening, but its what he wanted. he looked at the waitress in curiousity. “I’m Orpheus by the way,” he didn’t know why he felt the urge to introduce himself, but looking at her face, the words were out before he realized.
Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:27 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Hazel Woods
Hazel Woods
How we met 53zL75vk_o
How we met TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Waitress
Hazel relaxed when the man began to speak. His whole demeanor seemed to differ from the men that usually visited the bar around this hour. The fact that he ordered tea made her feel strangely comfortable around him. A man who ordered tea at this hour couldn’t have wrong intentions, right? It would be nice for once to have a man around her who wasn’t staring at her body all evening and making vulgar comments that she didn’t feel like repeating in a million years. ”Sure thing. You can check the menu to check what kind of flavor you would like to have, sir,” she spoke, turning her body a few degrees to grab the menu. She handed it out to him just when he told her his name and her eyebrows raised. Not in mockery, but in pure surprise. He hadn’t introduced himself to make a vulgar suggestion; she could tell from his demeanor that it was a proper, serious introduction.

Hazel didn’t know what to say or do for a couple of seconds, but she felt like she wasn’t against it to say her own name to him. The name she had chosen for herself when she arrived in the Lower Ring, that was. He might seem like a nice guy now, but she didn’t know what was behind that friendly expression. For all she knew he could have friends in the Upper Ring, to which he could rat her out as soon as he had the chance. She didn’t want to think like that of him, especially because he was being so kind to her, but it was something she had to take into consideration for her own safety.

”My name is Hazel,” she said. ”So Orpheus, eh? That sounds like quite the uncommon name. Are you from around here?” It wouldn’t surprise her if he was from one of the kingdoms that laid outside of Ashmoor, although his clothes seemed to suggest that he was probably from either the Lower Ring or somewhere close to it.
Sun Aug 14, 2022 4:54 pm
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